Výsledky hledání
  1. 5. 7.

    Police Brutality: Politics A-Z Usual via .

  2. 7. 7.

    Spousta pastvy pro oči 😍 Tenhle týpek z DragonArmsCZ se umí obklopit jen těma nejlepšíma věcičkama, se kterejma umí kouzlit 🤟Dře na sobě, co to dá, a aby to všechno vydržel pije ČERNÝHO PSA 👊

  3. 11. 7.

    The update we have been waiting for is finally here. The motion poster of starring in the lead has been released by the makers. Going by the looks, it appears Ajith Kumar is playing a officer in the film.

  4. 7. 7.

    Today Oak had a special visit from our local PCSO and discussed the life of a Police Officer. #@ormskirkandruralwestlancspolice

  5. 10. 7.

    As we get ready to say goodbye to Cst. Jeffrey Northrup, we want personnel to know we’re here for you, your family & community through the grief & beyond. Our friends have put together a series of resources for you & the young people & adults in your life.

  6. 9. 7.
  7. 7. 7.
  8. 10. 7.
  9. 8. 7.

    Gen. Salim Ehsas has been introduced as Kandahar’s new police chief, said MoI

  10. před 13 hodinami

    How can he say level 5 when theyz no police outside🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  11. 11. 7.

    , officers shot in on going riots in Africa's economical hub

  12. 5. 7.
  13. před 3 hodinami


  14. před 17 hodinami

    I’ve written about this image & made comments about why this didn’t have to happen inc having more fan spaces. I was in where there were a lot of vans so I presume on call. Why was this not policed? There was more security on Mission8 ! !!

  15. 11. 7.

    Now everyone has a mobil in hand but it happen very often in

  16. před 35 minutami

    Had a member send me this in today’s mail. She runs a non profit and this is absolutely amazing. Her non profit donates to departments to give to kids to build relationships. Check out Poke Blue Helping You on Facebook!

  17. 6. 7.

    Former absconding from last 13 years arrested : on Tuesday arrested a former terrorist who had been absconding for 13 years in the .

  18. před 9 hodinami

    Many peoples miss use

  19. před 7 hodinami

    “There are people in these police departments…they want to come to Florida to [work].” said officers around the US can relocate to if they feel disenchanted.

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