
A Dispatch from FCI Englewood’s Segregated Housing Unit

https://cldc.org/a-dispatch-from-englewood-cos-segregated-housing-unit/?utm_source=Civil+Liberties+Defense+Center+List&utm_campaign=a8dfe957cf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_06_30_10_34_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_11ddfa2fa7-a8dfe957cf-428836861 Read a message from Eric’s attorneys here “Today I was locked in a small windowless room with asbestos walls crumbling onto a filthy floor for over seven hours. I was allowed to leave only once to use the restroom. I was not permitted to have water, food, or access to my cellphone to let anyone know whether or not I was OK. A small metal shelf, about the size of a laptop, is mounted…

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Eric given another 6 month general correspondence restriction.

Not the post we wanted to be making, but on July 7th after his communication restrictions expired SIS (special investigation services) from FCI Englewood gave him word that they were renewing the expired restrictions. For another 6 months, Eric will be unable to communicate with anyone who is not family. This will bring him to a total of a year and a half being held incommunicado from the public when this restriction ends. Like the…

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Eric may soon be able to receive mail.

Eric’s communication restrictions are set to expire July 7th! The last time the restrictions expired it took him about 2 weeks to receive his first piece of mail. Then after 2 weeks the bureau renewed the restrictions for 6 more months. There is a good chance that they will attempt to restrict communication again at some point so this may be the only chance to get letters into him. Eric King #27090-045 FCI Englewood 9595…

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Apple Hope

5/22/21 The other day for lunch, I was given an apple. This in itself is not interesting since Warden Williams came on, we have had apples exclusively for breakfast lunch and dinner every single day even when we plead for no more apples, the guards will lay them on our bars or push them in our cells. These apples are not necessarily impressive, unless you’re impressed by tiny, mushy or way too large and bruised…

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“Zombie Regrets”

I’m sorry, I ruined the party   caused a big mess in the lobby  I’m sorry I killed your best friend  had to eat your intestines   I’m sorry I broke your hot plate  feel bad, for eating your hot face   I’m sorry, that you weren’t ready  treated guts like they were spaghetti   I’m sorry I caused that car crash  licked your brains off the dash   I’m sorry I picked up your scent   You should have been…

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FDC Englewood

When someone is indicted federally, they are sent to either a private facility, or a Federal detention center (or held in county jail through US Marshal contracts). People indicted in Florence get sent to the Englewood FDC. Right now there are abortion bombers, people called killers, people called gang leaders, but not me. For the last 19 months, the admin or US Marshals (or both) have kept me in SHU (segregated housing unit) with no…

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Words from Eric

Hello friends, comrades & government voyeur (sic) creeps!  Recently the fucking pukes at the bureau decided it’d be best to cut off my mail again…. this along with the telephone ban, essentially strangling my contact with the outside world… all this while pre-trial… ugh. Really its fucking exhausting and it gets really old, This is systematic and intentional and a vindication of both my revolutionary spirit/actions inside, and the AMAZING Support from our community.  It was really amazing throughout December, getting to reconnect with…

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Legal Update

We wanted to let you know that Eric King’s trial has been pushed to October 12th in the U.S District Court of Colorado in Denver.  This was granted by the Judge because Eric’s lawyers requested a continuance, in part, based on gaps in the discovery (legal documents shared between both parties) and that FCI Florence is closed to legal visits (the site of the incident in question needs to be inspected).  Eric continues to be held…

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