
Showing posts with the label Roy

September 11, 1671

Every September 11th since September 11, 2001 has a surreal quality to it. As if in a world where history repeats and meaning is always muddled, somehow the events of that day achieved a special, extra level of meaning for those that were alive and of age to experience it. At least this is what they say, and how true this seems depends a lot on your relationship to the US and what type of imaginary tissue connects you to it.  9/11 always means another set of memorial or retrospectives. These commemorative acts help us lock in a particular narrative for conceiving what happened that day, what it means, and whether or not we allow any understanding of events that helped led to that attack. At these memorials people recall where they were when they learned of the attacks and reminders of how scared they were, but how America rose again from those ashes.  Mixed into this naturally is a lot of what you might call blind patriotism or shallow patriotism. September 11 th , as the US se

Tinestigu-hu put Resolution 228-34

My testimony from earlier today at the Guam Legislature. I made it a point to write and deliver my testimony gi Fino' Chamorro. Crafting this testimony was difficult in Chamorro as these are all ideas and concepts I am used to articulating in English, but rarely in Chamorro. I figure though that for each time some important issue is discussed at the Legislature in a public hearing, I should try my best to testify in Chamorro and hopefully others will follow suit, even if just mixing Chamorro and English together or saying part of their remarks in Chamorro. It was very inspiring to see so many people gathered for a resolution sponsored by Senator Telena Nelson calling for a halt to the construction of the firing range at Litekyan. I was fortunate to be the second person to speak, as others waited for hours. ************* --> Buenas yan HÃ¥fa Adai, I na’Ã¥n-hu si Michael Lujan Bevacqua. Hu tutuge’ este na tinestigu-hu komo taotao gi kumunidÃ¥t. Ti hu kuentusisiyi i i

Beautiful Resistance

I've been meaning for sometime to write some of my thoughts on the resistance to militarization taking place in the small village of Gangjeong on the island of Jeju in South Korea. I put up a couple of posts llast week about the most recent round of protests. I traveled there for two days last summer in order to learn about the struggle going on there against plans to build a joint Naval facility for US and South Korean forces. The facility would be used for Aegis Destroyers and would displace many farmers an end up destroying some very beautiful and unique coral off the coast. I was struck by the tenacity of the villagers when I was there. They knew that things were against them, that much of the rest of the island and the rest of South Korea didn't care what happened in their quaint village, and that better something like this be put in a tiny village then in the backyards of some larger community. Such is the logic that has meant that Okinawa which is 0.6% of the total la

Arundhati Roy

Olaha mohon na sina manuge' yu' taiguihi Si Arundhati Roy. Anai hu taitai tinige' kalang iyo-na, guaha nai nina'malago yu' na bai hu dingu i che'cho' eskuela, ya tuge' mas political na lepblo, ya saonao mas political na kinalamten pulitikat. Achokka' pa'go, este na minalago, kalang magahet, esta hu gof tungo' na ti mismo magahet gui', ti anggokuyon. Sa' meggai biahi lokkue', gof malago na bai hu dingu i tinige' pulitikat yan activist, ya para bai hu tutuhun manunuge' kameks pat manga. I minagahet na minalago gui', ti unu na klasin tininge'. Gi minagahet, i mismo na dineseha-hu guini, na Guahu la'mon, na para mo'na, para bai hu tuge' maseha hafa malago-hu.