Speculative Fiction & Poetry
The Guardener's Tale -- Details
Biographical Note

I was born of Catholic and Jewish heritage in Chicago in
1943, and grew up in Southern California in an era of rock
and roll, the Cold War, and the Space Race. From
1961-2001, I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, attending
and graduating from the University of California,
Berkeley, while active in the psychedelia and political
protests of the 1960s.

I've worked in a variety of occupations, including
computer programmer, college professor, technical writer,
book designer, movie projectionist, gardener, and  
furniture mover. I now live in Ocala, Florida, once known
as The City of Trees, with my wife, writer-artist
Simon and the ghosts of two cats.

My poetry and fiction have appeared in hundreds of
publications, including
Asimov's SF, Analog, Amazing
Stories, Realms of Fantasy, Strange Horizons, Weird Tales,
The Pedestal Magazine, The Twilight Zone Magazine, Daily
Science Fiction, Year's Best Fantasy & Horror
, and the
Nebula Awards Showcase. My poetry has received the
Bram Stoker Award, the
Asimov's Readers' Award, and
the Rhysling Award of the SFPA, each a record number of
times. I also received the first
Grandmaster Award of the
SFPA. My fiction has received a Pushcart Prize and twice
been a finalist for the Bram Stoker Award (novel, short

My writing stretches from humor to surrealism, with
many stops along the way for science fiction, fantasy,
horror, and noir. I've published 58 books and chapbooks,
including the dystopian sf novel
The Guardener's Tale and
the psychedelic bildungsroman
Stained Glass Rain. My
best short stories are collected in
Masque of Dreams, my
best shorter poetry in
Brief Encounters with My Third Eye
and my best long poetry in
Dark Roads. Personal favorites
Sacrificial Nights, a poetry novella written in
collaboration with Alessandro Manzetti, and the poetry

For my thoughts on speculative poetry and writing, see
John Amen's
interview with me at The Pedestal Magazine
and JoSelle Vanderhooft's
interview with me at Strange
. For a comprehensive essay on my poets see Gary
William Crawford's "
Song of the Dark, Songs of the Stars"
New & Recent

My dystopian novel The Guardener's Tale,
a Bram Stoker Award finalist, is at last
available in a
Kindle edition on Amazon.

The eBook of Visions of the Mutant Rain
Forest is on sale for $1.50 (over 60% off)
at the
Crystal Lake Bookstore
until the end of the month.
2 novelettes, 6 stories, 39 poems

For most recent news and free poems,
follow me on

Selected Short Poems 1975-2016
Now available on Amazon.
100 of my best short poems,
including 15 award-winners

Watch the trailer for
at YouTube.

My 2003 Bram Stoker Award
is at last available
as an ebook.

Five Mutant Rain Forest poems
up at the Freezine of SF & F.

A collaborative collection with fellow
Bram Stoker Award winner Alessandro
Sacrificial Nights is a poetry
novella that blends the genres of horror,
surrealism, crime, and noir. Set in a large
America city, it follows the lives of some
of those who inhabit its late-night streets:
prostitutes, pimps, a thief, an arsonist, a
police detective, a psychotic killer, and
more. The text is richly complemented by
Ben Baldwin’s striking illustrations.
Available at Amazon.
Trade Paper Edition
eBook Edition