
Showing posts with the label Ireland

The Parting Glass

When my son Akli'e' and I played Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Ã…ttelong na Bandera) together, we were both touched by the game's ending ballad, "Parting Glass," a famous Scottish farewell song. Even  after  I stopped playing it years ago, we still find ourselves singing to it in the car and referencing his favorite line from the song "for want of wit." Este uno gof ya-hu na huegon bideo. Ya hu hasso gi finakpo' annai makÃ¥nta este na kÃ¥nta, kulang tumÃ¥tanges yu'.  Over the years when we sing this song, my kids and I eventually added in our own Chamoru lyrics for it. I've pasted them below.  As I reflect back on the year that was 2019; the love, the pain and everything in between, this song was a beautiful way to bid it adios. ************************* The Parting Glass Of all the money there ere I had I spent it in good company Put todu i salape’ ni’ hu chule’ I manabok-hu hu gastÃ¥yi And all the harm that ere I

Messages of Solidarity for Gangjeong

The Grand March for the Peace of Gangjeong received 45 messages of solidarity from around the world (one of them from me). All of them were translated into Korean so that the marchers could see the support and encouragement they were receiving from far off places such as Germany, Palestine, Ireland, India and even East Timor. Some of the messages are pasted below: ********************************** Taro Abe , Nagoya, Japan 皆ã?•ã‚“ã?®æ´»å‹•ã?«å¿ƒã?‹ã‚‰æ•¬æ„?を表ã?—ã?¾ã?™。 「済州島平和ã?®å·¡ç¤¼:カンジョンã?®å¹³å’Œã?®ã?Ÿã‚?ã?®å¤§è¡Œé€²」 ã?®æˆ?功をã?Šç¥ˆã‚Šã?—ã?¦ã?„ã?¾ã?™。 阿部太郎(å??å?¤å±‹å¸‚・日å本) 여러분ì?˜ 활ë?™ì—? 진심으로 ê²½ì?˜ë¥¼ 나타냅니다. "제주ë?„ í?‰í™” 순례 : ê°•ì •ì?˜ í?‰í™”를위한 대행진 'ì?˜ 성공ì?„ 기ì›?합니다. ì•„ë²  타로 (나고야 · ì?¼ë³¸) I sincerely express my respect to your struggle. I pray for the success of the 'Jeju Island Peace Pilgrim: Grand March for the Peace of Gangjeong.' Abe  Taro  (Nagoya, Japan) ………………………………………………………………………….. Elliott Adams , Past President, Veterans For Peace, USA  I served in the Republic Of Korea as part of the US Army, I have been to Jeju. The destruction of Gangeong