
The Indian government has done all kinds of things in the name of modernisation. To get food rations and social grants, for instance, Indians have to submit to a state of the art biometric scanning system. When farmworkers fingertips are rubbed away through manual labour, they render themselves unidentifiable to machines, and are denied benefits. Witness, progress.

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How do you change someone’s mind about the most important thing in the world?

About a decade ago, I started working on a film project called Generation Food, with an amazing group of activists and film makers. Today, I’m very pleased to share the first fruits of that project: The Ants & The Grasshopper. It’s premiering at the Mountainfilm festival later this month, with more opportunities to see it coming later this year. But for now, here’s the trailer.

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A Green New Deal for Agriculture

Here’s a piece run by Jacobin, written by Jim Goodman and me, on the history of the New Deal, and how it matters for rural America today. Agriculture policy in the original New Deal sprang from a heady mix of class struggle and uneasy alliances. The Green New Deal will have to stitch together a different coalition that can challenge the dominant mode of agriculture and create a more just food system.

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