Manjinder Singh SirsaTài khoản được xác nhận


President, Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management committee | National Spokesman, | Humbly and Fearlessly raising my voice on righteous issues

New Delhi
Đã tham gia tháng 9 năm 2009


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  1. I am in constant touch with the President Gurdwara Committee, Kabul S. Gurnam Singh & Sangat taking refuge in Gurdwara Karte Parwan Sahib in Kabul. Even today, Taliban leaders came to Gurdwara Sahib and met the Hindus and Sikhs and assured them of their safety

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  2. Overwhelming support for our young candidate S. Rameet Singh (Smarty Chadha) in Ward No. 8, Shakur Basti 🙏🏻 Sangat has appreciated the Sewa done by DSGMC in last 2 years and assured us their full support for the forthcoming elections on 22nd August.

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  3. Even today, Taliban leaders came to Gurdwara Sahib & met Hindus and Sikhs and assured them of their safety. But these people are scared of the recent developments and are living in a tense atmosphere. Every Indian is praying for safety of our people in Afghanistan 🙏🏻

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  4. I am in constant touch with the President Gurdwara Committee, Kabul S. Gurnam Singh & Sangat taking refuge in Gurdwara Karte Parwan Sahib in Kabul. As many as 40 other Indians have also taken shelter in various hotels of Kabul

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  5. दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा मैनेजमेंट कमेटी मानवता की सेवा करती रहेगी 🙏🏻 हमारी सेवा पर अपनी मोहर लगाकर 22 अगस्त को हमें कामयाब बनाइये।

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  6. पिछले दो साल में DSGMC द्वारा सेहत के क्षेत्र में किए गए बेमिसाल काम 🙏🏻 इस बेमिसाल सेवा को जारी रखने के लिए 22 अगस्त को बाल्टी पर मोहर लगाएँ

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  7. Thanking the Sangat for their enthusiastic presence and support extended to us at Ward No 10 Guru Harkrishan Nagar Gurdwara Sahib. Guru Sahib’s blessings and your support motivates us to continue the Sewa momentum 🙏🏻

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  8. Massive support of Sangat in Ward No 15. All the trust we have earned in last 2 years is because of Selfless Sewa 🙏🏻 संगत के भरपूर समर्थन से सेवा की ये मुहिम जारी रहेगी

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  9. I have shared the list of Indians along with details that had gone to Afghanistan for work with Joint Secretary Ministry of External Affairs (PAI They are stuck at different locations in Kabul. Requesting Govt of India to help in their evacuation.

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  10. Thanking the Sangat for supporting our voice and putting pressure on Pak govt which has resulted in the arrest of the culprit who vandalised Maharaja Ranjit Singh statue We are hoping for a strong action from against people who reflect hatred & bias towards Sikhs

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  11. दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा मैनेजमेंट कमेटी के प्रबंधकों व सारे स्टाफ का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद कि उन्होंने पिछले दो साल में हमारे हर सेवा कार्यों में अपना भरपूर समर्थन दिया और हर सेवा को बेमिसाल बनाया 🙏🏻 Thanking all staff members of DSGMC at a meeting held at Gurdwara Sri Rakab Ganj Sahib

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  12. Urging Ji to take up the matter of vandalisation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s statue in Lahore by radical elements with and ask them to take a strict action to curb such hateful events targeted to hurt Sikh sentiments

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  13. सच की एक और बड़ी जीत -परमजीत सरना ने एक बार फिर मुँह की खाई कोर्ट का फ़ैसला हमारे हक़ में…दिल्ली सिख गुरुद्वारा मैनेजमेंट कमेटी के चुनाव तय तारीख़ 22 अगस्त को ही होंगे 🙏🏻 Big victory for Truth: Bigger Victory for DSGMC elections to be held on Aug 22; announced court

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  14. जहाँ लंगर की बाल्टी - वहाँ सेवा 🙏🏻 . संगत के भरपूर समर्थन से सेवा की ये मुहिम जारी रहेगी

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  15. I have apprised Jt Secretary, Min of Exteranl Affairs (PAI) Mr JP Singh about this incident who has assured me that he would take up this matter with & ask them to take a strict action to curb such hateful vandalising events

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  16. Pakistan’s radicals once again hurt Sikh sentiments by vandalising Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s statue. Earlier, Khadim Hussain Rizvi spoke ill about Maharaja Ranjit Singh & now his partymen do hateful things I hope would take stern action against culprits

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  17. Thanking the Sangat of Ward No 42 for appreciating the Sewa done by DSGMC in last 2 years so candidly 🙏🏻 Your trust and support is our biggest motivation. We will continue serving the Panth with your support.

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  18. अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में हिंदू और सिख लोग दहशत के माहौल में हैं वो एम्बैसी से भी संपर्क नहीं बना पा रहे हैं मेरी जी से विनती है कि गुरुद्वारा करते परवान साहिब में शरण ले रहे और एम्बेसी के पास होटलों में रह रहे हिंदू सिख लोगों को भारत वापस लाने के लिए प्रयास किए जाएं

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  19. These 17 Indians are stranded at Kabul airport and they desperately need our help. I am getting repeated calls from Kabul from this group. Could we pls rescue them and bring them back to India along with other Indians Ji

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  20. Just got call from them now Taliban army is forcing them out of domestic airport, God be with them 🙏🙏

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