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Lower vaccination target risks thousands of cases: experts

Experts say the difference between 70 and 80 per cent vaccination rates will be critical in reducing the virus, with the lower target predicted to unleash more than 5000 cases a day.

  • David Marin-Guzman

Morrison can be beaten by the pandemic and win the election

The Prime Minister needs to become more political and prove he has a pandemic plan as NSW continues to battle to control its latest outbreak.

  • Aaron Patrick

The pandemic baby boom no one saw coming

Births are up 5.5 per cent in NSW and Victoria alone, as couples forge ahead with plans for a family.

  • Ute Junker

This Month

Roll out the lotto barrel to hit vaccination target

The national cabinet’s properly fleshed-out plan to get 80 per cent of Australians vaccinated should include a national lottery to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

  • Danielle Wood and Will Mackey

Race complicates Berejiklian’s vaccine mission

The reluctance of some groups to get vaccinated is making the NSW government’s task of stamping out COVID-19 harder.

  • Aaron Patrick

Vaccination race reveals two distinct populisms

The global race to vaccinate has a use beyond the narrowly medical: it is also dividing the global populists into authoritarians and feral libertarians.

  • Updated
  • Janan Ganesh

Year 12 students in Sydney hotspots to get jabs ahead of the bush

Pfizer vaccines will be redirected from other parts of the state to year 12 students in eight hotspots so they can return to face-to-face teaching.

  • Julie Hare

More than a third of Sydney under tighter controls

Authorities are hoping another four weeks of lockdown will do what the last five haven’t and bring rampant case numbers under control.

  • Updated
  • Finbar O'Mallon

Sydney lockdown to be extended by a month

The NSW government will prolong Greater Sydney’s shutdown but construction is expected to be able to resume from Saturday.

  • Updated
  • David Marin-Guzman, Finbar O'Mallon and Nick Lenaghan

Post-lockdown Victorian business support package to be announced

Victoria is negotiating with the federal government about the extension of business support for firms caught by continued tight restrictions after the lifting of the state’s lockdown Tuesday midnight.

  • Tom Burton

NSW is set to adjust a lockdown that isn’t working

Sources said the government will loosen restrictions on outdoor gatherings in areas where there has been few COVID-19 cases reported. Construction work is going to resume too.

  • Updated
  • Aaron Patrick

Vaccine rage is the new contagion

Tensions are rising between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in the US, with calls for mandatory measures, amid rising infections and lagging inoculation rates.

  • Roni Caryn Rabin

There’s nothing over the top about saving 50K lives

A more targeted strategy might have worked, but Australia’s border closures and lockdowns have achieved world-leading health and economic outcomes and produced net benefits overall.

  • David Bassanese

Politics has trumped the science

The politicisation of AstraZeneca by qualified and self-appointed medical experts to attack the Morrison government has been a disgrace.

  • Pru Goward

‘We might need to go harder’ NSW warns

Sydney’s lockdown will likely double the state’s deficit but the Premier has warned restrictions may get tougher with experts saying there was room to move.

  • Updated
  • Finbar O'Mallon

Britain has thrown away its vaccine advantage

Internationally, the so-called English experiment in opening up even as infections rise is regarded with horror.

  • Jeremy Warner

The reason NSW isn’t defeating delta

Too many Sydneysiders, especially in the city’s south-western suburbs, are disobeying a ban on family socialising.

  • Aaron Patrick

No easy way out for unvaxxed Australia

NSW’s deepening lockdown crisis shows there will be no genuine return to normal life for all Australians until the national vaccine rollout is completed.

  • The AFR View

NSW urges vaccine take-up after death of woman in her 30s

A Sydneysider in her 30s has become the youngest woman to die in Australia due to COVID-19 as NSW recorded another 141 locally acquired coronavirus cases.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

The politicisation of pandemic punditry

Medical experts are presenting opinions as facts and forming rival camps as pandemic management becomes the focus of discussion, writes Aaron Patrick.

  • Aaron Patrick