Narendra ModiAkaun disahkan


Prime Minister of India

Menyertai Januari 2009
Dilahirkan pada 17 September


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  1. 21 jam lalu

    नई शिक्षा नीति के Formulation से लेकर Implementation तक, हर स्टेज पर शिक्षक इसका सक्रिय हिस्सा रहे हैं।

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  2. 21 jam lalu

    I am particularly delighted that the National Education Policy celebrates India’s linguistic diversity.

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  3. 21 jam lalu

    ‘राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति’ युवाओं को यह विश्वास दिलाती है कि देश अब पूरी तरह से उनके साथ है, उनके हौसलों के साथ है। युवा मन जिस दिशा में भी सोचना चाहे, खुले आकाश में जैसे उड़ना चाहे, देश की नई शिक्षा व्यवस्था उसे वैसे ही अवसर उपलब्ध करवाएगी।

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  4. 21 jam lalu

    Our focus is on academic flexibility, extensive learning, promoting regional languages and harnessing technology.

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  5. 21 jam lalu

    From the start of schooling to communication in sign language, digital textbooks to a structured assessment to analyse learning, National Education Policy is extensive and futuristic.

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  6. 21 jam lalu

    After a long wait, India got a National Education Policy. This policy caters to the dreams and aspirations of India’s talented youth. As the Policy completes a year today, glad to see new initiatives being launched relating to implementation of key components in the policy.

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  7. 23 jam lalu

    Addressing a programme to mark a year of the National Education Policy.

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  8. 24 jam lalu

    This will immensely help thousands of our youth every year get better opportunities and create a new paradigm of social justice in our country.

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  9. 24 jam lalu

    Our Government has taken a landmark decision for providing 27% reservation for OBCs and 10% reservation for Economically Weaker Section in the All India Quota Scheme for undergraduate and postgraduate medical/dental courses from the current academic year.

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  10. 29 Jul

    On this day last year, India took a monumental step ahead in the education sector by introducing the National Education Policy. The aim of this policy was sector and placing it at par with world-class systems which bring out the best in our students.

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  11. 29 Jul

    At 4:30 PM today, I would be taking part in an interesting programme in which we will mark one year of the National Education Policy and add momentum to the efforts towards . Key initiatives relating to NEP will be launched.

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  12. 29 Jul

    India’s strategy of tiger conservation attaches topmost importance to involving local communities. We are also inspired by our centuries old ethos of living in harmony with all flora and fauna with whom we share our great planet.

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  13. 29 Jul

    India is home to 51 tiger reserves spread across 18 states. The last tiger census of 2018 showed a rise in the tiger population. India achieved the target of doubling of tiger population 4 years ahead of schedule of the St. Petersburg Declaration on tiger Conservation.

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  14. 29 Jul

    On , greetings to wildlife lovers, especially those who are passionate about tiger conservation. Home to over 70% of the tiger population globally, we reiterate our commitment to ensuring safe habitats for our tigers and nurturing tiger-friendly eco-systems.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    29 Jul

    Prime Minister ⁦⁩ to address the education community in the country today, on 29th July. via NaMo App

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  16. 28 Jul
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  17. 28 Jul

    Wonderful news. Only those who have eaten the Bhoot Jolokia will know how spicy it is!

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  18. 28 Jul

    Had an extensive interaction with representatives of religious and social organisations on how community efforts can strengthen the fight against COVID-19.

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  19. 28 Jul

    Good to meet US Secretary of State today. I welcome President Biden's strong commitment to strengthen the India-US Strategic Partnership, which is anchored in our shared democratic values and is a force for global good.

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  20. 28 Jul

    No words will ever do justice to the monumental contribution of Shri Ji towards our Party and for Karnataka’s growth. For decades, he toiled hard, travelled across all parts of Karnataka and struck a chord with people. He is admired for his commitment to social welfare.

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