Narendra ModiVerifizierter Account


Prime Minister of India

Beigetreten Januar 2009
Geboren 17. September


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  1. बहुत-बहुत बधाई भाविना पटेल! आपने शानदार प्रदर्शन किया। पूरा देश आपकी सफलता के लिए प्रार्थना कर रहा है और कल के मुकाबले में भी आपके साथ खड़ा रहेगा। आप बिना किसी दबाव के अपना श्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन करें। आपकी खेल भावना हर किसी को प्रेरित करती है।

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  2. શાનદાર પ્રદર્શન માટે ખૂબ ખૂબ અભિનંદન, ભાવિના પટેલ! સમગ્ર દેશ આપની સફળતા માટે પ્રાર્થના કરી રહ્યો છે. આવતીકાલે તમારો ઉત્સાહ વધારશે. દબાણરહિત રહો અને ઉત્તમ રમો! આપની સિદ્ધિઓ સમગ્ર દેશ માટે પ્રેરણારૂપ છે...

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  3. Congratulations Bhavina Patel! You played excellently. The entire nation is praying for your success and will be cheering for you tomorrow. Give your best and play without any pressure. Your accomplishments inspire the entire nation.

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  4. I would like to applaud the untiring efforts of all those who have worked to make a success. Their efforts have ensured the people of India lead a better quality of life.

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  5. Today we mark seven years of , an initiative that has forever transformed India’s development trajectory. It has ensured financial inclusion and a life of dignity as well as empowerment for countless Indians. Jan Dhan Yojana has also helped further transparency.

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  6. At 6:25 PM this evening, a programme will be held that will interest the people. The renovated complex of Jallianwala Bagh Smarak will be dedicated to the nation. India will never forget the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh.

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  7. Spoke with Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy and discussed the need for a coordinated international response to recent developments in Afghanistan. We also discussed other important issues such as Climate Change, and our cooperation in G20.

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  8. Record vaccination numbers today! Crossing 1 crore is a momentous feat. Kudos to those getting vaccinated and those making the vaccination drive a success.

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  9. Praying for your good health and swift recovery, Ji.

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  10. 26. Aug.

    The new Drone Rules will tremendously help start-ups and our youth working in this sector. It will open up new possibilities for innovation & business. It will help leverage India’s strengths in innovation, technology & engineering to make India a drone hub.

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  11. 26. Aug.

    The new Drone Rules usher in a landmark moment for this sector in India. The rules are based on the premise of trust and self-certification. Approvals, compliance requirements and entry barriers have been significantly reduced.

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  12. 26. Aug.

    My valued colleague, Shri has made a commendable effort to encapsulate facets of India’s reform journey in his work, ‘Accelerating India.’ Delighted to receive a copy from him.

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  13. 25. Aug.

    Chaired the 37th PRAGATI session during which projects with over Rs. 1,26,000 crore across 14 states were reviewed. We also reviewed the ‘One Nation – One Ration Card’ scheme and augmenting oxygen capacity across India.

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  14. 25. Aug.

    देश के करोड़ों गन्ना किसानों के हित में आज सरकार ने एक महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय लिया है। गन्ने के उचित और लाभकारी मूल्य को बढ़ाकर 290 रु प्रति क्विंटल कर दिया गया है। इससे किसानों के साथ ही चीनी मिल से जुड़े श्रमिक भी लाभान्वित होंगे।

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  15. 24. Aug.

    Best of luck India! I am sure our contingent will give their best and inspire others.

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  16. 24. Aug.

    As the begin, my best wishes to the Indian contingent. We are proud of all the athletes representing our nation at the .

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  17. 24. Aug.

    Had a detailed and useful exchange of views with my friend President Putin on recent developments in Afghanistan. We also discussed issues on the bilateral agenda, including India-Russia cooperation against COVID-19. We agreed to continue close consultations on important issues.

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  18. 23. Aug.

    Spoke to Chancellor Merkel this evening and discussed bilateral, multilateral and regional issues, including recent developments in Afghanistan. Reiterated our commitment to strengthening the India-Germany Strategic Partnership.

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  19. 23. Aug.

    I bow to Sree Narayana Guru on his Jayanti. His teachings provide strength to millions. His emphasis on learning, social reform and equality continue to motivate us. He gave immense importance to women empowerment as well as harnessing youth power for social change.

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  20. 23. Aug.

    Picking speed and success! Congratulations to our athletes for bringing home 2 Silver medals and a Bronze medal at . Athletics is gaining popularity across India and this is a great sign for the times to come. Best wishes to our hardworking athletes.

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