Call me Dante. He/them. I'm dtf (down to fight) Don't reblog my personal posts please consider buying me a coffee I'm a poor college student.

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White feminists really just say “Afghan men suck” and call it a day like there arent dozens of ethnic and religious groups in the country who will be, at best, severely oppressed, and at worst tortured and killed by the Taliban. Like being a man if you’re Hazara or any ethnicity and Shia isn’t going to help much, and those men certainly aren’t “supporting the Taliban treatment of women” or whatever ghoulish shit these people are making up. Like I’m begging Americans to learn about the existence of more than one ethnic group in the Middle East, but most won’t because it makes it harder to have your racism sound woke.



some of my friends were arrested at a protest yesterday… the chief administrative officer of halifax decided that homeless people aren’t allowed to be in the city anymore I guess and the cops started removing all the shelters and fining all the ppl living there and like thousands of ppl went downtown to defend them

@iamoutofideas asked if there was any ways to help out and there is! this is the link to help those arrested and displaced by the police


big fan of polite and minimal explanations when you need to get out of work, school, plans etc. just a definitive ‘sorry but I can’t make it today.’ and then if they press for details or are rude about it say ‘sorry, something came up. thanks for understanding’ i’m over the idea that you have to exaggerate/overexplain your situation even when you don’t want to do that to be worthy of flexibility and grace in your life





it’s literally such a problem like trans women will talk about the transmisogyny they face and then all the non-trans-women in their lives will be like “yeah! misandry is bad!” like not only is that not what they’re talking about but it also says a lot about the way you view trans women…

thatdamnrookie asked:

Thanks for your post on Afghanistan tbh, I've been really worrying about the welfare of a Hazara friend and his family and scrolling through post after post where Hazaras (and other endangered groups) aren't so much as mentioned has been pretty damn upsetting


Hazaras are probably one of the most persecuted ethnic groups in Pakistan and Aghanistan. The fact that a Pashtun like me have to highlight for Westerners is sad, consider what the media chooses to discuss. Hazaras are most often harassed for their ethnicity and religion– IEDs or suicide bombings targeting them happens occassionaly, especially during religious holidays, and virtually no news channel cover the incidents enough and the government does a pisspoor job to tackle the growing Sunni extremism, so I keep asking, why are they so neglected by the Pakistani media?

I have a lot of Hazara friends, because many of them are Shi'as and when we discuss these issues – considering how we share a lot of grounds on the basis of our religion and ethnocultural aspects – they often feel like they’re neglected, often being victims of racism in the west and the east. Not only that, but I have witnessed racism toward Hazaras on a very regular basis, even among my own kin. The worst part is that Westerners generalize Afghans as one group of people when Afghans are separated into many ethnic groups, such as Pasthuns, Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks and etc. Afghanistan is diverse and to assume it’s monolith is absolutely ridiculous.






Do wind turbines kill birds? Yes. And we do need to find a way to mitigate that. But outdoor cats are the overwhelming leader in causes of bird deaths.

The good that wind turbines will do for the environment, and by association birds, mitigates their unfortunate losses. We need to continue to work on and improve wind turbines’ avian safety, but acting as if they are bird Armageddon is wrong.

also please for the love of GOD keep your cats inside

[ID: A graphic titled “Wind Turbines Not the Top Killer for Birds - Annual estimated bird mortality from selected anthropogenic causes in the U.S.” Listed below are several of those causes, along with the median/average estimated bird deaths associated with that cause.

  • Cats cause about 2,400,000,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Building glass collisions cause about 599,000,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Vehicle collisions cause about 214,500,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Poison causes about 72,000,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Electrical line collisions cause about 25,500,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Electrocutions cause about 5,600,000 bird deaths per year.
  • Wind turbines cause about 234,012 bird deaths per year.

Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

/End ID]





Sacha Baron Cohen’s Keynote Address at ADL’s 2019 Never Is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate

“I’ve searched my conscience, and I can’t for the life of me find any justification for this, and I simply cannot accept that there are on every story two equal and logical sides to an argument”

I… have to admit i was kind of gobsmacked to realize that’s the borat guy, but his point is eloquent and good so keep kicking ass, dude.

Despite being known best for his comedy characters, Sacha Baron Cohen is a graduate of Cambridge University, where he earned a history degree after writing his undergraduate thesis on the American civil rights movement. His mother’s family were German Jews and his father’s family were Ashkenazi Jews; he is also the grandson of a Holocaust survivor. He understands this issue all too well.



i feel like everyone’s forgotten some Covid basics so please let me remind you:

  • Your mask protects others more than it protects you
  • You can still spread covid even if you’re vaccinated or not showing any symptoms
  • The more this spreads around, the more mutated variants of the virus will appear and they WILL be stronger than the original

so like maybe stop being a little bitch and endangering others because you really, really needed to go out to dinner or get fucked up at a bar instead of in your home like a respectable person






it’s not even funny anymore this is just sad



Been a rough couple days for one of our favorite cats, send Miette some good thoughts.









absolutely fascinated by this raw pixels on an emulator vs how the game was actually supposed to look on old tvs twitter


People say that old games dont look as good as they remember

Its because they legitimately dont.

The “fuzz” from CRT monitors was something that was definitely accounted for and taken advantage of back in the day when it came to video games! While this effect is noticeable in 3D games, it’s MUCH more visible when it comes to 2D sprites:


Just look how much more depth these simple sprites of Princess Peach and Bowser from Super Mario RPG seem to have when seen through the “dots” of a CRT TV screen!

I somehow did not know this!?!?!?

One of the clearest examples of this is using the effect for transparent waterfalls in the MegaDrive Sonic games


My absolutely favourite example of this is with Dracula’s eyes in Castlevania




The Holocaust did not take place long ago and far away. It happened in the heart of rationalist, post-Enlightenment, liberal Europe: the Europe of Kant and Hegel, Goethe and Schiller, Beethoven and Brahms. Some of the epicentres of antisemitism were places of cosmopolitan, avant-garde culture like Berlin and Vienna. The Nazis were aided by doctors, lawyers, scientists, judges and academics. More than half of the participants at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942, who planned the ‘final solution to the Jewish question’, the murder of all Europe’s Jews, carried the tile of ‘doctor’.

     — Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l, in The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Seach for Meaning

Antisemitism is often a remarkably intellectual phenomenon. Certainly Nationalism and racial theories, the basis for late 19th and early 20th century European antisemitism, were very popular in elite and intellectual circles.


Shotout to the kids with tourettes,

shotout to the undiagnosed,

shotout to the tourettic adults,

shotout to the ones who havent ticced in a while,

shotout to the ones who can supress their tics,

shotout to the ones who cant,

shotout to the ones who got diagnosed at a young age,

shotout to the ones with a praxia, or lalia,

shotout to the ones with coprolalia and/or copropraxia,

shotout to the autistics tourettics,

shotout to the tourettics ocd,

shotout to the adhd ones,

shotout to the people with comorbid disorder,

shotout to the people who got bullied because of something they cannot control,

shotout to the people on medication,

shotout to the people whose tourettes is mild,

to the one is severe,

to the ones who dont tic a lot,

shotout to my people with tourette’s syndrome.

you are valid, no matter how your tic disorder shows, you are loved and im proud of you.



Quote from @SwampAdvice on Twitter (written by frequent collaborator on The CryptoNaturalist Podcast Leslie J Anderson).

Here is a secret about things you love. If you put them down you can always pick them back up again. You can always paint again, sew again, hike again, play music again, read that book again, watch the movie. “But it’s been so long.” The thing you love doesn’t care.


disabled and disordered people don’t owe you information about our disabilities and disorders. we don’t have to answer your intrusive questions or accept your patronizing “assistance”. we don’t have to share the intimate details of our conditions or even disclose our diagnoses. you are not entitled to our medical information or history. and you should give us respect regardless.