Rob Beschizza


Boing Boing | txt fyi | beschizza com. Email rob at that domain

Csatlakozott 2007. április


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  1. 11 órával ezelőtt

    Got the feeling my iffy old verizon-box wifi was the only real bottleneck

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  2. 11 órával ezelőtt

    It surely beats dicking around in Parallels or whatever with the unlikely best-case scenario being limping along at 20 FPS or whatever

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  3. 11 órával ezelőtt

    If you haven't tried game streaming, it's really something! I needed to jump into No Man's Sky, but only have an M1 Mac, and gave GeForce Now a whirl. Gave me a (free!) RTX-equipped PC running it in 4k with no stuttering I wouldn't have experienced on my old 1080 machine.

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  4. aug. 3.

    When you're not actually certain at all.

  5. aug. 3.

    Stills from old tv ads that look like they were generated by bigsleep

  6. aug. 3.
  7. aug. 3.

    If there was one thing on God's Earth that should go directely to New Gawker, it is this tape

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  8. aug. 2.

    Yet another article mystified by the "12-round job interview" thing. It's really unpaid consulting. If it seems "silly" or "absurd" to say this, well, enjoy spending 20 hours telling a company how it can become more profitable and efficient!

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  9. retweetelte
    júl. 30.

    Make TV shows of John Wyndham novels as period sci fi dramas, you cowards

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  10. júl. 30.

    Games Workshop's copyright-lawyering contempt for the DIY art culture it supposedly husbands is funny because it's so bad at exploiting its own IP. (Shame it's the likes of Blizzard that ate its lunch, but someone was always going to)

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  11. júl. 30.

    I feared someone would explain to me the political economy of Orwell's Oceania in DMs but I prefer the explanation that it is North Korea-esque rump state that consists only of London and the home counties surrounded by a prosperous modern democracy.

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  12. júl. 30.

    Creating an extremely convincing news site, with all the right contemporary well-funded news site notes, packed with legit stories and wire content, just so it can also announce that Jared Leto is the new Doctor Who

  13. júl. 30.

    And the paper hints at this. There's a couple of lines that suggest that of the places that are likely to survive, Britain will be trouble because it will be the biggest by far and not in good political shape

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  14. júl. 30.

    If anything, "britain survives the apocalypse, at the price of totalitarianism" is one of the stock scenarios of science fiction. V for Vendetta. Children of Men. Knights of God. Somewhat implied in Nineteen-Eighty-Four.

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  15. júl. 30.

    The "New Zealand, UK best places to be in an apocalypse" paper is more complex than the stories suggested. More "ultra productive islands able to survive as lifeboats hosting mass waves of climate refugees" than "riding it out in the shires"

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  16. júl. 30.

    One day there will be the headline "Jaguar injured after entering Florida Man enclosure", but not today

  17. júl. 30.

    Just when you think something is going to be done about kiwi farms, twitter turns into kiwi farms

  18. júl. 30.
  19. júl. 28.

    The Benny Gesserit Show

  20. júl. 28.

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