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Health & wellness

Our fitness routines are no longer the same – but will they go back?

Our fitness routines are no longer the same – but will they go back?

Brett Farago is one of many Australians who have overhauled their exercise regimen in lockdown, and for some, it may mark a permanent shift.

  • by Sophie Aubrey


For the ultimate power move, look to Simone and Naomi

For the ultimate power move, look to Simone and Naomi

Society typically hails those for triumphing over adversity, and punishes those who quit. Could giving up be a good thing? Maybe even a pathway to enriched success?

  • by Samantha Selinger-Morris
The ancient practice that’s perfect for modern gardens

The ancient practice that’s perfect for modern gardens

Espalier - the age-old art of flattening apple and citrus plants against a stone wall - is finding new favour. Here’s how to choose the right plant for your space.

  • by Megan Backhouse
Just take the mental health day. Here’s why more of us are

Just take the mental health day. Here’s why more of us are

There has been a marked increase in workers – particularly young workers – taking a mental health day, with several drivers behind the trend.

  • by Sophie Aubrey
Lifting weights? Your fat cells would like to have a word

Lifting weights? Your fat cells would like to have a word

We all know that lifting weights can build our muscles. But by changing the inner workings of cells, weight training may also shrink fat, according to a new study.

  • by Gretchen Reynolds
Can you reduce the side effects of COVID vaccines?

Can you reduce the side effects of COVID vaccines?

Still awaiting your jab? Improving your health in the lead-up won’t hurt and may help reduce some reported side effects.

  • by Sarah Berry
Drowning in her possessions, Jennifer turned to a ‘freeing’ new lifestyle

Drowning in her possessions, Jennifer turned to a ‘freeing’ new lifestyle

Minimalism isn’t just about decluttering; it is about living a life aligned to values that include simplicity, sustainability and being a conscious consumer.

  • by Evelyn Lewin
Help your garden thrive this summer by doing the groundwork now

Help your garden thrive this summer by doing the groundwork now

Many gardeners had an easier go of things last summer thanks to the relatively mild conditions. But don’t be lulled into complacency.

  • by Megan Backhouse
Not just in your head: Why do some people seem to always feel cold?

Not just in your head: Why do some people seem to always feel cold?

Settling on the right temperature is a common household dispute. And while there are key physiological reasons, often tied to gender, it’s also about our behaviour.

  • by Sophie Aubrey
A hot fitness trend among Olympians: blood flow restriction

A hot fitness trend among Olympians: blood flow restriction

The Summer Olympics shows the world the latest training method the greatest athletes have taken up. This year, the hot thing appears to be tourniquets.

  • by Matthew Futterman
Waking up in the middle of the night? Try these sleep hygiene habits

Waking up in the middle of the night? Try these sleep hygiene habits

To increase your odds of sleeping soundly through the night, experts recommend tweaking certain daytime behaviours such as wake time and alcohol intake.

  • by Anahad O'Connor