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Themes by raiidens
Anonymous asks:
Hi!! I just started using theme #22 and I love it! It's so cute and pretty!! I also saw a theme of yours that I know a friend of mine will love which I will most definitely be recommending to her! However I was trying to create some pages to be linked to on my blog and I don't understand how to do it. I've looked at a few tutorials on how to make pages that show off all your posts with a certain tag, but I can't get them to show up when I click on the links on my blog? Can you help? Sorry thanks

Hi anon, thanks a bunch! Making pages for your Tumblr blog is pretty easy, here’s a tutorial I found just by googling it real quick. Then after your page is made, go to your blog theme options where all the colours and such are, there’s a bunch of fields that say Link 1 Title, Link 1 URL, Link 2 Title, etc. Fill in the URL for your page and give it a title and it will show up on your theme!

You can also link off Tumblr too, the URLs don’t have to be Tumblr URLs.

Anonymous asks:
I'd like to add a search bar to Theme 20, as I really like how it looks and it's perfect for what I'm making the new page for ;w; Would that be possible?

There’s a nice tutorial for search bars here. It teaches you how to customize it and all. Perhaps you can add one into the sidebar somewhere?

Anonymous asks:
the link for your theme 19 doesn't work? like maybe it does but idk where to find the code i cant find it :''(

It seems to be working alright for me. It’s just on the theme preview where it says “click here for the code”. If you’re having difficulty with the links though then you can send an ask off anon and I can send you a direct link to the code.

Anonymous asks:
Great theme! Only issue I ran into was that the infinite scrolling option would make my header, sidebar, and menu bar all disappear leaving me with just the posts. So I'm stuck with pages atm

Also theme 19? Unfortunately the infinite scroll script can make things super buggy, you can check my FAQ for more on that (and why I don’t like it heh). I’m considering removing the option from future themes since it only seems to cause problems with mine.

Anonymous asks:
Hi, I had a question about you Theme #15 -- for some reason, it won't show a "read more" link on the post. How do I add this? I really, really love the theme otherwise, but this is kind of important since when I answer asks, I cut everything under that "read more"

Hi anon. The read more link wouldn’t have anything to do with the theme, and I made a test blog to see if it works and it does. Maybe you didn’t set it up right? I know doing read mores under asks can be a little tricky. If anything it would be a tumblr error and not the theme.

Anonymous asks:
In theme 15, is it possible to make it so that when you set an image as a background, it covers the whole thing instead of repeating?

Yup! Just look for “body {” and under that add:

background-size: cover;

This should work for most themes actually.

genzelda asks:
Just wondering but for theme 6 ((the Undertale theme I believe)), how do I get page theme links to show up on my blog? I created the page but it doesn't show up on my blog. Do I have to add the page to the link options or is there another way? Sorry, very new to this stuff.

Yeah after you make a page you’ll have to add it to the link options, where it says Link 1 Title, Link 1 URL, Link 2 Title, so on and so forth. Then it will show up in the nav. This is the same for all themes.

swordsandacid-dontmix asks:
Hi there! I just started using Theme 17 (which I LOVE by the way) but I can't get the infinite scroll to work! I have it enabled right now, but I still see the option to page through my blog.

Hi, thank you! Have you tried toggling the option a few times first? Tumblr has this weird glitch going on with those so your best bet is to toggle it on and off a few times first and then try it out. If it still doesn’t work then just let me know and I can try to see what’s going on. Infinite scrolling isn’t my script so there might not be much I can do. ^^;

Anonymous asks:
Hi! I'm so sorry, I don't mean to sound dumb, but where exactly do I paste the text for Page Theme 1 (the Undertale one) to use it with the blog theme? On a page or somewhere in the theme itself? Please forgive me, I've never used a special page theme like that before.

Hi anon! You can find a tutorial on how to do that right here.

Anonymous asks:
Currently I'm using theme #17, I noticed that in the create pages sections, all you have is standard and custom layout. I was looking for the redirect option so I can redirect certain content to the links I've created. Is there a way I can do this by making my own custom layout? I'm really a beginner when it comes to html coding.

Actually themes don’t have anything to do with how the create pages section works, so if there isn’t a redirect page option there, that would be a tumblr problem. But if you just wanna link to some pages, you can add those in the options where it has Link 1 Title, Link 1 URL, so on and so forth. That way they’ll show up in the nav section. I hope this helps!
