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Aug 08 2021

Can We Include Trans Athletes?

The literal insanity that characterizes left-wing politics reaches its apogee with the decree that men must be allowed to compete in women’s sports on the grounds that biological sex is not real. According to our ruling class, only their perverted dogma is real; therefore, people are whatever sex they say they are at a given moment.

Regardless of whether men have deformed themselves with hormone treatments and/or horrific surgical mutilation, they are still men, with obvious physical advantages over women. Deranged liberal tyranny is destroying women’s sports.

Handicapping transsexuals won’t work, because no one will ever agree on what the handicap should be. Separate competitions won’t work, because despite society constantly bending over backward to cater to their belligerent demands, there are very few transsexuals. When the depraved trans fad has petered out among moonbats, there will be fewer still.

The only solution is the most obvious: women compete as women, men compete as men. But that would require acknowledging objective reality, which progressives will never agree to.

On a tip from KirklesWorth.

Aug 08 2021

Open Thread

As a result of America's efforts to realize the ideals of equality and freedom, blacks in America are now the freest and richest black people anywhere on the face of the earth including all of the nations that are ruled by blacks. - David Horowitz
Aug 07 2021

Fauci Funded Questionable Experiments on Dogs

Some think it should be a federal hate crime to question or criticize the nation’s highest paid bureaucrat, so let’s get in a word while we still can. Helping our ChiCom adversaries engineer a new virus is not the only dubious funding evidently overseen by Dr Fauci.

Fox News reports:

The [White Coat Waste] Project reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s bureaucracy’s budget in 2021 is an estimated $6 billion, and that documents obtained through FOIA show evidence of a study in which otherwise healthy beagles were treated with an experimental medication before being introduced to biting flies that were carrying a parasite known to be contagious to humans.

As Ben Domenech reported on Fox News Primetime, under Fauci’s direction, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases “funded painful and deadly experiments on dogs” that “endured months of pain, and once researchers were done with them, they were killed.”

Unpleasant as it is to think about, there has to be animal testing for medical science to advance. However, to those who love them, dogs and cats are more persons than they are animals. They are certainly closer to persons than they are to lab rats. Experimentation on man’s best friends has to be necessary to be morally justified.

Was this necessary?

Justin Goodman, a WCW Project vice president, told Domenech that the testing was likely a case of “not following the science”, adding that the FDA reportedly has said testing on canines isn’t always compatible to human-drug interactions.

“The EPA and the VA have ended dog testing,” he added.

Maybe Rand Paul can get Fauci to explain these experiments before Congress. After all, it is the public’s money he has been spending.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Aug 07 2021

Biden Takes His Place at Disney’s Hall of Presidents

Considering his long history of telling preposterous self-aggrandizing lies, the story of Corn Pop may be the speech that most typifies the political career of Joe Biden. He has gotten carried away with cosmetic surgery, so the animatronic version of him at Disney’s Hall of Presidents is more authentic than Biden himself as it delivers the historic address:

Hat tip: Not the Bee.

Aug 07 2021

Us and Them

One reason the leftist ruling class does not object to authoritarianism is that restrictions do not apply to them. Unlike the deplorable little people, billionaires like Google cofounder Larry Page can travel wherever they please. They are not likely to die because lifesaving medical treatment has been denied in the name of the ChiCom virus, even in a place that has totally succumbed to Covid tyranny like Australia.

While millions of regular people have been financial ruined by pointless lockdowns, WaPo-owning zillionaire Jeff Bezos saw his wealth grow by $billions upon $billions.

Covid has been so good to our moonbat elite, it is no wonder no one in power is willing to let it go. Thanks to the DAISNAID policy of our arrogantly hypocritical rulers, they live free as we endure increasing totalitarianism.

The coming climate lockdowns (see here, here, and here) will similarly crush us while making them still more powerful — unless serious pushback gets underway.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Occam’s Stubble.

Aug 07 2021

What to Do About White Settlement?

Nothing must be left untouched by the progressive craze for renaming. That way, no matter where we look, we will see that open-minded liberals are in control, and that no alternatives to their worldview are permitted. Democrats have moved to rename 1,441 places for having names deemed noncompliant with their ideology. High on the list may be White Settlement, Texas (pop. 17,851), a suburb in the Fort Worth area that started out as a mid-19th century encampment surrounded by Indian villages.

The reason moonbats are able to obliterate American heritage by renaming everything to comply with their dogma is that Republicans offer little or no resistance. Sometimes they even collude.

The town gives its name to White Settlement Road, which goes into downtown Fort Worth. Via NBCDFW:

Newly elected Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker said she asked city staff to look into a possible renaming of the road in a city council meeting Tuesday.

Mattie Parker is Republican — or at least as close to Republican as a big city mayor can get these days.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram pushes for White Settlement Road to be abolished, calling on readers to submit suggestions for a more politically correct name. Any ideas?

As for the town itself, it has demonstrated Texan character by resisting pressure to toe the PC line. Residents voted in 2005 to keep its name by a 9:1 margin, even though all things white are now bad.

On a tip from TrojanMan.

Aug 07 2021

Open Thread

The left dismisses talk about the collapse of family life and talks instead about the emergence of the growing new diversity of family types. - Christopher Lasch

Aug 06 2021

AOC Masks Up for Communist Photo Op

To get an idea of the hypocrisy of the senseless Covid tyranny imposed by our leftist rulers, watch influential Congresscritter Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez put on a mask for a photo op after crowding in with other moonbats without it:

Her fellow commie Ed Markey probably also had on a mask for only a few seconds so that the picture could be taken. Note how quickly he pulls down the suffocating rag afterward so as to be able to breathe.

More alarming than the DAISNAID hypocrisy is the straightforward Marxist slogan they chant. As with healthcare, if Housing Is a Human Right, then all goods and services are “human rights,” to be provided by slaves on a coercive basis under the iron fist of Big Government.

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 06 2021

Biden: 350 Million Americans Are Vaccinated

Finally, they can stop trying to bully people into getting the jab. Joe Biden says 350 million Americans have already received an experimental vaccine. Given that the US population is less than 333 million, that’s a vaccination rate of over 105%. They can even call off the vaccine passports.

Biden had to refer to his notes to be sure he got the number right. That way, we know the 350 million figure is as reliable as any other Covid information we have received from the government.

On tips from Wiggins and Varla.

Aug 06 2021

Rashida Tlaib: No Need to Pay for Utilities

Why stop at mandating free rent? No matter how far Democrats push the envelope, if they do not encounter sufficient resistance, they will push it further still. Leftist congresscritter Rashida Tlaib wants utility bills to be free too:

Even Squad members sometimes realize that if you boil the frog too quickly, it will jump out of the pot. She stepped back slightly:

She changed her messaging Thursday afternoon – calling for a bailout instead of outright cancellation.

According to Tlaib, if people don’t pay their utility bills, it’s Covid’s fault. She doesn’t mention that when Covid does have anything to do with it, it is not Covid itself but the insane overreaction to it, mainly by Democrats, that put people in a position not to be able to pay bills.

Tlaib likened utilities being shut off for nonpayment of bills to the alleged evils of the Israeli “occupation” that she often rails against:

“You know, I always tell people cutting people off from water is violence, from Gaza to Detroit,” Tlaib said. “And it’s a way to control people, to oppress people. And it’s those structures that we continue to fight against.”

If speech liberals don’t like is violence, then not getting something you didn’t pay for is violence too.

The good news is that when Democrats have finished incrementally instituting utopia, utilities will be free, just like rent. The bad news is that there will be nowhere for anyone who is not a member of the ruling class to live except public housing, where water, electricity, and Internet service will be sporadic at best.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.

Aug 06 2021

Biden Still Can’t Keep Away From Little Girls

Meanwhile, as Andrew Cuomo’s leftist rivals strive to string him up with the #MeToo noose, Joe Biden obliviously continues his long-established custom of publicly nuzzling and molesting underage girls. At yet another theatrical event devoted to exploiting the January 6 debacle, Biden signed a bill awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol Police officers who effectively held the door open for the hooligans who burst into the People’s House without wiping their feet, thereby providing Democrats with a gala propaganda festival that is now in Month 8 with no sign of letting up. Characteristically, Creepy Joe conspicuously failed to socially distance when he got within range of a little girl:

Apt commentary from USSA News:

It was weird watching Nancy Pelosi pet the young Black girl like some exotic animal, but Creepy Joe spotting that girl and bringing her up is so Pedo.

Thankfully he didn’t completely lose control and grope her aggressively enough to leave psychological scars as with Maria Piacesi:

Via Trending Politics:

Six years later, Maria Piacesi is finally speaking out. Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti recently shared screenshots of a conversation he had with Maria Piacesi on social media app Tik Tok where she admits that President Joe Biden pinched her nipple. The teenager has since deleted her comments however the screenshots still exist.

You can’t blame her for deleting the comments. Every 14-year-old on social media knows how cancelation by the liberal lynch mob works. However, the cat is now out of the bag — not that the establishment media is likely to pick up on the story.

Pinching a young child in their breast area is considered molestation. Joe Biden is a molester.

It’s okay to molest 8-year-olds, so long as you serve as a useful figurehead for the radical leftists who have been consolidating control. As liberals often remind us, only bad people judge others for who and how they love.

On tips from Wiggins, seaoh, and Varla.

Aug 06 2021

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Sydney McLaughlin

Moonbat losers like Megan Rapinoe and Gwen Berry get the media coverage, but Tamyra Mensah-Stock isn’t the only class act to compete on Team USA in the Olympics this year. Sydney McLaughlin set a record in the 400-meter hurdle while qualifying for the games in June. That record has been broken already — by her.

Does she take the opportunity to denounce her country? No. She is grateful for the opportunity to represent it. Does she brandish her gold medal and smugly proclaim, “I deserve this”? No again.

She credits her success to her faith:

“As long as I put the hard work in, He’s going to carry me through. And I really cannot do anything more but give the glory to Him at this point.”

Some buckle under the stress of competition, then are fawned over by the media for quitting. Not Sydney McLaughlin:

“[T]he amount of weight the Lord took off my shoulders, is the reason I could run so freely yesterday. My faith was being tested all week. From bad practices, to 3 false start delays, to a meet delay. I just kept hearing God say, ‘Just focus on me.’ It was the best race plan I could have ever assembled,” she explained.

“I no longer run for self recognition, but to reflect His perfect will that is already set in stone. I don’t deserve anything. But by grace, through faith, Jesus has given me everything. Records come and go. The glory of God is eternal.”

While narcissists lose, Sydney McLaughlin wins. In the end, people get what they really do deserve.

On a tip from Eddie_Valiant.

Aug 06 2021

Open Thread

There is a deliberate and quite outspoken attack on the whole idea of people owning private property. - Dixie Lee Ray
Aug 05 2021

Media Backs Lawless Tyranny of Eviction Moratorium

The Democrat plan has long been to impose Marxism by increments. Now that we are approaching the end game, the increments are larger. An example is Biden’s admittedly illegal eviction moratorium — that is, his decree that landlords must house tenants at their own expense.

Biden acknowledges that he does not have the legal authority to inflict this, but boasts that it will take time for courts to stop him. If he makes good on his threat to pack the Supreme Court with Merrick Garland types, he won’t have to worry about that in the future.

The Wall Street Journal accurately describes this as “premeditated lawlessness.”

The original eviction ban, imposed under the previous administration, was an outrage. At least there was the admittedly lame excuse that the government was still in panic mode over Covid. The Supreme Court made clear that the moratorium was allowed to stay in place only because it would soon expire. Now, Covid mortality is under control, and employers are begging workers to come off the government dole and get back to their jobs. Covid is clearly only a pretext.

More from the WSJ:

In justifying the ban, the government cited the Public Health Service Act of 1944. To halt disease, that law says the CDC may require “inspection, fumigation, disinfection, sanitation, pest extermination,” and so forth, with a final catchall phrase for “other measures.”

“Other measures” apparently means that any decree, no matter how outlandishly tyrannical, can be imposed through the CDC if they pretend it is for our health.

There’s no limiting principle.

That’s the point. We are approaching absolute tyranny, as inevitably follows whenever Marxists come to power.

It is bad enough that many landlords will continue to be ruined, as they are forced to provide free housing for parasites, despite relying on rent for income and to pay mortgages on the commandeered property. Added to this, those who disobey will be fined and thrown in prison:

This is an attack on property rights, the sanctity of contracts, the Constitution, and rule of law.

No one familiar with the fate of landlords when communists took control of China will be surprised that landlords are early targets of Marxists here too.

If pushback is not sufficiently forceful, the regime will encroach further on what remains of our freedom.

Meanwhile, the liberal media establishment that helped Biden and his handlers to power eggs them on in their lawlessness:

If the Biden Regime ends as messily as the comparably arrogant Louis XVI’s reign, out front of New York Times and CNN headquarters are likely locations for guillotines.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair. Hat tip: Not the Bee.

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