• Dossier No. 43: CoronaShock and education in Brazil: One and a half years later
    Dossier No. 43: CoronaShock and education in Brazil: One and a half years later

    One and a half years since the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil, it is possible to better evaluate some of its effects. The most visible immediate aspect of the pandemic has certainly been the sudden suspension of in-person activities and the temporary closure of schools and universities.

    …For Brother Glen
    …For Brother Glen

    A poem in remembrance of Glen Ford, whose untimely death on July 28, 2021, we deeply mourn.

    Judgment day over the killing fields in the Philippines
    Judgment day over the killing fields in the Philippines

    Diverse international groups along with the U.S. State Department have taken notice of Rodrigo Duterte’s record of killings and wanton defiance of universal norms of justice. Duterte’s regime might claim to honor the right to life, liberty, and security of persons guaranteed by the UN Declaration of Human Rights and other Covenants; but its practice consistently defiles those norms. Mass media and internet platforms cannot keep up with the regime’s punitive outrages.

    Repressing radical protest, tolerating reactionary violence: The U.S. double standard in historical context
    Repressing radical protest, tolerating reactionary violence: The U.S. double standard in historical context

    The following essay examines the different reactions to radical and reactionary protest, and situates them in a broader historical context. In doing so, we find that the capitalist state will tolerate reactionary violence to a large extent since it represents no threat to capitalist property relations. In contrast, when faced with radical (and particularly socialist) movements capitalist states engage in much more severe repression.

    The Visionary Marxist
    The Visionary Marxist

    Is fundamental, revolutionary change possible from within a social and economic system so shaken that questions of dual power are not likely to be raised?