
Showing posts with the label Kentucky

Allen Clifton on the Kim Davis Hypocriscy

Taya' fino'-hu put este na asunto'. Ti hongge'on i bidada-na este na palao'an Si Kim Davis.  Atan ha' este na articles siha ginen Si Allen Clifton, mas gaitiningo' gui' kinu Guahu pa'go. Atan lokkue' i memes siha put Si Kim Davis. Ai adai, sen dinanche, sen na'chalek. Mabuena. *************** A Message to Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis: You’re a Disgrace and a Hypocrite By Allen Clifton 9/2/15 Forward Progressives One of the most dominant stories of the last few days has been the continued refusal by Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, in defiance of the Supreme Court’s ruling that bans on gay marriage were unconstitutional. Wait, a slight correction – she’s actually not issuing any marriage licenses, not even to straight couples. In other words, she’s not doing her job. If you ask me, I get the feeling this is just all one big scam. Normally this isn’t a story that

Marianas Eye

Several years ago the Muna Brothers started a website called Guamology. It was a pretty cool website, even if it only lasted for about a year. It had regular columns and features about Guam cultural activities and current events. I was a regular writer for it and some of my favorite pieces that I've written recently were conceived initially as articles for Guamology. The Muna Brothers would conduct regular interviews with people they felt were making a difference or had a positive and inspirational message to share. One such interview was with David Khorram, who wrote the book World Peace, A Blind Wife and Gecko Tails, drawn from a series of columns he did for the Saipan Tribune. If you haven't had a chance to read it, you can find copies of it had Bestseller and sometimes the UOG bookstore. On his blog Marianas Eye, he posted the transcript of that interview that you can read below.  ********************** Guamology Interview David Khorram Marianas Eye August 7, 2

DNC Day 2 - Sarah from Kentucky

Today was another machalapon day. More wrong directions, running around lost and misinformation by DNC folks, Pepsi Center employees and other volunteers on where I need to go and where I can go. I eventually made it to the Bloggers' Tailgate '08 this afternoon but not after running around for a while, being misdirected to just about every section of the Pepsi Center. Fortunately, I had a partner in being lost and eventually finding the party. I met Sara, who is the state blogger from Kentucky and part of the blog Blue Grass Roots . I told her that she was the first blogger I'd ever met from Kentucky, and she said the same in terms of Guam. She asked if there was much blogging on Guam and if I had any competition in getting accepted into the State (and Territory) Blogger Corps. I said, sadly no, there is not much blogging on Guam, at least not blogged that's politically motivated or inspired. This wasn't the case with her, as her blog had beaten out a much larger