Adelaide: Cory Bernardi’s office trashed

The mess the protesters left in the Senator’s reception area. Picture: Mark Brake

18 March – 18 March – The “full force of the law” should be brought to bear on protesters who trashed Senator Cory Bernardi’s office and targeted his children’s school, he says.

The university students and high-school pupils, who were protesting against his opposition to the Safe Schools anti-bullying program and ongoing debate about same-sex marriage, engaged in abuse, vandalism and threats.

Student protesters left graffiti and rubbish strewn about in Senator Cory Bernardi’s Kent Town office in Adelaide.

Both Flinders and Adelaide universities released statements condemning the action.

Branding the protesters “a bunch of cowards”, Senator Bernardi labelled the fracas a form of intolerance and intimidation that only “strengthened his resolve”.

He said: “They also headed down to my children’s school and sought to target it as well. They had to lock gates and take other preventive measures.

“If peaceful protests turn into violent and damaging protests the people responsible for that need to be held to account.

“I’m happy for the full force of the law to be brought upon those who’ve done property damage and threatened my staff.”

Continue reading “Adelaide: Cory Bernardi’s office trashed”

Sydney: (more) Invasion Day vandalism

via Indymedia

Let no one say the past is dead.
The past is all about us and within
– Oodgeroo Noonuccal 1970

On the night of January 26th, while drunken nationalists celebrated the 226th anniversary of a British military invasion, some unaustralians vandalised the facade of the Ryde electoral office of Victor Dominello, the state minster for Aboriginal affairs and for citizenship.

On the same day in 1938 Aboriginal activists demonstrated for citizenship rights in their stolen lands, rights which were not granted until 1967. Yet citizenship has done little protect aboriginal people from poverty, prisons and police persecution. It has not recovered their stolen lands, and neither will the new Abbott approved call to recognised indigenous people in the constitution, another empty gesture like Rudd’s cheap apology.

When politicians talk of reconciliation, they seek to silence those who call for land rights and autonomy, to put an end to Koori resistance with some hollow words and ceremonies, while leaving the sovereignty of the state untouched.

From the White Australia Policy to Operation Sovereign Borders, citizenship itself is mechanism of state oppression, where politicians and bureaucrats grant select privileges to some while excluding and criminalising those deemed unworthy or ‘illegal’. Continue reading “Sydney: (more) Invasion Day vandalism”

Brisbane: ‘Tyrant’ graffiti at Premier’s office

29 October: The Queensland Premier’s electorate office has been targeted by vandals who seem to be protesting the decision to lift the ban on uranium mining.

Premier Campbell Newman’s electorate office, in Ashgrove’s Central Plaza, has been spray painted with the words “tyrant” and radiation symbols.

A moustache has also been drawn on the photograph of Mr Newman.

Australia: security upgrade to MPs’ homes due to threats

August 26: Taxpayers are footing the bill for security upgrades to MPs’ homes in the wake of death threats and stalking by angry voters. Fences, CCTV cameras and security grills on windows are being installed to protect the families of Australia’s political leaders.

Last year the Federal Police investigated 156 incidents involving high-profile politicians, including Ms Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop, Treasurer Wayne Swan and former Greens leader Bob Brown. Continue reading “Australia: security upgrade to MPs’ homes due to threats”

Sydney: graffiti on MP’s office

February 23: Baulkham Hills MP David Elliott released a statement threatening to ‘name and shame’ graffiti artists in Parliament after his electorate office was vandalised for the third time in the 11 months since his election to Parliament.

Mr Elliott, a Liberal, said it was now necessary to use taxpayers’ money to fund CCTV cameras outside his office to reinforce his view that “vandalism costs everyone”.

He has also called for lifelong bans on driving licences and mandatory jail sentences for offenders.

The graffiti attack on Mr Elliott’s office has been referred to Castle Hill police.

Rockhampton: politicians’ home and office ramraided

January 25: A 62-year-old man was charged with three counts of willful damage for allegedly driving his car into the house and office of Member for Rockhampton Robert Schwarten and Federal Member for Capricornia Kirsten Livermore.

Police say Brian John Hellier rammed Mr Schwarten’s home  in his car about 6pm on January 24, causing significant damage to the garage roller door and the politician’s Lexus parked inside. Continue reading “Rockhampton: politicians’ home and office ramraided”

Sydney: Governor General and Prime Minister’s houses paintbombed

January 22:

THE Sydney residences of the Prime Minister and Governor-General have been damaged with paint bombs during a drive-by attack. Continue reading “Sydney: Governor General and Prime Minister’s houses paintbombed”