Polish Press Agency


Polish Press Agency is the single largest source of news from Poland with over 250 reporters and 40 photojournalists delivering accurate and comprehensive news.

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  1. Duela 51 minutu

    PGNiG Upstream Norway, a subsidiary of Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG), has discovered a 19-63-million-barrel crude oil deposit at the Egyptian Vulture exploration well in the Norwegian Sea, the company said in a Tuesday press release.

  2. Duela 2 ordu

    Poland's women's 4x50m freestyle swimming team took bronze at the European Short Course Swimming Championships in Kazan, Russia, on Tuesday.

  3. Duela 7 ordu

    Poland's current economic upswing should continue over 2022 and 2023, a top World Bank official said on Tuesday.

  4. Duela 9 ordu

    Poland’s manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) continued to expand solidly in October but the pace of growth was much weaker than in the summer, IHS Markit reported on Tuesday.

  5. Duela 9 ordu

    Inflation could hit 7-8 percent this year, a deputy finance minister said on Tuesday.

  6. Duela 9 ordu

    recorded 4,514 new confirmed cases and nine deaths over the past 24 hours to Tuesday morning, against 4,894 cases reported on Monday, data released by the Health Ministry shows.

  7. Duela 9 ordu

    A disciplinary panel for judges that lies at the centre of a dispute between Brussels and Warsaw will be closed down, but not to please the European Court of Justice but as part of a comprehensive reform of the judiciary, a senior official at Poland’s ruling party has said.

  8. aza. 1

    SatRevolution, a satellite manufacturer and space service company based in Wrocław, southwestern Poland and Warsaw-based Tuatara have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation in the implementation of the Earth observation project with Omani ETCO.

  9. aza. 1

    Seven young Italian men were severely beaten outside a Warsaw nightclub on Friday night with three being hospitalised, one in a serious condition, an Italian paper reported on Monday.

  10. aza. 1

    The actions of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko are a deliberate plan to destabilise Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and ultimately the whole European Union, Poland's spokesman for the special services coordinator, has said.

  11. aza. 1

    Poland's ruling United Right coalition would have retained its top spot with 36.6 percent of the vote, if parliamentary elections had been held last Sunday, a new poll has shown.

  12. aza. 1

    recorded 4,894 new confirmed cases and 13 deaths over the past 24 hours to Monday morning, against 7,145 cases reported on Sunday, data released by the Health Ministry shows.

  13. aza. 1

    A Polish cinematographer has won an award in the Best Long Documentary or Animated Film category of the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, while another Polish filmmaker won a prize in the Best Documentary Short Film category.

  14. urr. 30

    Iryna Slaunikava, a representative of the Belarusian Belsat television funded by the Polish government, has been arrested at the Minsk airport, human rights activists have reported.

  15. urr. 30

    The EU is in a "difficult situation," but Poland remains a loyal member of the bloc, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has told the Il Messaggero daily.

  16. urr. 30

    recorded 9,798 new confirmed cases and 115 deaths over the past 24 hours to Saturday morning, against 9,387 cases reported on Friday, data released by the Health Ministry shows.

  17. urr. 29

    The EU is more focused on imagined problems than real challenges, Poland's prime minister wrote in an article published on Friday in Spain's leading daily newspaper, El Mundo.

  18. urr. 29

    According to a Friday report by Poland's Health Ministry, people who had been fully vaccinated constituted only 2.54 percent of all coronavirus deaths.

  19. urr. 29

    A group of local government representatives have appealed to the Polish prime minister to include them in migration policy planning in order to help migrants stuck at Poland's border with Belarus.

  20. urr. 29

    Lech Wałęsa, the founder and first leader of the Solidarity Union and a former Polish president, has been charged with perjury in a case related to documents indicating that he was an informant for the communist security services in the 1970s.


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