





“That sounds like a good idea…….”-“Is there something bothering you with the idea?”-“No, the idea is GOOD…..🙂”

Can someone explain this to me?

Old people use quotation marks to indicate emphasis, as a substitute for italics (which many of them could not produce on the old typewriters they learned to write on), whereas young people use them to indicate sarcasm or falseness. They’re used as “scare quotes”.

And old people use ellipses simply to indicate a pause, or for some other incomprehensible reason I’m not aware of. But young people use ellipses to indicate passive-aggression.

So an old person could type something like:

how are things going with your “boyfriend”….

and what they mean is

How are things going with your boyfriend? [Im so excited for you, sweetie, and I wanna hear about it]

But a young person would interpret that sentence as

How are things going with your so-called boyfriend…. [I say, while seething with contempt for him and possibly for you too]

The linguistic difference across generations is beautifully explained here thank you

(via ilyalish)




[ID: Drawing of a child seeking shelter from the rain underneath a tree. In front of her are mushrooms under which goblins hide from the rain. In the background you can see a cottage. The following white text is written on the image: “It is a worthy pursuit to try to decrease the amount of pain you bring into the world.” end ID]

(via compassionatereminders)







daddy is coming home again kids

I beg our fucking pardon


what value

This site is actually immensely valuable and yet impossible to monetize. It is in fact priceless.

(via katthedemonslayer)




literally who CARES if straight cis men are wearing skirts for ‘clout’!!! I want to live in a world where being gnc is desirable to them rather than one where they make bigoted jokes about it. it’s GOOD that people with the privilege to do so are normalising gender non conformity and i dont give a shit if they have deliberate political intentions or if they’re just having fun you guys are all so annoying

we could be using the tiktok boys to kickstart a movement around men wearing skirts that would benefit gnc and trans people but you guys want ideological purity before u want results

When I was in middle school, way back in 1994, we had An Incident. A few popular boys dared each other to wear skirts to school on Monday. To, in their own words, “See what it was like to wear skirts, lol. Why shouldn’t we?”. It wasn’t anything fancy, they just pulled some long hippie skirts over their jeans in the bathroom and giggled their way to class.

I want to go back a bit here. It was 1994. There were no out gay people anywhere near our school. Certainly no trans people. A few celebrities on TV, sure, but mostly in jokes. And not everyone had access to MTV or cable. The internet didn’t exist for us. Only a few kids had ever even heard of Rocky Horror Picture Show, which would be my first brush with gender fuckery that came close to positive rep in the media. Our city and state had a measure on the ballot almost every year since the mid eighties attempting to criminalize even mentioning the word gay. AIDs was still a looming specter over everything. It was dangerous to be seen as gay or gender nonconforming.

So these boys. They weren’t trying to make a statement. They weren’t even making a gay joke. They just thought it wold be silly to wear skirts. They wanted to see what it felt like. They were experimenting. The teachers flipped out. The boys wear marched into the principle’s office, their parents called, they were sent home for the day, a school announcement was made about inappropriate clothing and being lewd in school. Again, long loose skirts over pants. “Skirts aren’t for you. It’s wrong for boys to wear skirts. Stay in your straight boy box”. In response we, the students, responded with “Fuck the police!”.

2 Days later about 2/3 of boys showed up in skirts, jewelry, and makeup. No girls wore skirts, makeup, or jewelry. Some girls drew mustaches and wore suits. It began as just a anti-authoritarian response to what we saw as a ridiculous over reaction to boys in skirts, but the more we thought about it the more upset we got. Why couldn’t they wear skirts any time they wanted??? Why shouldn’t they paint their nails??? What if they did it all the time??? Yeah maybe some of them did like other boys, so what??? Maybe some of the girls in school never wanted to wear skirts or makeup, didn’t like their boobs, and/or didn’t like boys??? MAYBE IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT

In about a week a large number of us had become queer advocates without even knowing what that was. And in the face of that many kids, the school didn’t know what to do. Send us all home? We had several days of no free periods allowed, no recess time, lunch was for eating and quiet contemplation. Parents were called and warnings mailed that school dress codes were being updated. Unfortunately for school policy enough parents also thought that enforcing the gender binary was ridiculous that meetings had to be held. And some of the wealthier parents rolled up with lawyers ready to argue that Timmy had every right to wear a long skirt, and you couldn’t suspend Alice because she’d buzzed her hair on Thursday and started wearing mens suit pants and jackets. So it was dropped mostly. Skirts couldn’t be above the knee, no spaghetti straps, no drawing on your face - regardless of gender. But the air had changed.

Most kids went back to wearing whatever they had before. But, several boys continued painting their nails, grew out their hair, and occasionally wore skirts. Several girls chopped their hair off and wore “boys” clothing. One person, and this was literally unheard of, asked their friends to stop calling them Bridgett and call them Brandon. And they did. I lost track of most of the students, this town isn’t that small, but I know some of them came out as queer later in life. I can’t say that incident was a turning point for them, but it was for me.

It started as boys being silly. But at least 2 of those initial boys ended up wearing skirts and makeup regularly after that well into high school, and not as a joke. If they’d been shouted down? If other kids hadn’t said, “You know what? Good for you!” I hope they still would have been able to come out, but it probably wouldn’t have been as easy.

And yes, it did start as a joke. But the response is what matters here. It wasn’t treated as a joke. It was met with anger. Then acceptance. And it made a positive difference.

So, I see people upset that “straight cis” people aren’t wearing clothes correctly and… Y'all. I just see another instance of some kids playing with ideas and experimenting, pushing the boundaries. And being met with anger. And told to get back in their gender appropriate box.

“Well well well what if they mean it as a joke???” Tell them they look good and should wear skirts more often, if they want to. Tell them that yellow isn’t their color, but they’d look great in green. Tell them that if they get thigh chaffing to try bike shorts underneath. If you can’t handle that, don’t say anything. Block them and move on. If they’re assholes, block them and move on. But don’t tell them they can’t wear clothing because they haven’t labeled themselves correctly.

You can’t say you support queer rights and gender nonconformity and then get pissy when people don’t wear pants/skirts in narrow ways you like.

Stop trying to validate yourself by pushing down other people.

(I’m using pronouns for people that were used when I last knew them, since I have no way of knowing if they’ve changed)

EDIT: I do know this situation is specific. It wouldn’t have happened the same at some of the other schools in town. Families trended more liberal, and the popular kids were mostly wealthier. So, we all had adults saying, “gays aren’t evil but also not encouraged, but you can’t say you don’t encourage them”. The parental support was mostly of a “don’t tell my kid what to do” liberal posturing. Very few of the parents actually supported their kid being queer at the time. Brandon changing their name was a secret. We, the students radicalized ourselves on accident, but no one actually came out until years later. Our supporting each other to wear whatever we wanted, joke or not, was influential in coming out though. (my parents basically asked if I wanted to buy a suit to wear to school, also did I want to form a picket line. I did not, but appreciated the idea. Mom told one of the boys he looked very pretty when he wore a dress to graduation. Which was another Incident, and also very funny because they couldn’t punish him at all by then)

(via xxapproachingzero)

“Photo Album: The land of protests.. Poland has changed. It has changed into a more modern, a more open-minded and accommodating society. One thing that hasn’t changed and will never change, however, is Poles’ courage and strength in... polandgallery:
“Photo Album: The land of protests.. Poland has changed. It has changed into a more modern, a more open-minded and accommodating society. One thing that hasn’t changed and will never change, however, is Poles’ courage and strength in... polandgallery:
“Photo Album: The land of protests.. Poland has changed. It has changed into a more modern, a more open-minded and accommodating society. One thing that hasn’t changed and will never change, however, is Poles’ courage and strength in...


Photo Album: The land of protests.. Poland has changed. It has changed into a more modern, a more open-minded and accommodating society. One thing that hasn’t changed and will never change, however, is Poles’ courage and strength in the face of their oppressors. Poles, once again, will win their fight for freedom. Just like they always have. 

The City Where I Want To Live
by Adam Zagajewski (1945-2021)

“It is a just city
where foreigners aren’t punished,
a city quick to remember
and slow to forget,
tolerating poets, forgiving prophets
for their hopeless lack of humor.
The city was based
on Chopin’s preludes,
taking from them only joy and sorrow.
Small hills circle it
in a wide collar; ash trees
grow there, and the slim poplar,
chief justice in the state of trees.
The swift river flowing through the city’s heart
murmurs cryptic greetings
day and night
from the springs, the mountains, and the sky.”

(via ilyalish)



The UNESCO World Heritage-listed Daintree National Park – a 135-million-year-old tropical rainforest – was handed back to the Eastern Kuku Yalanji people in a ceremony in the remote town of Bloomfield on Wednesday. The vast and steamy jungle is teeming with ancient and rare species – from a giant clawed cassowary bird to plants that have existed since the age of the dinosaurs. In total, 160,000 hectares (about 395,000 acres) of land on the Cape York peninsula – the northeast tip of Australia – is being returned to the area’s traditional Aboriginal owners […] The national parks will initially be jointly managed with the Queensland state government, before being transferred into the sole care of the Indigenous group.


Text excerpt from: AFP. “Australia’s Daintree rainforest returned to Indigenous owners.” Phys.org. 30 September 2021.

(via twofingerswhiskey)

“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star
” thecollectibles:
“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star
” thecollectibles:
“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star
” thecollectibles:
“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star
” thecollectibles:
“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star
” thecollectibles:
“Six Fan Arts Challenge by Ddaddy Star




when somebody mentions a “plot hole” in a piece of media and it’s just like “why would this character make an emotionally driven choice consistent with their morals instead of doing the most objectively logical thing in this situation, this writing sucks”

“they didn’t make the decision I think that I would have made in their position”

Honestly this sums up a lot of irritating things about Cinemasin-style plothole counting. Even really basic questions like “why did they go into the basement” has an obvious answer:

Because they didn’t know they were in a horror movie.

It’s human nature to do irrational things based on the limited information we have. You’ll laugh at someone check out a weird noise upstairs in a ghost movie, and then do the exact same thing the next week thinking you’ve got raccoons in the attic.

You likely absolutely would make the same decision the character in a book or movie made if you were in that position, you just have the advantage of outsider knowledge. The more media is tweaked to avoid such “plotholes”, the more boring and souless it becomes.

(via agayworthfightingfor)


teapot418 asked:


Well? Is it?








I don’t know. Nobody knows. Not on here or on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or anywhere. He does not appear to have any social media.

And, for the curious:

Twitter I’m @Neilhimself

Facebook I’m @NeilGaiman

Instagram I’m @Neilhimself

All with links.

What’s your tumblr though?

I’m obviously not on Tumblr. I do not appear to have any social media.


Please, everybody, it’s common knowledge that Neil Gaiman isn’t even a real person. He was invented in the 1980s by the author Terry Pratchett in order to have a “co-writer” to blame if his newest book was poorly received.