
Showing posts with the label Polls

Kinentos Trentai Ocho

During the 2016 election, I followed the website FiveThirtyEight on a daily basis. I found the commentary to be very enlightening, as it wasn't just their reporting about polls, but also their analysis on what makes a poll informative or effective. The media in general often times picks polls that fit the narrative they are trying to promote, or they have their own internal hierarchy over what makes one poll useful and another less so. But these critical information points are rarely discussed openly, even if more astute media viewers or consumers can make their own best guesses. Although after Trump's victory in the election, I stopped consuming that type of poll-focused news. But as the US mid-term election season is starting up again, and we've ahead a round of very interesting special elections, I've slowly been drawn back to the website. This type of coverage, in the form of a group chat around the recent apparent Democratic-victory, is what makes it su

Resolution 294-34

“Tinestigu put Resolusion 294-34” November 22, 2017 Michael Lujan Bevacqua Buenas yan HÃ¥fa Adai, mansenÃ¥dot yan mansenÃ¥dores guini gi este na gefpÃ¥’go na ha’Ã¥ni, pi’ot hÃ¥gu Senadot San Nicolas. I na’Ã¥n-hu si Michael Lujan Bevacqua. Profesot yu’ gi Programan Inestudion Chamorro gi Unibetsedat GuÃ¥han yan gehilo’ yu’ para i inetnon kumunidÃ¥t “Independent GuÃ¥han.” Lao guini pÃ¥’go gi me’nan-miyu ti hu kuentusisiyi ayu siha. Tumestitigu yu’ guini pÃ¥’go komo un Chamorro yan taotao GuÃ¥han. Hu agrÃ¥desi i oppotunidÃ¥t para bai hu fata’chong guini pÃ¥’go ya bai hu sangÃ¥ni hamyo ni’ didide’ ginen i hinasso-ku put este na resolusion yan i meggai asunto ni’ pinapacha.   Put resolusion 294-34, ti hu sapopotte gui’. Ya para bai hu na’klÃ¥ru i pusision-hu put este na asunto gi este kuatro na punto: Fine’nina: Gi tinituhon este na resolusion, guaha infotmasion put NEPA, i National Environmental Policy Act. MafÃ¥’tinas este na lai para u na’siguro na i gubetnamento

Trumpcase Updates

Like many issues that straddle both the US and Guam, there are ways in which their may be a shared, similar experience, but always ways in which geography, culture, identity, history and coloniality will make it different and distinct. For example, within a US context I may be on one side of any health care debate, but in Guam I may take a completely opposite position. Part of it depends on how I may see myself ideologically and politically in relation to issues of power, justice and progress in the US context. But when the discussion extends to the colonies, my sense of things tends to become more Guam and Chamorro focused. If Guam were a full part of the US, I might feel differently, but as it is not, I do not and should not assume that however things work in the US, is how they should work in Guam. Or that, like the colonial mantra goes, whatever is good for the US must be good for Guam. Because of this colonial difference, I haven't been following the Trumpcare debacle as muc