AGATHA’S BARN: A Carpenter’s Farm Story


Agatha’s Barn: A Carpenter’s Farm Story is nominated for the Shirley Jackson Award. This recognition means a lot to me because this story came out during a very difficult time, and it wouldn’t exist if not for the wonderful individuals mentioned in the story that follows. A story about a story based on story . . . and music, and poetry, and life.

For those curious about Agatha’s Barn, or for those who haven’t yet had a chance to read the novella, or even if you never plan to but are curious about its origin or about Carpenter’s Farm or the many faucets of that crazy-incredible project, here’s how it all came to be, and how it quickly evolved.

The pandemic hit. I’m not sure it was called a pandemic just yet (or maybe February / March / April 2020 is now pushed out of my mind for good), but times were rough. I hadn’t written a single word since the bad thing spread. I couldn’t see myself ever writing again . . . 

Jobs were lost, money tight, and most needed distraction(s) from the real world. This is why most read and write and listen to music and create / enjoy art  in the first place, right? So, I listed all Written Backwards titles I could as free on Amazon, for as long as I could. A few thousand copies moved in that short time and I can only hope those books helped others through their own struggles. But that wasn’t enough. I wanted to write, but the words weren’t there.

Then Josh Malerman decided to do something completely daring, as he always tends to do. If you’re under a rock, he’s the author of Bird Box (you know, that huge Netflix thing that happened?), along with A House at the Bottom of a Lake, Black Mad Wheel (which I like to call Red Piano), Unbury CarolInspection, Malorie, Goblin, and others. You can find links where to purchase his books here. And purchase them all.

Josh put himself out there, offering to his fans first draft chapters (after a quick polish, so maybe second or third) of a serial novel called Carpenter’s Farm, which ended up around 76,000 words. He wanted to work on this book prior to Covid (that should be stated) to release the old-fashioned way. And his web developer, Todd Jackson, wanted something new on the site: a short story to read for free, perhaps. Long story short, they decided to just go for it, and post new chapters of the novel Carpenter’s Farm directly on the website, as the chapters were written.


An entire novel.

Raw. Powerful. Nothing like a first draft at all.

A handful of chapters were posted, and then a few more, and soon he casually mentioned to the world that if others would like to play along, well . . . to ‘just do their thing’ (or however he phrased it).

Not long after, poet and all-around badass Shane Douglas Keene started posting poems to go along with Josh’s chapters, posting those at Inkheist. You can read the entire set by clicking that link or the image below. I guess you could say it was Shane’s poetry that first got my creative wheels turning again, although something else quickly became equally as inspiring, or, at least, what follows is what I remember happening.


Josh’s chapters hit hard and sharp as they were released. Shane’s poetry did the same. I found myself pulled to them, eager. Then a ‘chicken / egg’ moment. I can’t for the life of me remember which came first. Around the same time, musician and composer Chris Campbell started creating and releasing audio tracks to go along with the chapters. He was making a score for the serialized novel, I soon discovered. Hollywood level stuff. His work eventually evolved into a 76-minute score, and you can listen to it in its entirety here, or by clicking the artwork for the soundtrack below.


I thought: Something’s happening here. I’m not sure what, no, not yet, but something’s happening and wants out. Josh put the invitation out there, so why not? Something about the jars in the story stuck with me, and, of course, the barn. We wouldn’t find out what was in the barn for quite some time (toward the end of the novel, in fact), but the barn held my attention most. Quick fast-forward: later Josh and I discussed events I was writing around the 10,000- to 15,000- word mark in my story, and we were apparently on the same page, so to speak, with things that were not yet revealed in his story hinted at in mine. Some sort of magic between us. Rewind . . .

I hadn’t written for a long stretch (6 months, 10 months, longer?), and considered I might never write again. But I thought, Let’s just let out what wants out. The barn. Agatha.

Her name came to me quickly, one of those characters who write themselves onto the page and you just go along for the ride letting those fingers dance. The farmer, sure, he was there too, just out of reach, as well as a few of Josh’s other characters. We were on a synchronous wave with a character named Ever, and I would later write things about him before they’d happen in Josh’s tale. Magic. But we’re not there yet. I had only read the handful of Carpenter’s Farm chapters Josh had written, and the poems Shane had written, and the music Chris had composed.

So, I asked Josh if he would mind me writing a tie-in short story about the barn, and he said to go for it, and so I put the music created for his project on a loop and hashed out what I thought would be a short story in a single day. 5,500 words. I started at around noon on a Saturday and put it through multiple drafts by midnight. I sat on it for a week, touched it up, sent it to Josh. He absolutely loved it. And then I thought, You know what would be perfect for this?

I then reached out to my pal Glenn Chadbourne (widely known for his illustration work on various Stephen King projects). I put it to him this way, knowing he was following Josh’s progress:

“I just wrote a companion piece to Josh Malerman’s serial novel, Carpenter’s Farm. It’s about 5,500 words, and takes place in that same world. Want to supply a few illustrations for it? Writers and artists and musicians working together and whatnot?”

Glenn wanted to play along, and sent me me three illustrations in a matter of three days. I believe I sent him the story on Friday and by the following Monday he had them ready for me.


Fast-forward to the end of Agatha’s Barn, and Glenn would create 24 illustrations, which really brought this story alive. Josh’s writing and Shane’s poetry and Chris’ music and Glenn’s illustrations kept me on my toes, and kept the inspiration going to write, and to create. Words wanted out of me, and quickly. Rewind . . .

The very next weekend, I dedicated those days to Part 2 of the story, another 6,000 words. I mixed poetry throughout the narrative because that wanted out of me too. I listened to the Carpenter’s Farm soundtrack, and then decided to put the Bird Box soundtrack in the mix as well (by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross), since those two go so well together. That music inspired Agatha’s Barn greatly.

And the following weekend, I dedicated those days to Part 3 of the story, another 5,000 words. I soon found myself not with a short story, but a novelette pushing into novella territory, and I thought, Why not? Let’s keep this going.

I sent another message to Glenn, something like, “Hey, still want to play?” and he did, and kept cranking out those illustrations. A few others had written tie-in work at this point, and I enjoyed those as well. And by the time Part 4 came around, John Skipp came into the picture and the project further evolved . . .

John was inspired to create music by Carpenter’s Farm, and the results were incredible. The music meshed well with all the other magic around this project, and so I put his work into the mix as well, using it as inspiration to write what I thought would be the end of Agatha’s Barn. But no, she wasn’t done with me yet.

Quick sidebar: There’s a character named Chris who plays a vital role in that finale; although that name was directly “Tuckerized” into my story from musician and composer Chris Campbell because of his music, it’s by name only.


What I thought was the end of my part of the project ended up around 5,000 words, the story a tad over 21,000 words. but, as previously mentioned, Agatha’s Barn didn’t want to end. The story wanted / needed to be a little longer. And so Josh kept creating his longer narrative, closing in on the end, and Shane kept writing his companion poetry, chapter by chapter, and Glenn kept sending me wonderful illustrations as I sent him the words ahead of posting, and John kept producing his own music. What an incredibly wild, creatively-inspiring ride this had become!

In my loop of music while writing: the ever-growing Carpenter’s Farm soundtrack, the Bird Box soundtrack, the instrumental four-album Ghosts I IV by Nine Inch Nails (to get some of those uniquely odd moments down), and music by the amazingly talented John Skipp. Every time I sat down to write, the words (and characters) wrote themselves. I was the vessel, the man behind the “Black Mad Wheel” you could say.

The novella ended up at 26,800 words, far longer than the short story I originally set out to create, and ended up getting nominated for the Shirley Jackson Award somehow, a nice (huge) surprise. And just the other night, I was able to watch a Carpenter’s Farm soundtrack listening party hosted by Mother Horror. You can check that out (and I highly recommend doing so to learn more of the magic behind this crazy endeavor) here, or by clicking the image below.


So, thank you Josh Malerman for getting me out of my funk. Post Agatha’s Barn, the words have begun to flow, and I have now created something the range of 100,000 words of collaborative material in the form of poetry, short fiction, long fiction, and even a screenplay or two. And thank you Shane Douglas Keene for pushing the wheel that got me rolling with your poetry. And thank you Chris Campbell for heavily inspiring the novella throughout with your soundtrack. And thank you John Skipp for heavily influencing what ended up being “The End” of Agatha’s Barn. And thank you Glenn Chadbourne for not only illustrating the novella throughout, but inspiring creativity. And thank you to all the other creators out there who played a part of this, whether or not you knew you were involved.

My suggestion for the perfect Carpenter’s Farm experience?

  1. Watch the video by Mother Horror to get inspired about this project.
  2. Before reading, put the Carpenter’s Farm soundtrack by Chris Campbell on a loop.
  3. Add in the Carpenter’s Farm 12-track soundtrack by John Skipp.
  4. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 1 – 4 by Josh Malerman, but . . .
  5. Have the companion poetry by Shane Douglas Keene handy throughout your entire reading / listening experience so you can follow along chapter by chapter.
  6. Read Agatha’s Barn: Part 1, also enjoying the artwork by Glenn Chadbourne.
  7. Read the tie-in story “Name Tag” by Jimmy Doom.
  8. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 5 – 12 (and the poetry).
  9. Read Agatha’s Barn: Part 2.
  10. Don’t forget to keep that music flowing.
  11. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 13 – 16 (and the poetry).
  12. Read Agatha’s Barn: Part 3.
  13. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 17 – 20 (and the poetry).
  14. Read Agatha’s Barn: Part 4.
  15. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 21 – 25 (and the poetry).
  16. Read Agatha’s Barn: Part 5.
  17. That music still going? May want to switch to those last tracks by Chris Campbell.
  18. Read Carpenter’s Farm: Chapters 26 – 30 (and the poetry)
  19. Seek out any and all other works inspired by this project. They are out there.
  20. Push out those positive vibes for an eventual printed copy of this monster.

If you have already read Carpenter’s Farm by Josh Malerman in its entirety, be sure to also check out the other attached projects if you haven’t done so already. But if you just want to read Agatha’s Barn, for whatever reason, you can download a PDF of the entire novella.



Prisms (co-edited by Darren Speegle and yours truly) is now available by PS Publishing. Available in trade hardcover or limited signed / numbered hardback (only 100, signed by all).

Instruments, mirrors, metaphors, gateways humankind must pass through in order to achieve, to overcome, to realize, to become. Contained herein are nineteen transformative tales from some of speculative fiction’s most brilliant minds. So open your eyes and let the light pass through . . .

Table of Contents:

“We Come In Threes” – B.E. Scully
“Encore for an Empty Sky” – Lynda E. Rucker
“The Girl with Black Fingers” – Roberta Lannes
“The Shimmering Wall” – Brian Evenson
“In This, There Is No Sting” – Kristi DeMeester
“The Birth of Venus” – Ian Watson
“Fifty Super-Sad Mad Dog Sui-Homicidal Self-Sibs, All in a Leaky Tin Can Head” – Paul Di Filippo
“Rivergrace” – E. Catherine Tobler
“Saudade” – Richard Thomas
“There Is Nothing Lost” – Erinn L. Kemper
“This Height and Fiery Speed” – A.C. Wise
“The Motel Business” – Michael Marshall Smith
“Everything Beautiful Is Also a Lie” – Damien Angelica Walters
“The Gearbox” – Paul Meloy
“District to Cervix: The Time Before We Were Born” – Tlotlo Tsamaase
“Here Today and Gone Tomorrow” – Chaz Brenchley
“The Secrets of My Prison House – J Lincoln Fenn
“A Luta Continua – Nadia Bulkin
“I Shall But Love Thee Better” – Scott Edelman

Cover art by Ben Baldwin



A special congratulations to Josh Malerman for winning his first Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction for his story “One Last Transformation” in Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors. This was Josh’s eighth Stoker nomination in only a handful of years, and his first statue of hopefully many. I imagine him having an entire village in the near future. I imagine he’ll write a story about it. I imagine he already has.

Congratulations as well to co-editor Doug Murano, who worked with me tirelessly to bring something completely original to the world of anthologies. The book itself was nominated for Superior Achievement in an Anthology. Doug is an incredible Bram Stoker Award-winning editor and also working his way to a village. Look soon for his next project, The Hideous Book of Hidden Horrors, from his new press Bad Hand Books.

MISCREATIONS - Full Spread - award

The anthology is currently up for Anthology of the Year by This is Horror. Find it here:

AmazoneBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover


My most recent collection, The Impossible Weight of Life, is on sale for less than a buck on @AmazonKindle in the US and UK. Snag it here: (US), or here: (UK). This is me, flipped upside-down, dissected, and put on display.

TIWOL - Cover

An autobiographical collection of speculative fiction and poetry by Michael Bailey. Contains Bram Stoker Award-nominated short stories such as “I Will Be the Reflection Until the End” and “Time Is a Face on the Water,” but also never-before-published mind-benders created during his “highly-medicated” state of recovery, including a story about memory loss called “Fragments of Br_an,” (composed on a typewriter that no longer exists, now ash), “Emergence of the Colorless,” a statement about the beginning of the end of prejudice, and the far future “Oll Korrect,” in which artificial intelligence is used to explore humankind. As for poetry, there are favorites such as “Loosed Earth” and “Shades of Red,” but many new poems to help with balance, including “Hurt People Hurt People,” “Night Rainbows,” and “Paper Earth.”

AmazoneBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover


Free e-Book Holiday

Midnight Dec. 24th through midnight Dec. 28th, the following are available as free downloads for Amazon Kindle. This is a sampling of work by Michael Bailey: short fiction & poetry (including illustrations by Daniele Serra), a composite novel, and themed long fiction. Fill up your Kindle. They’re free!

Trade paperback and hardcover editions are also available.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00073]

INKBLOTS AND BLOOD SPOTS, a painfully beautiful collection of short stories and poetry by Michael Bailey that reaches deep into the imagination, breaking hearts and boundaries along the way. Features an introduction by Douglas E. Winter, and illustrations and cover artwork by Daniele Serra;. This book was originally published by Villipede Publications. This second edition is now published by Written Backwards.

AmazoneBook trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover

PR - Cover

PHOENIX ROSE, a composite novel. Michael Bailey returns to the strange town of Brenden, Washington to expand the events of Palindrome Hannah. A family is torn apart after a horse foaling goes terribly wrong; a sickly man recounts getting mauled by his neighbor’s dog; an undead priest is reborn into the world a hundred-fifty years after his untimely death; two brothers run for their lives through a dead field of wheat. Holding all of this together is a young boy named Todd, whose survival pivots on the balance of life and death, and a deranged mental patient with a burnt rose tattoo, whose reality is paradoxical. Cover artwork by Michael Ian Bateson.

AmazoneBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover 

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00094]

OVERSIGHT, a themed collection of two novelettes and a short story by Michael Bailey. Includes “Darkroom” and “SAD Face” (novelettes), and “Fade to Black” (short story).

AmazoneBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover


Starting midnight on Friday the 13th (November 13, 2020) through midnight the 20th, The Impossible Weight of Life eBook is on sale at Amazon for only $1.99 in the US, and £1.99 in the UK. Also available in hardcover and trade paperback.




Written Backwards presents The Impossible Weight of Life, a painfully autobiographical collection of speculative fiction and poetry by Michael Bailey, author of previous collections such as Scales and Petals, Inkblots and Blood Spots, and Oversight. Available now wherever books are sold!

Amazon: eBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, AustraliaGermany, FranceItaly, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Noble: trade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!): trade paperback | hardcover


  • Time is a Face on the Water
  • Speaking Cursive
  • Ghosts of Calistoga
  • Möbius
  • The Long White Line
  • Hourglass
  • The Other Side of Semicolons
  • Gave
  • Essential Oils
  • Fragments of Br_an
  • I Will Be the Reflection Until the End
  • Emergence of the Colorless
  • Oll Korrect


  • Loosed Earth
  • Hurt People Hurt People
  • Life (C)remains
  • Lest We End
  • Past the Past
  • Blink
  • Sands of Time
  • Shades of Red
  • Who Will Teach Them?
  • The Nocturnal Waking Nightmare
  • Paper Earth
  • Apanthropy
  • Night Rainbows

TIWOL - Cover


TIWOL - Cover

Written Backwards presents The Impossible Weight of Life, a painfully autobiographical collection of speculative fiction and poetry by Michael Bailey, author of previous collections such as Scales and Petals, Inkblots and Blood Spots, and Oversight.

Release date: October 13th, 2020.

Amazon: eBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, AustraliaGermany, FranceItaly, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, and Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Noble: trade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!): trade paperback | hardcover

This time around, after an imbalanced world temporarily destroyed his vestibular system and flipped life upside-down (thanks to an extended bout of a strange condition called Bilateral Loss of Labyrinthine Function), literally burned to the ground during California wildfires, then became threatened after rising from the ashes by acts of school violence, a flood, further fire evacuations, prolonged power outages, multiple uprootings, social injustice, political unrest, and finally a global pandemic, he decided it’s time to bend the boundaries of the written word once more, in case, you know, the world rolls itself off the giant scale that balances life and death to end things once and for all.

This collection contains Bram Stoker Award-nominated short stories such as “I Will Be the Reflection Until the End” and “Time Is a Face on the Water,” but also never-before-published mind-benders created during his “highly-medicated” state of recovery, including a story about memory loss called “Fragments of Br_an,” (composed on a typewriter that no longer exists, now ash), “Emergence of the Colorless,” a statement about the beginning of the end of prejudice, and the far future “Oll Korrect,” in which artificial intelligence is used to explore humankind. As for poetry, there are favorites such as “Loosed Earth” and “Shades of Red,” but many new poems to help with balance, including “Hurt People Hurt People,” “Night Rainbows,” and “Paper Earth.”


  • Time is a Face on the Water
  • Speaking Cursive
  • Ghosts of Calistoga
  • Möbius
  • The Long White Line
  • Hourglass
  • The Other Side of Semicolons
  • Gave
  • Essential Oils
  • Fragments of Br_an
  • I Will Be the Reflection Until the End
  • Emergence of the Colorless
  • Oll Korrect


  • Loosed Earth
  • Hurt People Hurt People
  • Life (C)remains
  • Lest We End
  • Past the Past
  • Blink
  • Sands of Time
  • Shades of Red
  • Who Will Teach Them?
  • The Nocturnal Waking Nightmare
  • Paper Earth
  • Apanthropy
  • Night Rainbows

Available for pre-order now.

CHIRAL MAD – ILLUSTRATED! (and final push)


Thanks to your help, Chiral Mad 5 is happening. We have officially reached the first two goal unlocks, which means the anthology will include at least 100,000 words of fiction and poetry, featuring at least 15 stories and 15 poems, and will have the fiction illustrated throughout.

Seth Brown has been commissioned to create black and white interior artwork for each of the stories within Chiral Mad 5. At least 15, but perhaps more. Some of his most recent work includes cover art for FIYAH Literary Magazine.

But the campaign’s not over yet. We have until midnight tonight to reach our next unlock:

CM5_indigogo_UNLOCK 3

When the campaign reaches 150% funding, or $7,500, all contributors of underrepresented demographics will receive 8 cents per word for their fiction (instead of 6 cents per word, and likewise a bump for poetry payment) to meet SFWA consideration for professional payment.

After the campaign ends, it will still run for a few months (for additional pre-orders) so additional funds can be collected to hopefully make this final goal happen. So, you are not only helping raise funds for Black Lives Matter (where all profit from this book will go), but you are also helping writers receive professional payment for their work, at rates not only approved by the Horror Writers Association (HWA), but also the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).

Thank you for your support!

Let’s keep this going …



Chiral Mad 5 will include at least 15 stories and 15 poems, or around 90,000 words (but will most likely include more, depending on the success of this campaign, probably closer to 100,000).

The campaign officially ended August 30th, 2020 at 11:59pm PDT, so pre-orders are now on hold until sometime in the beginning of 2020, perhaps around February. Those who pre-ordered directly through the campaign will receive the book a few months prior to publication.

Chiral Mad 5 will be released in eBook, trade paperback, trade hardcover, and in a special deluxe signed & numbered hardcover limited to only 100 copies (only available through the campaign). For updates on the project, click here.

Here’s an update on the Table of Contents so far (with more on the way):


  • “Seeds” by J. Federle
  • “What Is Lost in the Smoke” by Laura Blackwell
  • “Impressions of a Vizard-Mask, Surrounding the Great Troubles of 1907” by Emily Cataneo
  • “Persistence” by Jonathan Lees
  • “Feeling Like a Big Kid at the End of the Beginning” by Paul Michael Anderson
  • “Tears That Never Stain” by Jessica May Lin
  • “The Drunken Tree” by Tonya Liburd
  • “The Queen of Talley’s Corner” by Gary A. Braunbeck
  • “Sable’s Bestiary for Those Who Remain” by Hailey Piper
  • “Redstarts in the Last Summer” by Vajra Chandrasekera
  • “Ancestries” by Sheree Renée Thomas
  • “Elevator” by Michael Paul Gonzalez
  • “I’m Not Sam” by Jack Ketchum & Lucky McKee (paperback / hardback only)


  • “Backspace Is a Language In Our Dreams” / “Every Day Can’t Be April” by Nnadi Samuel
  • “Chasing the Serpent” by Marge Simon
  • “Dark Neighborhood” by Cindy O’Quinn
  • “Corpuscular” / “Absence” / “Chalk” by Shane Douglas Keene
  • “The Infinite Lives of the Little Match Girl” by Christina Sng
  • “Seasonal Meat” by Jamal Hodge
  • “Asphyxia” by Maxwell I. Gold
  • “Magmatic” by LH Moore
  • “Yesterday at 1:53 p.m.” by B.E. Scully
  • “Spectacular Degeneration” by Zoje Stage
  • “Colorblind” by Wrath James White

More announcements are on the way.


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