Gina Trapani

Gina Trapani

Entrepreneur · Developer · Writer


I'm @ginatrapani. I've been building software and companies for over two decades. I also like to write about technology, and how it makes our lives better (and worse).

Currently I'm a Managing Partner at Postlight, a digital product studio in New York City, where we build web platforms, apps, and other software products for our clients. Need help building something? Get in touch.

Before Postlight, I founded sites and services like Lifehacker (acquired by Univision), Makerbase (acquired by Fog Creek), and ThinkUp. My side projects include Todo.txt, an open source collection of text-based task list apps, and Narrow the Gap, a web site about the gender pay gap.

My writing has been published in The Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and Wired, among others. Profiles of my work have appeared in venues ranging from The Wall Street Journal to The New York Times. Once upon a time, Fast Company named me one of the Most Influential Women in Technology, and Wired magazine awarded me its prestigious Rave Award.

Some nice strangers also wrote a Wikipedia page about me. To get in touch, you can send me an email to my usual username at Gmail or tweet at me.

Thanks for stopping by.


November 2019

  • Gave a talk at BigWP on how to spin up a WordPress-powered React App in one step. Here are my slides.

October 2019

July 2019

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."