  1. 31. Aug.
  2. 3. Sept.
  3. 2. Sept.

    Neulich bei : Ich: Okay, dann hiev' ich den bewusstlosen eben mit einer Hand am Gürtel hoch und werf' ihn auf das Sofa. DM: Okay, dann würfel auf , aber mit Nachteil. Ich: . Mit Nachteil. Meine Montagabende > Eure Montagabende

  4. 30. Aug.
  5. 5. Sept.

    "The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them." ~ Gene Roddenberry

  6. vor 24 Minuten

    "Its impossible" said pride. "Its risky," said experience. "Its pointless" said reason. "Give it a try" whispered the heart.♥️

  7. 30. Aug.
  8. 30. Aug.

    Every moment in my head...but the heart always wins.

  9. vor 16 Stunden

    But the Lord stood at my side and gave me .

  10. vor 7 Stunden

    There's something about ourselves that we usually underestimate, our inner strength; it only gets built up more and more. You just need to trust yourself and trust the creator. There must be a reason you have to go through this phase.

  11. vor 3 Stunden

    Rudy Lee was a civil rights activist. This quotes highlights beauty that is beyond the surface.

  12. vor 7 Minuten

    Mental: meditation physical: Pilates

  13. vor 5 Stunden

    Today we celebrate those who contribute to the , prosperity, and well-being of and our country. Happy !

  14. 3. Sept.

    Sometimes a strong person isn't one who argues, but one who listens. Not one who talks, but one who acts.

  15. "The perfection of Christian character depends wholly upon the grace and strength found alone in God." ~ Ellen G. White

  16. 5. Sept.

    Strength is often silent. It doesn't make noise. It works quietly and builds on.

  17. vor 16 Stunden
  18. "It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength." ~ Maya Angelou

  19. 30. Aug.
  20. 4. Sept.

    I never knew how strong I was until...

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