Sheela Bhatt शीला भट्टVerified account


Retweet not endorsement.Tracking India since ‘79. Founded n Indian Express. Now News. DainikBhaskarOnline. Centrist,always.

New Delhi
Joined February 2010


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    The strong current of provincialism n Congress V/S regional satraps in the States will force the anti-BJP coalition to go for the collective leadership @ the national is Modi V/S the rest in 2024 ⁦election ⁦⁦

  2. Free, independent, strong women are world's most formidable thing.

  3. Has ISKP (khurasan's ISIS) congratulated Taliban or not yet? Will they be supportive of Taliban dominated govt? If not, will the violent attacks on afghans continue? Almost every single attack in past couple years was pinned on ISKP by Taliban.

  4. By Shamsia Hassani Afghanistan's first woman street graffiti artist

  5. My latest column: The reconstitution of a medieval, jihad-extolling emirate in Afghanistan will be a monument to US perfidy. And the Saigon-style evacuation from Kabul will serve as a testament to America’s loss of credibility and the end of Pax Americana.

  6. And thus to prevent terrorist attacks on their homeland, they've created a new homeland for terror in Asia.

  7. 1 hour ago

    August 1990 :: President R. Venkataraman and PM V.P. Singh Receiving Afghanistan President Dr. Najibullah On His Arrival In New Delhi ( Photo - )

  8. 2 hours ago
  9. Neki Haidari, Shogufa Bayat and Saliha Muhammadi have dared what no other Afghan woman has ever done before: to climb Afghanistan’s highest mountain, Mount Noshaq, standing at an altitude of 7,500 meters.

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  10. The least believable statement of Taliban in last 48 hours.

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  12. Make no mistake . The Lion of Panjsher, Ahmed Shah Masoud, his is the man who led the campaign against the Soviets & the Al Qaeda & the Taliban and all forms of sectarianism & bigotry. Do not betray his heroic legacy!

  13. 3 hours ago

    “India must not only protect our citizens, but we must also provide refuge to those Sikh and Hindu minorities who want to come to India, & provide all possible help to our Afghan brothers and sisters who are looking towards India for assistance”- says PM at CCS meet

  14. Thousands of pages of death registers reveal Gujarat's grief: Over 2.8 lakh excess deaths during pandemic. Govt claims only 10,075 died due to Covid. Evidence and records gathered over months nail govt's lies report

  15. 5 hours ago
  16. An incredible, but rings true, story from 1990s Afghanistan about Ahmed Shah Massoud...

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  17. 5 hours ago

    Clarity: As per d constitution of Afg, in absence, escape, resignation or death of the President the FVP becomes the caretaker President. I am currently inside my country & am the legitimate care taker President. Am reaching out to all leaders to secure their support & consensus.

  18. A special edition of where speak. An MP, an activist, a presenter and a student. All share their anxieties and try to find an answer to what future holds for them?

  19. Man arrested in Jharkhand's Palamu district for allegedly hacking Election Commission's portal used for generating voter identity cards: Police

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  21. Movement of the Indian Ambassador and the Embassy staff from Kabul to India was a difficult and complicated exercise. Thank all those whose cooperation and facilitation made it possible.


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