
Showing posts with the label Crooks

Supporting the Occupy Movement

Published on Sunday, October 16, 2011 by YES! Magazine 10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside. by Sarah van Gelder The #OccupyWallStreet movement continues to spread with more than 1,500 sites. More and more people are speaking up for a society that works for the 99 percent, not just the 1 percent. Here are 10 recommendations from the YES! Magazine staff for ways to build the power and momentum of this movement. Only two of them involve sleeping outside: 1. Show up at the occupied space near you. Use this link to find the Facebook page of an occupation near you. If you can, bring a tent or tarp and sleeping bag, and stay. Or just come for a few hours. Talk to people, participate in a General Assembly, hold a sign, help serve food. Learn about the new world being created in the occupied spaces. 2. Start your own occupation. Use this Meetup site. Or

Republican Truths, Stranger than Fiction

"Republicans: The Truth is Stranger than Dystopian Science Fiction" By John Amato August 17, 2011 06:00 AM' Crooks and If you witnessed the last GOP Presidential debate on Fox News, you witnessed a Republican field of candidates that have become a cross between the John Birch Society, the Moral Majority and Americans For Tax Reform . When Jack Abramoff, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed burst onto the scene via the College Republicans , they were considered the tea party of their day by both parties. Complete radicals who had insane ideas and weren't to be taken seriously. I mean, they really loved South Africa under Apartheid. Fast forward 30 years and their ideas have become embedded into the heart of the GOP. Thomas Frank predicts much of what happened to Obama in interview with Amy Goodman back in August of 2008 because he understood their bag of tricks as well as anyone ever has, especially on deficit spending : But the most insidious one,

They'll Break Ranks...

From Crooks And Liars : This is heartwarming -- BREAKING: Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol : From inside the Wisconsin State Capitol, RAN ally Ryan Harvey reports: “Hundreds of cops have just marched into the Wisconsin state capitol building to protest the anti-Union bill, to massive applause. They now join up to 600 people who are inside.” Ryan reported on his Facebook page earlier today: “Police have just announced to the crowds inside the occupied State Capitol of Wisconsin: ‘We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know what’s right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you!’ Unreal.” Don't tell me we can't win this. Wisconsin Police Have Joined Protest Inside State Capitol . UPDATE from John Amato: Looks like Scott Walker was booed out of a restaurant tonight . Digby says it may not be 100% . Obsidian Wings has a lot of info : Wisconsin blogger

Huff Po

I've been living back on Guam for more than a year and a half now, and while I've become immersed in Guam politics and issues, my knowledge of national or regional politics in the states has taken a hit. While I was living in San Diego for five years while in grad school, I eagerly followed the ideological battles between Democrats and Republicans. This following culuminated in the presidential election in 2008 which ended up consuming my blog for a year. I used to be able to name 90 of the 100 US Senators and close to a 100 of the members of the House of Representatives. Nowadays however, when I try to recall who is the junior Senator from whichever state, I'm pretty sure I'm just making up whatever name I recall (unless its someone who has been there for ages). For instance, I have no idea how it came up in a conversation, but last fall, a student who had gone to school for a year in Pennslyvania asked him if I knew who the Senators for that state were now. I mistake

Going Palin

Ti hu gof komprende sa' hafa, lao fihu manuge' yu' put Si Sarah Palin. Annai ma anunsia na inayek gui' as McCain para Vice President gi i bandan Republican, hu tuge' este na post: " Sarah Palin as VP ." Annai tumunok Si Palin ginnen i ofisina-na, hu tuge' este na post: " So is Palin now a community organizers with no actual responsibilities ?" Annai ilek-na Si Palin na mandisidi na para u dingu i ofisina-na, hu tuge' este na post: " Palin resigns ." Hu tuge' este na post: " An Indigenous View on Palin's Alaska " put i estao i Natibu Amerikanu siha gi i Estados Unidos yan i botasion 2008. Este na post, i mas mabisita na post sa' pega i link gi i blog Crooks and Liars . Duranten i botasion 2008, fihu manuge' yu' put gender yan race, sa' ayu na botasion i fine'nina na biahi giya i Estados Unidos na malalagu (yan sina mailihi) un atelong na lahi yan un apa'ka na palao'an. Achokka&#

The Stupak Ammendment, George Carlin and Monty Python

From John Amato on Crooks and Liars I want to propose a new amendment be added during the conference committee when the House and Senate get together to merge the health-care reform bills. I know the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will love it, since they are officially members of Congress now. Here it is. All pro-life male members of Congress who ejaculate without the express intent of making a baby will be considered to have had an abortion. (This will include airport-bathroom encounters.) Under this new rule, the male pro-life members then must fall in line with the same restrictions to health care as women will have to under the Stupak Amendment . Then starting in 2013, all pro-life men in America will be covered under this provision as well. Remember, sex is for one thing and one thing only. I believe a man has an even greater responsibility than a women does just by the fact that the Congress is made up of mostly men . Out of the 56 women in the Democratic caucus, only two

Socialized Government Buzzword Health Care

There's a combination of statements that I keep hearing lately which makes me laugh everytime I hear it. It also makes me sad. One Youtube via The Uptake , or The Young Turks or on Crooks and Liars , I keep reading and seeing video of people making a particular set of angry and defensive statements which make me wonder what sort of medication these people are taking to keep their heads from exploding because of the contradiction that they angrily stab themselves with. Kalang un damang este na contradiction matokcha' gi i tintanos-ña. Ya achokka' sigi nai ma bulokbok i dinagi, ti ma siesieñte. Ti ma realilisa hafa ma sasångan. Sen na'chalek este, lao na'triste lokkue'. Ti nahong i guafi gi korason-mu para i sinangån-mu. Debi di un na'daña' i hinasso-mu yan i guafi (passion), osino i hiniyong na este na brodie na klasin sinangan. First I hear someone, fihu un åpa'ka, say that they don't want no damned European, French, pansy, socialized govern

Dugeru yan Dakkon

Gof ya-hu i website Crooks and Liars . Ayu nai sina hu sakke' i kachidon i Daily Show siha dibatde. Manmanggaogaogao salape pa'go para i mamaila na sakkan. Yanggen sina hao, lismona ha' didide', pi'ot anggen liberal hao. Olaha mohon na un diha sina manhatsa yu' website taiguini. ******************* C&L's Donation Drive '09: Please help save blogs before we're overrun by the corporate media DAY 1: We're reaching out to our readers and asking for your help so that the MSM and Corporate media do not overrun the blogosphere with Villagers. They are funneling in millions of dollars to compete with and ultimately drive away independent bloggers so that they can rule the Internet. And the kind of cash they are pouring in is staggering. It's hard to compete with that since the economy is way down, and I think what we've accomplished is in jeopardy if the Internet doesn't step up to help us all, including other blogs that you like.

Rashne's Roadtrip for Change

I was completely drenched, estaba sen sohgon yu' in American Presidential politics, for all summer and most of the spring. My blog was grateful for the attention, as plenty of times I was writing on it about Obama being smeared by Republicans or Race and Gender in the campaign , when I should have been working on my dissertation. I remember several times writing on my blog that I wouldn't be posting for a week or so, and then ending up posting about Palin or something else which had just pissed me off. This obsession reached its climax in August when I attended the Democratic National Convention in Denver and for almost two weeks, I thought of nothing else but Presidential politics, race, militarism, colonialism and US territorial - Federal relations. Now that I'm Guam, my intense link to the race is weakening, the need to constantly write about it, follow it and so on is dumidide dumidide muma'pos. Its slowly fading away. There are several reasons for this. 1. I&