The Socialist Olympics of 1936

Radical workers’ sporting organisations and the 1936 People’s Olympiad illustrate the role of sport in fighting oppression, writes Uma Arruga i López.

Failure to deliver

Major financial institutions have cited Deliveroo’s employment practices for its disastrous public share launch. Alice Martin and Tom Powdrill look at what went wrong and what it might mean for workers’ rights

Power on the picket line: remembering the Burnsall Strike

Almost 30 years on, Sarbjit Johal recalls supporting the strike, which consisted of mostly Punjabi women workers

Review – The Shadow of the Mine: Coal and the End of Industrial Britain

Laura Pidcock, former MP for North West Durham, reviews the new book by Huw Beynon and Ray Hudson in the shadow of Brexit and deindustrialisation

The uses and limits of celebrity solidarity with Palestine

Famous voices can shape public opinion on Palestine, argues Raoul Walawalker, but walking back solidarity statements does more harm than good

What’s at stake for the left in Unite’s General Secretary election? An interview with Steve Turner and Sharon Graham

As the election of a new General Secretary for Britain's biggest trade union gets underway, Red Pepper speaks to left candidates Steve Turner and Sharon Graham.

Prevent strategy funding Birmingham theatre

The government’s Prevent strategy is funding productions that will damage community relations, argues Keith McKenna

"Books of Knowledge Picton Library Liverpool" by Terry Kearney is marked with CC0 1.0

The working-class voices publishing against the grain

Luke Charnley reports on the new publishing houses getting working-class writers onto the printed page.

Between the posts

From Twitter takeovers to the European Super League, Neville Southall talks to Jake Woodier about politics and sport

A decade of student dissent

Various authors look back on student revolts worldwide over the last decade

Anti-racism under attack

Around the world, politicians and school boards are demonising Critical Race Theory. They're scared of its transformational power, argues Remi Joseph-Salisbury

Review – Paint Your Town Red: How Preston Took Back Control and Your Town Can Too

In this timely book, Matthew Brown and Rhian E. Jones explore new forms of democratic collectivism across the UK, writes Hilary Wainwright.

Old advertisement featuring happy housewives with vaccuum cleaners and one sad housewife with dustpan and brush

Covid and the household economy crisis

Even before the pandemic, the squeeze on household time and income had reached crisis point. Ursula Huws examines social reproduction in the digital age

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