Manado, Indonesia: University Building burnt as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya

14 Septmber (via 325) Through fire, we sent our direct solidarity to those fighters and arrested comrades who stood against the eviction of the State in Pandang Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi. We deeply feel connected with those people, although we haven’t seen each other. But your stories, your spirits and your courage, reached us here who are hiding in the dark and awaiting our momentum to hit back at the enemies.

We were waiting for a while, discussing and questioning ourselves. We want to bring the urban war against the enemies into the next level by training ourselves to be more violent. But we couldn’t hold ourselves down and watch all this violence by the State against our sisters in struggle. We won’t let ourselves only be throwing words of solidarity but doing nothing, when you are facing a war to defend your lives and your homes. NO! We are not civil anarchists. We are the angry ones. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: University Building burnt as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya”

Indonesia: Final statement of ex-Negasi comrades about the trial of the killer of Ryo

325: (This statement was read out two days ago while a meeting was held, this is a final statement from ex-members/comrades of Negasi and affinities, after a long and tired debate among the solidarians in last two months about the case of Ryo.)

Good evening,

For all who always rise their hand and never bow their head in front of injustice, society and all the enemies. Respect for those who showed their direct solidarity as a language of resistance.

First, we want to confirm our position in the middle of this gathering and among people who self-proclaimed as also involved in bringing ‘justice’ to Ryo’s family. Our confirmation is based on our values, as a friends, as comrades who lost a brother and comrade. We are beyond the normality and outside of values of morality. We speak as individuals and not a group or collective or any terms of organization.

Some of us were ‘blessed’ to have a brother and friend: Ryo. A brave one and a comrade for us. That’s why we never want to deny his contribution in our history as individuals and as a group. By claiming his participation, we show our respect. To remember his dignity and hard work to keep learning and always questioning all normality and social peace. We want to show how his life was a journey to find out that all the social peace and normal life is just a big lie! That everyone lives in a prison. Stuck in the comfort zone behind the bars which is imprisoning us from total freedom. How he choose to ride his desire and put himself beyond the limits of understanding in society: Your society and not his. We are proud of it and always kept it in our memories to honour Ryo: our loved one. Continue reading “Indonesia: Final statement of ex-Negasi comrades about the trial of the killer of Ryo”

Manado Bay, Indonesia: fisherfolks are in rebellion against the mega-development project

325: Here are some photos of the action during last week done by fisherfolks in Sario-Tumpaan, against the coastal reclamation mega projects across Manado bay.

The corporations behind the project work together with local Politicians and local government to destroy the beach. Some anarchists joined horizontally with the fisherfolks to sabotage and blockades to interrupt the reclamation activity and as a form of solidarity.

Long live autonomous and horizontal struggle!

Anti-Authoritarian Fraction

Indonesia: Solidarity Call for Ryo (1986-2012)

325: February 5th, 2013

Here follows a letter from the ex-members of Negasi, about the murder of our comrade Ryo. They are making public a situation that has hit them. War against the existent.

To all comrades,

On 25th November 2012, we lost our comrade named Ryo. He was killed by a coward in the morning when trying to go back to his place after looking for breakfast. Ryo is a member of the first generation of NEGASI and was active in counter-info projects, translation and publication to support the anti-authoritarian movement in Manado.

Ryo also involved in local autonomous struggles in North Sulawesi. He took a position as a campaigner and published infos related to the struggles. Stubborn but humble and always being the first one who would care about his comrades problems. Ryo left a wife and a four years old son. Continue reading “Indonesia: Solidarity Call for Ryo (1986-2012)”

Manado, Indonesia: actions, call, from International Conspiracy for Revenge

A the start of November, the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front released claims taking responsibility for placing an explosive package and, a week later, for burning down a school. A call was also released for international direct action.

1. 325: On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front(FAI – IRF).

Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.

First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: actions, call, from International Conspiracy for Revenge”

Manado, Indonesia: Electrical substation burnt

(translation from 325, original from Membakar Senja)

It’s always a reason to say that the lack of numbers is the main reason. But for us the only obstacle is fear. Theories, reasons and situations are the walls of the labyrinth which always became a reason for obstruction and restriction. As well as the accusations that the kidnapping of two members, of our comrades Billy and Eat, is a barrier to the ongoing actions for destruction.

On August 23, at a power plant in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, we put an incendiary device that failed to ignite. We were disappointed with ourselves and the ability of each individual who was involved in the attack. But on the other hand, we learned that no one should regret. Tonight August 31, we re-commit to do the same “crimes”. Leaving the device in order to burn an electrical substation in Tuminting, Manado.

The goal is clear. We are angry. Really angry! Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: Electrical substation burnt”

Manado, Indonesia: Libertania free association of anarchists appeal for help in setting up a social centre

via 325:Call For Support !

We the LIBERTANIANS, are members of a group who are established from many anarchist cells in Manado, Indonesia, and we’re trying to build a social center, a so-called infoshop here in our –fucking– town. We need to have a public space where we can share our thoughts, discuss many topics, make some DIY gigs, movie and film screenings, host a free and open library, free school for kids, translate anarchist literature and text to the Indonesian language and other activities that will empower each of our members and other struggles surrounding us where we joined. For more details, hereby we are attaching our proposal which describe the reasons and some background of our group.

never bow ! never step back !

free association of anarchists Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: Libertania free association of anarchists appeal for help in setting up a social centre”

Greece: Banner over the Aegean Sea, in solidarity with the fisherfolk’s fight in the Manado Bay (Indonesia)

Contra Info: In the context of Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression, in the first days of August we placed a banner close to a coast and a crossroad on Kalymnos, an island where the traditional way of fishing and sponge diving has been performed for too many decades. This was our small token of solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the Malalayang traditional fisherfolk, who proudly resist a mega-project along the Manado coast, in Indonesia. We thus wanted them to know they are not alone.

Read and spread the call for solidarity and resistance against the mega-project of Coastal Reclamation in Manado (June 2012): in English / Spanish / Indonesian

The banner reads in Greek-English-Indonesian:

From Greece to Indonesia, sabotage against Capital/Power
Strength, fisherfolk of Manado
Solidarity with the fight in Manado-Indonesia
Long live sporadic direct action

Indonesia: Anarchists and Traditional Fisherfolk Resist Land Reclamation

Hidup Biasa (translated from Negasi): [a note from NEGASI: Since 2009, the resistance to coastal reclaimation in Manado Bay has escalated. On the front line of these actions are the traditional fisherfolk from different communities along Manado Bay. After the actions of fisherfolk from Sario Tumpaan and people from Kalasey beach, now the fisherfolk of Malalayang II are also showing their resolve to resist.]

4 May 2012

At around 08.00 am, fisherfolk received news that mounds of earth on a piece of land owned by a doctor called Awalui were being moved towards the shoreline. Fisherfolk that gathered at the site realized that hired thugs and police from the Malalayang station had been stationed there to guard the work.

A call for solidarity went out to other friends involved in similar struggles at around 11 am. Several anarchists also got involved.

At the site, they saw that giant boulders had been placed right at the shoreline. The Malalayang fisherfolk, together with those who had come in solidarity, then went to stop the earth-moving work. Feeling outnumbered, the men hired by the owner chose to keep their distance from the fisherfolk and instead it was the police who confronted the masses. The police offered to negotiate, but this failed because the fisherfolk had one sole demand: that the work should stop. Continue reading “Indonesia: Anarchists and Traditional Fisherfolk Resist Land Reclamation”

Indonesia: Two actions against coastal reclamation in Manado

Hidup Biasa: In recent years, much of Manado’s shoreline has been turned into a commercial strip of shopping malls and entertainment venues, ‘reclaiming’ the coastline by building out into the sea. Apart from destroying the marine environment, where coral still grows even on the city’s shore, the habitat loss also threatens the livelihoods of traditional fisherfolk, displaced by the new leisure and tourism economy. Here are reports from two recent uncompromising actions to reject the latest of these developments.

Anti-Authoritarian Fraction Occupy coastal reclamation site

Around 20 people calling themselves the Anti-Authoritarian Fraction started an occupation at 18.00 on Sunday 22nd April 2012 and continued until 08.00 the next morning when they were forced to disperse by the police. The occupation, which managed to delay construction work, took place along a stretch of Manado Boulevard next to Manado Town Square. Continue reading “Indonesia: Two actions against coastal reclamation in Manado”