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Themes by raiidens

Customization Guide for the Page 1 and Theme 12 (Undertale)

I suggest you look up some basic HTML if you don’t know anything about it at all or don’t understand anything below. But most of it is fill in the blanks so you should be ok. You can use CTRL+F and search for “Stuff to edit” to get to most of the things you need to change.

About Section

Here’s what it looks like:


You can fill in whatever you like in here just like I’ve done above. Add new paragraphs, delete paragraphs, delete the header, etc. Just make sure you keep the <div id=“aboutcont” style=“display:none;”> tag in and don’t edit after the end about tab message. Put your paragraphs between <p> and </p> to separate them.

FAQ Section


Here I added in an example at the top and a couple of templates for you to use. You can just copy and paste another template to add in more. Fill in the question where it says “Question goes here” and the answer where it says “Answer here”. Pretty simple! Of course you can add more paragraphs to the answer if you like too.

Link Section

Now this one might get a bit tricky. But I added in a couple examples and a couple of templates. Here’s what the template looks like:


Fill in the header where it says “Header Title”, this is like your category, so it can be tags, links, etc. Under that, you’ll see lines that look exactly the same. Those would be your links. Fill in the URL where it says “URL HERE” (keep the quotations though) and the name of the link where it says “Link name”. You can delete some of these lines if you don’t need so many or add as many as you want.

Change Name / LV / HP

If you’re using the blog theme then there is an option with all the colours to change this. If you’re using the page theme then here’s what the code looks like:


See where it says Frisk? Replace it with your name if you want. And same with all the rest.

Change Character Image

If you’re using the blog theme, you can find this option with all the colour options. If you’re using the page theme:


You’ll find this code near the top. All you have to do is replace the URL right at “background-image”. The size is 200px by 200px so if your picture is larger than this, it will scale down to fit.

If there’s anything else or if you don’t quite get the explanation then let me know and I’ll add on to this! 

Post Notes

  1. raiidens posted this