I did say in a previous post that Drumz Of The South was dormant, not dead. So here I am in 2021 with some news:

If you’re an avid reader of DJ MAG, you may have come across “The Whole Picture,” a feature in August’s issue about music photographers that have published books.

I was included in the feature because in Autumn this year, I am publishing a book titled *insert fanfare* Drumz of The South: The Dubstep Years 2004-2007.

The book includes a massive selection of photos of my journeys with early Dubstep, namely DMZ, FWD>>, Skull Disco, Hyperdub, Plastician, Burial, Vex’d, Rinse FM and many other events, labels and artists that defined that time. Also, plenty of pictures of wider community and scenes of South London at night.

Many of these photos have appeared here, my Flickr, the original blogspot + various publications and galleries over the years. But there are quite a few in there that have never have been seen before.

There are also a few other non-photo details in the book…but all will be revealed in good time.

The thing is that in order to print and publish Drumz of The South: The Dubstep Years 2004-2007, the design and production of which is self-funded, I need some help. So for 30 days throughout August and September, I will be crowdfunding to print and publish 1000 copies.

The crowdfunder launches on Tuesday August 17th 2021 – please sign up via this link to hear about how you can contribute to getting this book made. Everyone that signs up will get a PERSONALISED email from me – talking about the book production process so far.

I AM OVER THE MOON that this is finally happening, after over 10 years of thinking about and planning it. The book is VERY special.

This blog is dormant…zzzz

For now, please consider Drumzofthesouth as a blog, dormant…Dormant, not dead! There will no longer be posts about new music or music events, but may be the odd update regarding Drumzofthesouth related events, exhibitions and publications. Hopefully you will still find the Drumzofthesouth blog archive useful or entertaining.

You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.

And my photo website is www.georginacook.net . 

There you can view and purchase limited and open edition prints as well as view my latest news and work.

I’m gonna take this chance to thank everyone that ever read a blog post… or checked my Flickr account. Being part of the early Dubstep scene and surrounding genres and having the opportunity to document and contribute to it was very special.

I made lots of friends and contacts that I continue to stay in touch with and have had so many great experiences as a result. Thankfully, I’ll never forget a lot of it because I have so many photos, which is partly why I took them. 🙂

I continue to contribute images to media as I when I get requests – we’re now at a point where Dubstep is firmly part of music history and articles and films are being made about the era. These days, I also get people asking me to talk about and share my experiences to students. Which makes me feel old but also proud.

Here are some great recent features about early Dubstep and that era.

The Vice Oral History of Dubstep

RBMA: Night-clubbing – Dubwar

London ‘On a Regular’ from Rollo Jackson on Vimeo.



Thanks to @Hark1Karan for the shout out

Thanks to @Hark1Karan for the shout out in his GREAT feature about North Croydon. That’s Upper Norwood, Crystal Palace, South Norwood, Thornton Heath, Norbury, Selhurst & Broad Green to you and me. “This side of town is predominantly working class. The community is hardworking and want to see the area improve in terms of investment and resources. This can help social mobility, increase motivation/aspiration and increase the chance of new opportunities being created.” – I get a mention in reference to Music Culture. See more at: http://www.hark1karan.com/north-croydon-community-the-heartbeat-of-croydon/#sthash.tR6X8qHD.dpuf

Love for Lesvos / Hope for Paris.


25% of all print sales towards supporting refugees in Lesvos

My good friend Breezy, (singer and mother), is travelling to the Greek Island of Lesvos this week, to support the thousands of refugees that are there living in terrible conditions. I could not go myself but really want to help also – the photos and stories I’ve been reading in for example, facebook groups like Refugee Child are shocking and very sad. So for this week 25% of all print sales will be donated to Breezy and the group of women who are going there to help.

Paris is a former home of mine and I am feeling the weight of recent events there but like many I am trying to focus on the beauty that is Paris – among the images for sale is this one of a rainbow next to The Seine – it can be interpreted as representing hope. I like the idea that sales of this and the other prints can go towards helping people in another part of the world. Love is the only way forward. xxx

Hope. Paris. ©GC 2011

Hello Lovely Humans! so it is now a few days until i go to Lesvos and truth be told i’m feeling nervous about what i will see and experience when i am there… but your kindness and the kindness of the other volunteers is giving me strength and hope in humanity! so far I have raised £722.22 which is fantastic and i’m so thankful to those who have donated or sent messages of support! Obviously these horrible attacks that happened over the weekend have prompted more fear and suspicion of refugees but please remember that these attacks are exactly what these men, woman and children are running from in the first place! I believe that Love and compassion is the only way to stop the violence, whereas closing the borders and treating these innocent people like animals will only leave room for more hatred to breed… If you can donate then please do paypal.me/breezylee and if you can’t then show love and compassion wherever you can. The world needs it!

– Breezy.

[Archived] 28th November – Live from Alexandra Nurseries…

Being compelled to share GREAT music is how Drumz Of The South began; -then, posting photos and words about music that was getting right into my system led me to organise events at Brixton’s Plan B, a tent at Antic Banquet festival and many, many events in and outside of Crystal Palace’s Antenna Studios. I am now taking up the baton from Katherine & Charlie Hannah (Itchy Teeth) and organising the next Live from Alexandra Nurseries event on the 28th of November.

It will feature talented friends Breezy Lee & The Spaceshipman, Duke Bradley (and band of more fantastic musicians) & Alain McLean (Moine Dubh), playing Blues, Soul & Rock n Roll.


Alexandra Nurseries is a family-run & community oriented garden & vintage home-wares shop & cafe in Penge, South London.  This year it was deservedly featured in both Vogue and Time Out.  The music will play outside, under the canopy, framed by plants, pots & fairy lights. It’s a magical and unique space in which to listen to music and socialise and I am proud to organise an event there.

For further information – contact me via hello@georginacook.net