
Mar 25 2021
Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion in Torres v. Madrid closes an alarming loophole that lower courts had carved into the Constitution, clarifying that the Fourth Amendment prohibits “unreasonable” police shootings even if a wounded suspect still flees the scene.
— So the Supreme Court has declined to chip away at previous precedent by affirming that if the cops shoot at you then that counts as a seizure under the Fourth Amendment - even if they’re just haphazardly shooting at your car because you got scared when someone tried to open your car door with no warning and drove away. Usually when Democrats think about courts it’s about abortion but to me it seems like there’s significant scope for courts’ ability to circumscribe this kind of full-on dystopic power. This particular decision basically just upholds the status quo rather than allowing further slide but you could imagine a future court that e.g. put meaningful limits on qualified immunity.

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Mar 23 2021
Mar 22 2021

came to my senses about the whole “moving in four weeks; mustn’t buy any more groceries until then” train of thought

Just ate an actual whole bowl of pasta for the first time in days and feeling drastically more human.

18 notes

Mar 20 2021

last night I dreamt I was trying to sell my place in Baltimore

The real estate agent said “we got an offer” and handed me a piece of paper that said “302,000″ on it. In my dream I knew that was significantly more than twice what I’d paid. I said “oh, okay, this must be for an assemblage then” and the real estate agent said “yes” and I woke up. 

Anyway I’ve been spending all day wondering if there’s something wrong with me that my dreams are this literal.

12 notes

Mar 19 2021
The Bloomberg super-yacht tracker is exquisitely designed to make you angry about the society we live in just by looking at it. The “Pct. New.” column refers to super-yachts built since 2016, by the way - because super-yachts are a booming business...

The Bloomberg super-yacht tracker is exquisitely designed to make you angry about the society we live in just by looking at it. The “Pct. New.” column refers to super-yachts built since 2016, by the way - because super-yachts are a booming business right now. On a totally unrelated note, is there any particular reason pirates aren’t still a thing?

12 notes


doing DE&I work stuff in a city like Seattle is a challenge

Because the kind of people who wind up on these committees are all super socially conscious and come with suggestions like “we should hold graduate-level seminars on critical race and gender theory” but the problem we’re actually trying to solve is more like hiring managers asking candidates if they know current employees of the same ethnicity with similar last names.

9 notes


the mortgage application process is such a window into consumer finance regulation

I could definitely get a very long mortgage with a very small downpayment for a property that is very likely to end up underwater (in the negative equity sense; possibly also the floodplain sense) over the lifetime of the mortgage if I wanted to. However I do need to read and sign a series of forms promising that I understand that it’s bad to fall behind your payments. One of the forms had a little script about how to shop around for mortgage rates. The massively technical aspects with the greatest potential for misleading products and hidden fees are full on Ayn Rand but the parts that are obvious to anyone who’s ever interacted with the economy have dozens of pages of unhelpful tips. The aspect where it’s like “maybe people default on their mortgages because they don’t know how to budget or shop around” seems p r o b l e m a t i c (and unsupported by the evidence!) but I guess regulators don’t want to rock the boat too steeply on the whole mortgage industry.

10 notes

Mar 18 2021

one of the people I play D&D with (not in one of the games I run) lied to get vaccinated

Their father owns a large business in an essential non-work-from-home industry and they don’t work for the business (or work at all - they’re ostensibly trying to make it as a writer despite not actually writing much) but they were able to claim they worked for it and now they’re celebrating all over social media. They are too fragile to accept any criticism about anything they do and I really don’t want to have to play D&D with them anymore if they’re going to keep talking about this? TL;DR very ready to go back to most of my social interactions being with the near-strangers I habitually bring home from the bar instead of the awful nerds who are available for weekly Zoom D&D.

20 notes

Mar 17 2021

work is once again posting ads like “senior researcher 10+ years experience” and then interviewing applicants fresh out of grad school as junior researchers

I don’t understand the rationale for this but the only potential junior researchers who apply for jobs that require 10+ years experience are the ones who are completely detached from reality about their own abilities (e.g. “I’m not done my PhD just yet but my undergrad is from a very elite liberal arts college so that should count as industry experience”) and they are exhausting to interview (I don’t get to choose them but I do have to interview them) and terrible for diversity. Anyway we cannot be the only employer doing this so if you see an ad that requires 10+ years experience I guess just apply for it?

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