Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Ion-Gun (1993)

"Many of my most memorable performances have all happened in July. The first time I ever did my ventriloquist act; Denver 1991. The time I toured with Human Head Transplant through The Netherlands, in 1992. That time in ’94 when I drilled a hole in the sky by skydiving with drill bits. The only time I’ve performed in Nashville was in July 2001. The only time I dug a hole in the ground with live mics was In Stralsund Germany in 2005. Perhaps the most electrifying of all my July performances was in San Francisco in 1993. It was the first time I used Greg Leyh’s ion-gun to charge an entire audience to 5000 volts. The audience became the real show when they all ran around giving each other shocks. And then, there’s August; but that’s a whole nother Kettleday of fish…"

GX Jupitter-Larsen

Sky Snags

Mountains are the wreckage of dust...

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Vacant Lots...

It’s been 40 years since GX decreed all vacant lots in every city as readymade monuments to entropy…

Friday, September 4, 2020

Mind The Gap (2020)

Mind The Gap was originally released as a CD on the Vinyl Communications label in 1996. Included is a new bonus track mixed by GX in 2020. The main sound source for all the tracks was derived from amplified staple-guns while the devices were being used to staple vinyl records together.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Measuring Social Distancing (2020)

As part of its “So Far So Close” sound art exhibition, Freijo Gallery of Madrid presents  “Measuring Social Distancing” by GX Jupitter-Larsen. Done as a response to the COVID‑19 pandemic, the collage suggest instructions for a performance piece that people themselves can do. Various voices, speaking in different languages, advise people to kick a ruler as they walk. This performance can be enacted by anyone anywhere.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Three Phenomena (1997 / 2020)

GX just posted the 1997 3-way split Three Phenomena with K2, AMK, and The Haters. Actually all 3 tracks were mixed by K2 so it’s more of a collab actually:

Saturday, April 25, 2020


"The lens of our eyes filter out ultraviolet light. Monet could see into the ultraviolet part of the spectrum because he had the lenses of his eyes removed. This used to be a common treatment for cataracts. It’s why he painted his white flowers blue. If I had a second eye, I would definitely have that lens removed so I too could see into the ultraviolet. Yes, most definitely..."

GX Jupitter-Larsen, 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Please support Reference Desk The Movie on Indiegogo...

We’ve been in pre-production for two years now. In that time we’ve built props, produced the main soundtrack, and shot hours of second-camera footage. Important scenes have been shot staring John Duncan, John Wiese, Ace Farren Ford of Smegma, and Andy Bolus of Evil Moisture to name but a few.

At this point we’re ready to start principal photography. We still need to build sets, and finish casting. Whatever support you can give will go a long way in completing this project.

Thinking of supporting us? We have many perks; many of them classics from the discography, bibliography, and videography of GX Jupitter-Larsen. We also have two exclusive limited edition releases. The first is a cassette / download by GX & PAINJERK. The second is a lathe cut 7-inch by GX. The record is packaged with original art by GX, signed and numbered. Both the collaboration tape and the lathe cut record will only be made available during this campaign.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Haters 40th Anniversary Shows (Oakland & Denver, 2019)

In Oakland, performing as The Haters, GX Jupitter-Larsen scraped a shovel against a large amplified wall clock held up by Paul Dickerson. In Oakland, a shovel was pushed against a clock. Then a couple months later, in Denver, the clock was pushed into the shovel...

A video of the Oakland show can be viewed here:

Friday, July 19, 2019

July 20, 1969

"I don’t think my dad was ever completely convinced of my mother’s explanation on why she had the middle name she had. What would become the first half of my hyphenated surname. My mother always said it didn’t have anything to do with the planet. What with the different spelling and all that. During the televised broadcast of Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon, the three of us were glued to the TV set. I was ten when it happened. I remember it well, Neil Armstrong jumping off the ladder of the Lunar Module as my dad kept teasing my mom about her name. Mom didn’t always take the teasing well. She definitely wasn't in the mood during Apollo 11. As they went at it, I ended up leaving to play with a couple of girls I knew. Elaine was eight and Sue was six. We went to our local playground. We swung on swings, the whole while never taking our eyes off the sky, and talking about the moon for what seemed like hours. It was about the only thing any of us talked about for the next couple of years."

GX Jupitter-Larsen

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

End Tymes X / Totimorphous Ubiety Guide

Jessica King & GX Jupitter-Larsen performing the Totimorphous Ubiety Guide (TUG) at End Tymes X in New York. This was The Haters 40th Anniversary Show…!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Haters 40th Anniversary Show

The Haters 40th Anniversary Show takes place at this year’s END TYMES - April 6 - at Secret Project Robot, 1186 Broadway, Brooklyn, 11221 - the full lineup / schedule is listed on the festival website: