  1. 1. Nov.

    We are excited to start November! This month , , and will be on the global agenda. Our highlights for you: 17th & 18th: the 20th: is the universal ! 29th: starts the @WGBizHR Stay tuned and share your suggestions👇🏽

  2. vor 15 Stunden

    Week long Children's Day celebrations 2021

  3. 1. Nov.
  4. vor 19 Stunden

    Join us, as we share stories of empowerment! Learn how AIF continues to create a better world for the underprivileged across , even during the , providing them access to good , & quality .

  5. 28. Okt.
  6. 27. Okt.

    Happy Children's Day - from our kids to yours! 🥳 Children's Day reminds us of our childhood and dream jobs... You might be living your dream life as an accountant now, but what was your dream job when you were a child?

  7. 27. Okt.

    Children's Day offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.

  8. 27. Okt.

    feed the children - instead of sticking needles in them

  9. 29. Okt.

    Jamia Abdurahim: We have to join hands since it is not one person fighting for the rights of the children. Let us keep the idea of raising the matter at the children's office, at the chief's office, or any nearby office adjacent to you.

  10. 28. Okt.

    Children in Egypt are being kidnapped to used for begging on the streets! Babies who can't even speak or run or ask for help! We need to end it & make the police save them! They are starved beaten up and abused everyday on streets

  11. 28. Okt.

    SMH these Launches on Nov 18 so watch out! Join the discord:

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  12. 28. Okt.
    Antwort an

    protecting children and Fighting child marriage 20 November

  13. 29. Okt.

    What is the best way to invest for your kids now? Buying education insurance? Saving money in bank? No No NO! Mint and hold a , the best investment now! Pre-Sale: 18 Nov 21! Public sale: 20 Nov 11 The project will also donate to support kids in need!

  14. 27. Okt.

    Three cheers! Govt. stakeholders, educational institutions & citizens must all work together to safely across India! Let's have kids celebrate this year's in classrooms with their teachers & friends!"

  15. 26. Okt.
  16. vor 19 Stunden

    means . So the November issue of looks at what has historically offered its . Take a read and share it with the children you know at .

  17. 29. Okt.

    NSPCC makes over 150 staff – mostly social workers – redundant in closure of face-to-face centres Awful news more cuts that we could do without

  18. 28. Okt.

    Report: NIAID Funded Toxic Drug Experiments on Children - The New American

  19. 29. Okt.

    75 days after the fall of Kabul, Afghanistan's invaders & occupiers have yet to be held to account. The costs are being counted in Afghan lives.

  20. 25. Okt.

    10th Nov 1st SF: Aus vs Pak 11th Nov 2nd SF : Eng Vs Ind 14th Nov Final: India Vs Pak special. 😜

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