Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | WA Today

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Climate change

‘Golden book’ of climate science to raise pressure for emissions action

‘Golden book’ of climate science to raise pressure for emissions action

Saudi Arabia and India are the nations intervening most as the world’s top climate scientists finalise the latest assessment of how much the world is heating up.

  • by Peter Hannam


Global warming pushing emperor penguins to brink of extinction by 2100

Global warming pushing emperor penguins to brink of extinction by 2100

Human climate change threatens emperor penguins with extinction but scientists say there is still time to save Antarctica’s best-known residents.

  • by Miki Perkins
Remote Cape Howe on the ocean front line for climate change

Remote Cape Howe on the ocean front line for climate change

A remote marine wilderness in eastern Victoria is on the front line of climate change. 

  • by Miki Perkins
Superannuation giant abandons coal, backs new tech and renewables

Superannuation giant abandons coal, backs new tech and renewables

Aware Super, formerly known as First State, is beating targets it set a year ago to shift its portfolio away from fossil fuels in line with Paris targets.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Renewables drive Australian emissions lower as wind records blown away

Renewables drive Australian emissions lower as wind records blown away

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions extended their declines into the first three months of 2021, driven lower by a roaring renewable energy sector that set fresh records this past weekend.

  • by Peter Hannam
Group of 20 nations fails to agree on phasing out coal by 2025

Group of 20 nations fails to agree on phasing out coal by 2025

The move to rapidly abandon coal was supported by G7 members but opposed by other nations that attended the G20 meeting in Naples on Friday.

  • by Nick O'Malley
The world gallops to Glasgow while Australia trundles the other way

The world gallops to Glasgow while Australia trundles the other way

Countries are acting with increasing urgency on climate change. Australia is not among them.

  • by Nick O'Malley
How the dynamics of a heating planet are driving extreme weather

How the dynamics of a heating planet are driving extreme weather

Scientists who once studied climate change as a future threat are now grappling with the immediacy of violently altered weather patterns.

  • by Peter Hannam
Environment Minister appeals ruling she must protect children from climate harm

Environment Minister appeals ruling she must protect children from climate harm

Sussan Ley’s appeal against a landmark court ruling also argues the primary judge erred in his findings about global temperature rise.

  • by Miki Perkins
Australia’s giant carbon capture project fails to meet key targets

Australia’s giant carbon capture project fails to meet key targets

Analysts say the $54 billion Gorgon project to extract and export gas from fields off the WA coast has missed key benchmarks agreed to five years ago.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Why a killer US heatwave points to a stifling future for our cities

Why a killer US heatwave points to a stifling future for our cities

Urban heat experts say the record-breaking heatwave in North America should set off alarm bells in Australia. But decision-makers are not listening.

  • by Nick O'Malley and Miki Perkins