Danny Yee's Book Reviews

Over 1500 book reviews, covering all kinds of books —
fiction and nonfiction, with a broad range of genre and subject.
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*Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Harris, Hirst, Mossinghoff)
- from the elementary to the infinite
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 (Cho Nam-Joo)
- a woman's life in modern South Korea
The Miracle Pill (Peter Walker)
Why a sedentary world is getting it all wrong
Everything Like Before (Kjell Askildsen)
- stories of estrangement and misunderstanding
*Tokyo Ueno Station (Yu Miri)
- down and out in Tokyo and Fukushima
*Jellyfish: A Natural History (Lisa-Ann Gershwin)
- a fascinating survey with stunning photos

Other: Publisher, Foreign Language, Random Review.

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