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  1. Kiinnitetty twiitti
    9. elok.

    LATEST ISSUE | Allegations of misuse of , a military grade malware, reveal the dark underbelly of regimes hell-bent on retaining power at any cost. The Indian govt’s evasive response strengthens doubts that it is one of them.

  2. 3 minuuttia sitten

    INTERVIEW | "The rampant, serial violations of democracy & the physical assaults on people at large & on significant sections of the media unleashed by the & its govt in is testimony." - .

  3. 33 minuuttia sitten

    | Over the last 170 years, humans have burned through so much oil, gas and coal that the earth's average temperature is now warmer than at any point in the past 125,000 years.

  4. 1 tunti sitten

    | Millions of long-haulers continue to experience effects weeks or even months after an acute infection. These symptoms can range from fatigue to brain fog to shortness of breath.

  5. 1 tunti sitten

    | People with a high level of are probably well protected against the . But the reverse conclusion — that few antibodies mean no protection — is probably not true.

  6. 2 tuntia sitten
  7. 2 tuntia sitten
  8. 2 tuntia sitten

    ARCHIVES | The practice of ban has been prevalent in India since the time of the British, and it continues to grow with a govt driven by the ideology at the Centre. By & (Apr 3, 2015).

  9. 3 tuntia sitten

    DISPATCHES | also said that the found “useful” only when it was faced with the task of clearing the “mess” it had left behind in . Report by .

  10. 3 tuntia sitten

    *NEW* | The no. of cases begins to rise again after weeks of showing a declining trend, confirming that the challenge is not over yet. T.K. Rajalakshmi writes.

  11. 3 tuntia sitten

    *NEW* COVER STORY | The history of India’s struggle for from British rule is the history of the repressive laws of in India. Words by A.G. Noorani.

  12. 3 tuntia sitten

    | Spectacular as the June performance was, in the context of the fiasco in May when daily rates plummeted by more than one-third over April levels, these trends reveal grave weaknesses in the Indian vaccination drive. By .

  13. 4 tuntia sitten

    ARCHIVES | India under may be moving towards a historically novel kind of state, which combines elements derived selectively from the two classic forms of the capitalist state - the liberal & the fascist. Aijaz Ahmad writes (Jan 31, 2020).

  14. 4 tuntia sitten

    DISPATCHES | Although the govt had stated that the price would be reduced by Rs.5 a litre of in the manifesto, Finance Minister reduced it by Rs.3 a litre, bringing cheer to many in . Report by .

  15. 4 tuntia sitten

    COVER STORY | Even before the scandal broke out, India was turning out to be a dangerous place for journalists to work in freely & fearlessly. writes.

  16. 4 tuntia sitten

    ARCHIVES | In 1960, lost a chance to settle the border disagreement with . China’s position has since hardened, and the concessions that Zhou Enlai was willing to make then are off the negotiating table now. By A.G. Noorani (Oct 30, 2015).

  17. 5 tuntia sitten

    DISPATCHES | The surrender of the six, along with similar such instances in the recent past, is being seen as a major setback to the movement in both the - border area & overall for the movement itself. reports.

  18. 5 tuntia sitten

    COVER STORY | It is not merely the leaders of the formal or those in govt institutions in India who have been allegedly targeted by the . Several public intellectuals & activists, too, are in the list. writes.

  19. 6 tuntia sitten

    DISPATCHES | Denying reports that cases are on the rise in , said that the no. of positive cases were fluctuating between 600 & 800. Report by .

  20. 6 tuntia sitten

    A recent report on & has found that there is more & more centralisation of power & that there is a general mood of despondency, particularly amongst the youths. writes.

  21. 7 tuntia sitten

    HISTORY | The , as it came to be known, would only really come to an end with the Fall of the in 1989 — 28 years after it was erected.


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