Prof राजीवः श्रीनिवासः


columnist (rediff, swarajya, open, ex firstpost, dna, pioneer). interests: tech, biz, health. travancore. silicon valley. IITM/Stanford. Original Internet Hindu

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2009


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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    now reading this ebook by about the destruction of and by . we are seeing the same in action re destruction/ of culture in india today by the same folks.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  2. Dear , with no warning, you cut electricity from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today. Why don't you at least tell us you intend to do this when it's a planned maintenance activity? You have all our phone numbers, and normally you do send out an SMS message. Please do that.

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  3. Twitter hiatus now. For a week.

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  5. 2 thg 10

    Hillary Clinton’s former spokeswoman.

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  6. 2 thg 10

    More power to you for your determination and courage

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  8. India's Kim kardashian. Famous for being famous.

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  9. 2 thg 10

    If there is one journalist who deserves to win all those ‘prizes’ many times over it is . Her work is far, far superior than anything liberal lobby could produce on coverage of caste & Dalit issues.

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  11. 2 thg 10

    If Skt were chosen as link language, it would have won India enormous prestige: for the Indo-European reason in the West, the Buddhist reason in the East, everywhere because of the national self-respect. Instead, India is now is in the same class as Congo. Get some self-respect!

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  12. 2 thg 10

    Public service message for those of you saying Rakhigarhi great grandma doesn’t have R1a & Steppe DNA is found etc. 1. Females don’t have R1a 2. There is nothing called Steppe DNA. India is source of all Non-African humanity tracked to 80KYA. India is the Founder zone.

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  13. 2 thg 10

    Washington ignores Cambodia's tilt toward Beijing at its own peril. It's a small country in a a critical location. With basing in Cambodia, China can flank Vietnam to the south & deploy its navy closer to Malacca. Also raises ?'s about US-Thai military cooperation.

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  14. 2 thg 10

    Indian Foundations of Modern Science | This will surprise you. via

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  15. 2 thg 10

    Now, certain results related to the trigonometric series, formerly known as the Newton, Gregory and Leibniz series, stand renamed as the Madhava-Newton, Madhava-Gregory and the Madhava-Leibniz series

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  16. 2 thg 10

    Harvest Following HC order Karnataka Govt. took back 174 acres of encroached land in Chikkkaballapur, Illegally planted ✝️ by St Joseph church were removed Inspired by successful land encroachment across Kerala by planting Cross, church want 2 implement it across India

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  17. yet another 'maharathi' turns out to have feet of clay. other examples: m s swaminathan, sam pitroda.

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  18. "whatever will my white friends think?". you know what? we don't give a damn, kaushik.

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  19. 2 thg 10

    Before you get Driving Licence , you have to get a certificate from *Red Cross* costing 400 , for showing a video .Roughly we are donating rs120 Cr for Missionaries-- RoL tax--Besh:)) RT

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  20. the economist exhibits gloating by other means :-)

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