Amrullah Saleh


Acting President - Islamic Republic of Afghanistan "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles".

Kabul Afghanistan
Gått med juni 2012


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    3 sep.

    Resistance is the nom de guerre of everyone here. RESISTANCE. اینجا اسم مستعار همه ی ما مقاومت است. مقاومت .

  2. 3 sep.

    The RESISTANCE is continuing and will continue. I am here with my soil, for my soil & defending its dignity.

  3. 3 sep.

    Over the past 23 years since start of the Emergency Hospital we never blocked Talib access to it. Talibs are committing war crimes & have zero respect for IHL. We call on UN & world leaders to take notice of this clear criminal & terrorist behavior of the Talibs.

  4. 3 sep.

    Talibs have blocked humanitarian access to Panjshir, do racial profile of travelers, use military age men of Panjhsir as mine clearance tools walking them on mine fields, have shut phone, electricity & not allow medicine either. People can only carry small amount of cash. 1/2

  5. 31 aug.

    Afgh wasn't packed & put in the bag of the last US solider The country is here. D rivers are flowing & d mountains are majestic. Talibs R an unpopular proxy force & hated that is why the whole country wants to escape from them. A super power decided to be mini power that is OK.

  6. 30 aug.

    The Panjshir headquartered resistance isn't for Panjshir but for the whole country. The Afghan national flag is in full mast & hoisted in govt buildings. Our resistance is for rights & value. The non Talib Afghs are politically, emotionally & sentimentally w/ the Resistance.

  7. 30 aug.

    Let's overcome fear and stand for the right. The global community & in particular the western civilization has a lot to lose. A lot if it keeps running away. It isn't about my presidency but not giving up to extremists & terrorists.

  8. 28 aug.
  9. 27 aug.

    RESISTANCE مقاومت

  10. 27 aug.

    The world must not bow to terrorism. Let's not allow Kabul airport to be the site for humiliation of humanity & "rules based world order". Let's believe in our collective effort and energy. Defeatist psyche puts you under risk more than terrorists. Don't die psychologically.

  11. 27 aug.

    Every evidence we have in hand shows that IS-K cells have their roots in Talibs & Haqqani network particularly the ones operating in Kabul. Talibs denying links with ISIS is identical/similar to denial of Pak on Quetta Shura. Talibs hv leanred vry well from the master.

  12. 23 aug.

    Talibs aren't allowing food & fuel to get into Andarab valley. The humanitarian situation is dire. Thousands of women & children have fled to mountains. Since the last two days Talibs abduct children & elderly and use them as shields to move around or do house search.

  13. 23 aug.

    That indelible color red in my heart is Afghanistan. Only God will one day evacuate my soul from here but still my remains will reunite with the soil. I own Afghanistan & it owns me. We are one. It speaks to me every day.

  14. 22 aug.

    Talibs have massed forces near the entrance of Panjshir a day after they got trapped in ambush zones of neighboring Andarab valley & hardly went out in one piece. Meanwhile Salang highway is closed by the forces of the Resistance. "There are terrains to be avoided". See you.

  15. 19 aug.

    Nations must respect the rule of law , not violence. Afghanistan is too big for Pakistan to swallow and too big for Talibs to govern. Don't let your histories have a chapter on humiliation and bowing to terror groups.

  16. 19 aug.

    از حرکت شجاعانه و میهن دوستانه مردم با عزت کشورم در نقاط مختلف بخاطر برافراشتن پرچم ملی برضد گروه نیابتی طالب ابراز حرمت ، حمایت و قدردانی می نمایم. شماری درین راه با عزت شهید شدند Salute those who carry the national flag & thus stand for dignity of the nation & the country.

  17. 17 aug.

    به اساس حکم صریح قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان در صورت غیابت، فرار و یا مرگ رییس جمهور معاون اول بحیث سرپرست مقام ریاست جمهوری قرار میگیرد. من در داخل کشور استم و بصورت قانونی و مشروع سرپرست این مقام /کرسی می باشم. برای تحکیم این جایگاه باتمام رهبران کشور در مشوره استم.

  18. 17 aug.

    Clarity: As per d constitution of Afg, in absence, escape, resignation or death of the President the FVP becomes the caretaker President. I am currently inside my country & am the legitimate care taker President. Am reaching out to all leaders to secure their support & consensus.

  19. 17 aug.

    It is futile to argue with on Afg now. Let him digest it. We d Afgs must prove tht Afgh isn't Vietnam & the Talibs aren't even remotely like Vietcong. Unlike US/NATO we hvn't lost spirit & see enormous oprtnities ahead. Useless caveats are finished. JOIN THE RESISTANCE.

  20. 15 aug.

    In my soil. With d people. For a cause & purpose. With solid belief in righteousness. Opposing Pak bcked oppression & brutal dictatorship is our legitimacy. در خاک خود. با مردم خود. برای یک داعیه و هدف واقعی.با اعتقاد راسخ به حقانیت. مقاومت در برابر سلطه ی ظلم منبع مشروعیت ماست.


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