
Showing posts with the label Dodd


The Democratic leadership in the House and Senate has set the stage for a spectacular cave in to the demands of the Bush Administration and Congressional Republicans. One looming question remains however, and that is how much or how forcefully will Barack Obama challenge the Democratic folding to Bush on the FISA and telecom immunity issue. This issue, while not big amongst pundits as one of those issues polling data says Americans care about, represents two crucial tests for Obama and his campaign. First, there is the idea that Obama's campaign has promoted, that their candidate will break with the long-standing Democratic party tradition of backing down from any fight over national security issues with Republicans. Instead Obama is proposing to stand up to Republicans and not let them control the terms of the debate. Given his position on the FISA issue so far, its seems however that he's already given up the terms to Bush on this one. Secondly, will Obama continue another D

Obama on the Indigenous

Even though I've commented quite a bit on the Presidential campaign of Barack Obama over the past few weeks, I am not ready just yet to make a full endorsement of him or his campaign. Although for the sake of the Democratic Party I am hoping that tomorrow he'll emerge from the four primaries taking place, as the Democratic nominee. Part of the reason that I'm holding off making an endorsement is that I'm still hoping that Senator Chris Dodd will jump back into the race at any moment, and become the new campaign insurgent. (just kidding). One real part of the reason for my hesitancy to give my heart and soul to Barack Obama is the fact that alot of his support from white America is because of the shortcut in race thinking that he potentially represents. As I wrote last week in my post " Two Scandals: What Do Harbhajan Singh and Andrew Symonds have to do with Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton ," at some levels a vote for Obama doesn't just mean a vote to end


After so many persistent reports of Democrats in the House and Senate regularly caving into the demands of the Bush Administration and Congressional Republicans, here at last is some good and inspiring news . In case you didn't know, Chris Dodd is runing for President. Head to his website by clicking here . ******************