World Rainforest Movement

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ALERT! Karen indigenous communities face danger after returning to their ancestral territory in Thailand

Posted on Aug 3, 2021

They have been living in the Kaeng Krachan forests for generations. When a National Park was created, they started to suffer violence and evictions. 22 people have been prosecuted this year. They could face a jail term of 4 to 20 years.

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New booklet: Nine Reasons to Say NO to Contract Farming with Palm Oil Companies

Posted on Jul 19, 2021

Why do peasant farmers lose out when they produce for the palm oil industry? A publication based on experiences from Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

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Wind energy on the Northeast Brazilian coast and the contradictions between ‘clean energy’, injustices and environmental racism

Posted on Jul 9, 2021

In dominant models of energy production and consumption, the centralization of the energy matrix and the concentration of decision-making power remain, and with all the marks of inequalities, patriarchy and environmental racism, even if the source of energy has changed.

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The ‘Digital Economy’: Cementing the Expansion of Extraction and Pollution

Posted on Jul 9, 2021

The so-called ‘digital economy’ is usually promoted as one that has a relatively low impact on the environment, one in which material resources are largely unnecessary. But what (and who) is being hidden by such images of an almost ethereal and cleaner economy?

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Responsible, sustainable, renewable and certified: An economy that destroys the planet?

Posted on Jul 9, 2021

Certification schemes seeking to legitimize activities that harm the environment and its people, with terms like “sustainable”, are a survival strategy for capitalism. In the framework of the energy transition, even the mining industry seeks to validate its unstoppable growth.

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