
Showing posts with the label Jon Stewart

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

“Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” Michael Lujan Bevacqua Marianas Variety 12/21/11 It is interesting to contrast the 2012 Republican primary with the 2008 Democratic primary. In 2008, Democrats were overcome with stressful joy at the prospect of having so many great candidates, two of whom (Clinton and Obama) would be historic and nation-changing figures if elected. Fast forward to the Republican’s 2012 and we see a huge array of candidates, but little consistent enthusiasm. In the last half of this year, Republicans have flirted with more “frontrunners” than Newt Gingrich has marriages. It will all be coming to a close soon, as the endless string of debates about who loves troops, tax cuts and Ronnie Reagan more will be eclipsed by the actual primary contests. Just as with the Democratic debates of 2008, little was yielded from them, as candidates are often more in agreement than disagreement, and did their best to score points by hitting each other with meaningless, witty one-liners. Be

Olbermann Interview

I like Keith Olbermann, because he is an angry nerd. Most nerds wilt and die, and swoon at the sight of almost anything, but Olbermann, is a nerd who is angry and not afraid to look a little bit foolish in order to seek some way of unleashing that anger and trying to mix it with some humor and intelligence. He just got suspended from MSNBC for making some campaign contributions to three Democratic candidates, without obtaining permission from his employer first.This has, for liberals and the left become a sort of mainstrem media "teachable moment." While Fox News  nurtures its commentators and anchors and hosts to be the media arm of the Republicans Party, MSNBC comes nowhere close to playing that role for liberals or for Democrats, and this is a clear example of that. The interview below was taken days before the suspension. The particular like the exchange where he talks about his dad's favorite not so well known baseball players from back in the day. **************

Dear Jon

Even though I wish I was at the Rallies for Sanity and Fear today in Washington D.C., that desire to be there is more for the fact that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are funny shows and I enjoy watching them, and so a rally based on them, will most likely be ridiculous and hysterical. My desire to go isn't much of a political desire, after all, even though The Daily Show is about politics, it is not really supposed to be about politics, but about making jokes. Jon Stewart has shown regularly over the years, that he is a comedian and he has no political loyalties. Even though it is obvious he is more liberal than conservative, more Democrative than Republican, the worst thing you can do is approach him as if he should be on one side of the issue or the other, because then the comedian in him will want to irk you by completely bashing the things you thought he should respect. I can understand Jon Stewart not wanting to be reduced to a liberal fire-thrower or water-carrier,

Rallies for Sanity and Fear

Sen magof hu na sumasaga' yu' pa'go giya Guahan. Estaba, annai sumasaga' gi lagu, fihu mampos mahalang para este na isla. Lao desde hu "move" hu tatte para Guahan, hassan nai na nina'mahalang yu' ni' i lina'la' gi lagu. Hunggan, guaha na biahi, mandiseha yu' na este giya Guahan, pat este giya Guahan, lao ti presisu este na siniente. Mas ki nahong i lina'la'-hu guini, guaha na biahi, mas ki bula'. Mismo machuchuda' i tasa-hu. Lao desde hiningok-hu put i dos na rallies ni' manmaplaneha ni' i fumati'tinas i Daily Show yan i Colbert Report, fihu mandiseseha yu' na gaige yu' gi lagu ta'lo. Ti para mo'na ya ti para apmam, lao para un simana ha' buente, kosaki sina hu saonao ayu na linahayan gi ayu na dinana'. For those interested, I've got the rally and march messages below. ************************ "RALLY TO RESTORE SANITY" Jon Stewart National Mall, Washington D.C

Palin Resigns

Ilek-ña Si David Letterman: “President Obama is in Russia, and we know this because Sarah Palin can see him from her house.” Ma anounsia gi i ma’pos na simÃ¥na, na para u tunok Si Palin ginnen i Ofisinan Gubetnon Alaska, achokka’ guaha noskuantos na sakkan tetehnan esta ki makpo’ iyo-ña term. Meggai mandiskukuti gi este na simÃ¥na “sa’ hafa?” Kao esta para u ma pongle gi kalabosu? Kao ha cho’cho’gue este para u riku? Kao esta ha na’lilisto maisa gui’ para u falÃ¥gu para i Ofisinan Presidente gi 2012? Kao ha cho’cho’gue este para i familia-ña? Hekkua’, lao siguru yu’ na ti para u mafñas Si Palin. Teneki esta i tiguang-ta siha, ma planeneha na para u paseha gi todu i states gi lagu, kosÃ¥ki siña matungo’ gui’ mas ya siña ha tungo’ mas put todu i rinkon Amerika. Gof na’chalek na taotao Si Palin, ya gof impottante i pachot-ña para diferentes na klasin taotao Amerika siha. Para i mangconservatives, ya-ñiha gui’ sa’ i kuentos-ña kalang le’yok pat fino’ tÃ¥tte (hekkua’ hafa otro na palabra gi


During the 2004 Presidential election I received the following email from a Chamorro in the states. As you can tell from its tone and content, she was most definitely a Republican, and most likely someone who ga'umegga' Fox News. Her basic argument is that Chamorros and other non-white groups are foolish to follow the Democrats instead of Republicans. Michael, you have the correct idea of involving the Chamorro people in politics to become a “voice of the island”. I, myself am working on getting the Chamorro people to register to vote and get involved. However, Michael, it is my believe that as a former resident of Los Angeles, you are influenced by the Liberals out there. The fact of the matter is that Chamorro people resemble the Republican Party more as they are devout Roman Catholics (i.e. pro-lifers, anti gay lifestyle, etc. etc.). If you would do your research you will find that the Democrats have been lying about the Republican Party for ages! The Democrats are the wealt

In Memory of Wing Commander Basil Morningwood

Kada na puenge, desde Monday asta Thursday, ya-hu umegga' The Daily Show. Annai manstrike i Inetnon Titige' gi i ma'pos na sakkan, ai adai, sumen triste yu', sa' todu i shows, manmata'pang (Todudu fuera di The Late Show with David Letterman sa' manmama'kontrata para i titige'-na siha ). Ya desde ayu na yinaoyao, dumidide' dumidide' manlamaolek i shows. Lao The Daily Show i mas ya-hu, sa' mampos na'chalek lao guaha impottante na ma i'ina put i estao pulitikat Amerikanu. Guaha nai hu e'egga' gui', ya chumalek yu' a'gang, pinilakes! Yanggen manochocho mientres hu e'egga' siempre mabohbo i na-hu. Antes di manstrike i titige', ma fa'nuebu i website The Daily Show, ya ma rikohi guihi todu i episodes ginen todu i sakkan ni' mambinalakuyi as Jon Stewart. Lao i dinimalas, na desde ma na'huyong este na website, ma laknos todu i videon Daily Show ginnen Youtube. Pues humalom yu' gi este n

Kalentura Oscar

The Oscars are tonight, and so here is a look at two Oscar speeches, both very inspiring, dealing with issues of race and injustice in America. Siempre meggai giya Amerika mampinacha ni' este dos, lao gi diferentes na manera. Gi i pinagat Poitier, ha na'hahasso hit na ti apmam desde mampos racist yan annok na racist este na nasion. Ya meggai manungon para u tulaika ayu. Sigun i fino' Poitier, debi di ta honora este na tinilaika yan i taotao ni' manonnek para u na'guaha siha. Gi i pinagat Brando, ha na'hahasso hit put i estao i mannatibu gi este na lugat. Ya gi 1973 manhinahatme siha ni' i sindalun i Gubetnon Amerikanu, sa' manproprotest i natibu put i direchon-niha ni' ti maresesepta. Ti makpo' este na kinalamten, sigi ha' mamproprotest. Lao parehu i hinasson pa'go yan hagas. Ti ma kare i taotao Amerika. Kulang mambachet yan mantangga siha. Sina ma silebra ya honora Si Poitier put i bida-na. But this recognition is possible, because it po

Ron Paul: Hope for Racist America

Several months ago, when the American presidential campaigns were just beginning I remember an incredible excitement about Ron Paul and his impossible bid for the Presidency. As a shallow sort of figure, as a mere symbol, I admit though he was fun to watch. First off, he was the only Republican who was anti-war, and this made the early debates alot more interesting than they should have been. I mean, so often I found myself feeling monumentally stupid to even be caring about these early debates since the actual election was more than a year away, and the ways in which these campaigns are reported nowadays, everything is recorded and analyzed, but then quickly forgotten. Its surreal how the immense amount of reporting on these campaigns can actually reduce not just how much we care about them, but how much we can readily remember. Its as if the sheer amount of reporting combined with the knowledge of how incredibly far away the election is can lead to a cynical deluge. The constant bre

Culture of Life

********************* Published on Monday, October 1, 2007 by Bolivia’s Evo Morales Wins Hearts and Minds in US by Deborah James and Medea Benjamin While Iranian President Ahmedinejad stole the headlines during the United Nations meeting last week in New York, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales - a humble coca farmer, former llama herder and union organizer - stole the hearts of the American people. At public events and media appearances, Bolivia’s first-ever indigenous president reached out to the American people to dialogue directly on issues of democracy, environmental sustainability, and social and economic justice. Morales appeared at a public event packed with representatives of New York’s Latino, labor, and other communities, speaking for 90 minutes - without notes - about how he came to power, and about his government’s efforts to de-colonize the nation, the poorest in South America. At first, he said, community organizations did not want to enter the cesspo