Melbourne: Occupation of the STELaR Weapons Research Centre Site in Carlton


– STELaR Weapons Research Centre site in Carlton Occupied

Peace protectors are presently occupying the Carlton site of the future Lockheed Martin weapons research lab.

Now an empty building and lot on the site of the former Women’s Hospital near the University of Melbourne, building will soon begin to make it the largest Lockheed Martin weapons research centre outside of the United States.

The weapons research centre will be known as the STELaR Lab (Space, Technology, Engineering and Research) and it is a joint project of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, the University of Melbourne, the Australian Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin (Australia).

“Whilst thousands of people are homeless across Australia, it’s outrageous that our government is giving money to large corporations like Lockheed Martin” Eli Jessup a spokesperson for the group said.

“The government claims that funding the building of this lab is about job creation. We Peace Protectors say it is about preparation for war and that a better way for the government to create jobs is to invest in housing, healthcare and education”, Mr Jessup said.

“At the end of the day, handing billions of dollars over to Lockheed Martin, whether its at the University of Melbourne, or buying their expensive and dodgy F35 Joint Strike Fighter is a killer of jobs and growth. It is our taxes sucked straight out of the Australian community into the hands of Lockheed Martin one of the biggest profiteering US corporation.

The occupation coincides with the lead up to the Avalon Arms Fair and Airshow, where private contractors such as Lockheed Martin are expected to reap up to 100 billion dollars of government money.

Disarm Oz #DisarmAvalon2017 Twitter Disarm Collective FB


Victoria: Police investigate teen riot at Barwon Prison

Up to 20 teen detainees were involved in a fight at the Victorian maximum security prison on Monday night.

Emergency staff and DHHS workers took almost three hours to bring the brawling under control and contain youth offenders within the unit.

A Corrections Victoria officer is understood to have received a “a nasty facial injury” during the uprising, which began in an outdoor yard.

Several youths involved in the riot attempted to enter a visitor centre attached to the Grevillia unit, but were unsuccessful.


The fight involved a group of 16 youths after they barricaded themselves outside.

An Emergency Response Team was called in to assist.

Corrections Commissioner Jan Shuard​ told 3AW Radio she expects charges to be laid.

“It’s a matter for Victoria Police, but there was damage to property,” she said.

“They’ve done a fair bit of damage outside,” she said.

There have been no reports of youth offenders sustaining injuries. Ms Shuard told 3AW that OC spray was used in the initial response against the youths, who damaged the exercise yard and visitor centre.

In response to the latest Barwon Prison youth riot, a staff member at Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre called for a system overhaul, saying many of her colleagues had been assaulted.

“It’s like working in amongst savages,” she said.

In a statement, a spokesman for Corrections Victoria said emergency-response staff and DHHS youth-justice workers resolved the Barwon Prison upheaval at 9.55pm.

“The incident, involving a number of young offenders and damage to property, was … confined to the grounds of the youth-justice precinct,” the spokesman said.

“Police were on site and are investigating the incident.”

Along with police, the Country Fire Authority and Ambulance Victoria were also called to the scene on Monday night, and were on standby.

The latest incident comes as the Victorian government is set to face a fresh challenge in the Victorian Supreme Court over its decision to use the Barwon adult maximum-security prison to house young offenders.

The Human Rights Law Centre, which led two previous and successful court challenges against the use of Barwon’s Grevillea wing to house about two dozen teens, is launching a third legal challenge in a bid to force the government to remove teenage detainees from the jail.

Late last month, a 16-year-old boy held in Barwon Prison suffered a fractured vertebra after being bashed by adult inmates.

Melbourne: Five people arrested during violent shut-down of Flinders Street homeless camp
1 Feb 2017 – Five people were arrested and three police officers injured when a makeshift homeless camp at Melbourne’s Flinders Street was shut down this afternoon.

The officers suffered minor injuries as both protesters and homeless people were removed from the site by the public order response team at 1pm.

Acting Commander Stuart Bateson said 75 officers were required to remove those camped at the site due to safety concerns ahead of planned maintenance works at the historic railway station.

Protesters gathered at the site and joined in chants of “homelessness is not a crime”, “poverty is not illegal”, and “scum”.

One officer was allegedly punched in the back of the head by a female protester, Acting Commander Stuart Bateson said.

Police were filmed pushing the woman to the ground before detaining her, as the crowd shouted “let her go!”

Moments later, an elderly man drove a mobility scooter towards police.

Another man was handcuffed by police and led away after punching a 9NEWS camera, shattering the lens.

One homeless person will be charged with public drunkenness.

Three protesters were arrested for a range of offences including assaulting a police officer, throwing objects at officers, resisting police and another protester was arrested for public drunkenness.

Police formed a human wall outside the station to block the rough sleepers from supporters, onlookers and media about 1.30pm.

Police closed Flinders Street between Swanston and Elizabeth streets, but it has since re-opened.

The homeless clashed with police as they moved into the camp. (9NEWS/Sean Davidson)
The homeless clashed with police as they moved into the camp. (9NEWS/Sean Davidson)

One homeless man, identified only as Justin, told 9NEWS he had been waiting “four years” for accommodation.

“I’ve got two little kids, one is 11 and the other is eight, and we’re just waiting for public housing,” he said.

A large number of response police officers are waiting around the corner from the site. (9NEWS/Sean Davidson)
A large number of response police officers are waiting around the corner from the site. (9NEWS/Sean Davidson)

A large number of response police officers are waiting around the corner from the site. (9NEWS/Sean Davidson)

“The governments bring refugees here, pushing us down the list further and further.”

The Andrews Government said the group will be offered accommodation as part of a $10 million plan to get homeless people into transitional housing.

The Homeless Persons Union of Victoria confirmed 40 transitional houses had been announced, but it would “fail to cover the 70 people with their names down on the list at Flinders Street”.

Billy, who did not wish to have her last name used, told 9NEWS “nobody chooses this”.

Homeless people have frequented the city’s busiest station for years but numbers swelled and tents were erected last month.

The Lord Mayor announced last month he would enact a bylaw to move rough sleepers on – a decision that attracted condemnation from homeless groups and the Greens but was backed by the Premier and police.

Anarchists welcome North Thailand’s new ‘Australian’ Honorary Consul to the job with a home visit


On Sunday 29 January 2017, anarchists in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai visited the home of the newly appointed Australian Honorary Consul, Ronald Elliott, to share with him our analysis of Australia’s immigration policies regarding refugees, and to communicate our opinion of Australia’s highly offensive annual nationalist celebration of occupation, displacement and genocide.

We recognise Mr Elliott, who was appointed Australian Honorary Consul in northern Thailand on 17 January, 2017, as representing the vile policies of the colonised land known as ‘Australia’. Hence, in welcoming his new appointment as the ambassador of a government which makes no apologies for its racist immigration policies and unashamed barbaric treatment of refugees, we decorated the wall protecting his expensive upper-middle class property with a demand to “Free the Refugees”.

Similarly, in solidarity with the 7 Days of Resistance to Invasion Day, called by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR), we also added the demand to “Decolonise “Australia” to Mr Elliot’s property.

We trust that Mr Elliott will report our message to his superiors in the Australian Embassy proper in Bangkok, who will in turn submit a mandatory report regarding the incident to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and their cronies in the ‘Australian’ government.

In undertaking our visit to Mr Elliott’s residence in the over-policed and exclusive gated community, Mod Chic, in Moo Ban Sansaran, the strategy we used to negotiate entry reaffirmed that no matter how many walls and borders the rich, and by extension the State, create to keep out “undesirables”, those with motivation to gain access to spaces will always find a way-  a lesson the ‘Australian’ government would do well to consider when implementing its immigration policies and squandering billions of dollars on “defending the borders”.

via: Insurrection News

Tamworth: Office of Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce paint-bombed in solidarity with First Nations Communities


On January 30th, 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s Tenterfield office in so-called “Australia” was paintbombed in solidarity with First Nations struggles.

This action was spurred by Joyce’s disgusting and ignorant comments around Invasion Day 2017, when the minister referred to protesters as “miserable gutted people” and further stated “I wish they would crawl under a rock and hide for a little bit.”

Barnaby Joyce is a white man who was born on unceded land in so-called Tamworth in 1967. He is in the top three of politician’s spending, with taxpayer money directed by his hand to projects such as: chartering a $4, 000 helicopter ride to avoid a 4 hour drive from his hometown (or 40 min drive from his Tenterfield office) on two occasions, and spending $670, 897 to set up his two regional offices (more expensive than any fit-out recorded since 2010). He is empowered by a government founded on genocide, strengthened by the destructive and vicious machine of capitalism and upheld by white-washing nationalism that seeps into and out of our communities, creating false comfort and pride through historical amnesia.

This small symbolic action was taken because we reject dialogue with the monsters behind sleek government walls who know nothing of the lives of those they attempt to govern, seeing only those things which might obtain them more power and strengthen the system that sustains their positions. We want to encourage people to see beyond the frosted glass that shields these ignorant, entitled criminals; to see the outrage against them, to see the disrespect they deserve. We threw red paint to symbolise the blood of those First Nations people murdered by the Australian state over 229 years of invasion and occupation, and the blood pumping through the veins of those survivors, those warriors who live and breathe today. Those who will give birth to new generations, who will always be rooted in this land and connected to their ancestors and to the pain of the dispossession, murder and devastation inflicted on their people and their land for centuries by the Australian state.

It’s clear to us that Barnaby Joyce is nothing but a bitter man with pockets full of money and a life deprived of culture and meaning. His position of power must give him warmth at night and the false impression of widespread respect. This small action was a simple one to chip away at his illusions, to break down his power and to show him that we are here, and we are not going away.

Solidarity to all First Nations people.
Solidarity to all fighters against state and capital.
Keep the fire burning.


via: Insurrection News