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Browse Migration

This article is almost six years old.

There’s a reason that the Paris suicide bombers made sure to bring their passports, writes Hazel Healy.

This article is almost six years old.

A chronic lack of coordination between agencies and volunteers is putting minors at risk in Lesbos, says Natasha...

This article is almost six years old.

BBC Radio 4 invited New Internationalist editor Hazel Healy to explore whether there is a ‘moral...

This article is almost six years old.

Antoine Cassar describes the solidarity and suffocation experienced on the Mediterranean island.

This article is almost six years old.

New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy reports back on the refugee crisis on the Greek...

This article is almost six years old.

Chris Coltrane has had enough of excuses about Britain being full.

This article is almost six years old.

The negotiations should consider the migrant crisis, argues Chris Spannos.

This article is almost six years old.

Alexi Demetriadi reports on those forced to choose between a fast and slow death.

This article is almost six years old.

The new Labour Party leader made prescient observations about the crisis of migration that ring true today.

This article is almost six years old.

Emily Gowdey-Backus details one refugee’s story, set at the intersection of European immigration policy and...

This article is almost six years old.

Emily Gowdey-Backus details one refugee’s story, set at the intersection of European immigration policy and...

This article is almost six years old.

Greece is ill-prepared to deal with the crisis on its doorstep, reports Natasha Tsangarides.

This article is almost six years old.

Mari Marcel Thekaekara finds a ray of sunshine in an email from a friend.

This article is almost six years old.

John Hilary says foreign policy failings have led to the large-scale migration.

This article is almost six years old.

For decades we have exported a Western consumerist dream to the Global South; little wonder migrants now want to share our...

This article is almost six years old.

An encounter with an elderly Tamil man far from home in Malaysia puts Mari Marcel Thekaekara in a pensive...


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