Stephen Duckett | WAtoday

Stephen Duckett is director of the health program at the Grattan Institute.

Delays, confusion: Vaccine rollout needs less hype, more efficiency

Delays, confusion: Vaccine rollout needs less hype, more efficiency

The Commonwealth government needs to lift its game to ensure people will be vaccinated against COVID as promised.

  • by Stephen Duckett


The federal government must step up: How to fix our quarantine system

The federal government must step up: How to fix our quarantine system

The Morrison government should live up to its constitutional responsibilities and establish national quarantine facilities.

  • by Stephen Duckett and Brendan Coates
Australia’s COVID vaccination challenge: speed, efficiency and GPs’ capacity to deliver

Australia’s COVID vaccination challenge: speed, efficiency and GPs’ capacity to deliver

While vaccine supply is limited, its fast and efficient rollout to Australians is critical.

  • by Stephen Duckett
Climate change is here and hurting Australians now

Climate change is here and hurting Australians now

In the absence of a comprehensive national strategy, the health sector must adapt to the changing climate in Australia.

  • by Stephen Duckett and Will Mackey
Better aged care through individual service agreements

Better aged care through individual service agreements

A one-size-fits-all, take-it-or-leave-it approach should no longer be acceptable for the systems which support older Australians.

  • by Stephen Duckett and Hal Swerissen
Victoria's state budget must reset health priorities

Victoria's state budget must reset health priorities

The COVID crisis provides a unique opportunity for the state government to reassess the direction for Victoria’s health system.

  • by Stephen Duckett
No other place in the world has tamed a second wave this large

No other place in the world has tamed a second wave this large

Today, as the crisis accelerates in Europe and elsewhere, Victoria’s 'zero new cases' are the envy of the world.

  • by Stephen Duckett and Tom Crowley
Reform of aged care is hard, but we should have already started

Reform of aged care is hard, but we should have already started

The federal budget was the opportunity to start the reform journey of this troubled sector. It didn’t.

  • by Stephen Duckett
Go for zero: what Victoria can teach NSW about COVID-19

Go for zero: what Victoria can teach NSW about COVID-19

If NSW thinks it has nothing to learn from Victoria about the pandemic, it's wrong.

  • by Stephen Duckett
Dan's plan is mostly right ... and partly wrong

Dan's plan is mostly right ... and partly wrong

It could hardly be more opaque unless the Premier incorporated the cycles of the moon, the star signs of the key players, and whether the wind was blowing from the east.

  • by Stephen Duckett
Arguing against lockdowns? This is why you're wrong

Arguing against lockdowns? This is why you're wrong

A "let the virus circulate" strategy increases the risk of a third wave and future lockdowns.

  • by Stephen Duckett