Резултати претраге
  1. пре 4 сата

    "Muslim women coders in India and around the world say the incident has altered their relationship with the enabling tech platform that once felt like their home."

  2. 30. авг
  3. 4. сеп

    Rajmohan Gandhi: “It is the everyday citizen who has to speak up”, as it was during Partition.

  4. 31. авг

    Another 2 accounts suspended for Report these troll accounts! Hate speech cannot be tolerated on any platform!

  5. 29. авг

    Current discourse on Scottish Twitter.

  6. 2. сеп

    Desperate Prime Minister JT broke laws this week. Are things that bad for the ?

  7. пре 18 сати

    , Special Rapporteur on minority issues, taking at Annual Meeting! An invitation to draft a global treaty against will be made in the Rapporteur’s report, next month.

  8. 5. сеп

    Funny how uses words he doesn’t know… like “heart.”

  9. пре 19 сати

    This person was literally wishing death on You may have deleted the post but you made it and we see it. We see your ugly soul.

  10. 31. авг

    . I would like you to take down this targeting my ethnic minority, Jewish religion. thank you.

  11. пре 11 сати

    When I wrote, 'Could Vaccine Resisters Be WACO’d?', April 021, I imagined I was being hyperbolic. No more. If the Sheep spoke of blacks like they do of the ; it would be

  12. 5. сеп

    Successive Governments have failed our Nation, now we have devolved Government’s who are orchestrating division and hate. Our forefathers will be turning in their graves. Learn from history because we are on track to repeat it

  13. 4. сеп

    People who tell you that “you need help” when clearly they need help. I spent all summer doing therapy bc of YOU and your friend group. Keep judging Bbby girl. Im everything you are not ;)

  14. 4. сеп

    Wow, is one of the best journalists in modern politics of India. A true proud Indian is someone embracing diversity, not making it's own people feel alienated. Stop .

  15. 31. авг

    We need more and better education about to tackle and discriminatory attitudes. That's why we do programmes like

  16. 30. авг

    Preventing autism is it seems eugenics and I feel a possible crime against humanity by those who propose it

  17. 29. авг
  18. 31. авг
  19. 29. авг

    I agree with everything Mark says here but I also wonder why this form of is acceptable? I’m sure 1000s of other Scots of Irish descent are wondering the same

  20. пре 21 сата

    How does allow this woman to have her account alive? Hey, , this is provactive and disgusting! Hateful. Where should I sign to suspend her account?

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