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Super & retirement

My verdict on the government’s new YourSuper comparison tool

My verdict on the government’s new YourSuper comparison tool

Up to a quarter of the MySuper funds listed may not pass the soon-to-be-introduced performance test. It’s well worth a few minutes of your time to check how your fund is doing.

  • by Jessica Irvine


Downsizing to top up super a viable option

Downsizing to top up super a viable option

You should always aim to have an unencumbered home in which you want to live when you retire and enough money in superannuation to support your lifestyle.

  • by George Cochrane
Why understanding compound interest is so important

Why understanding compound interest is so important

An understanding of compound interest is essential for anybody who wants to become financially secure.

  • by Noel Whittaker
How to navigate the new super fund comparison tool

How to navigate the new super fund comparison tool

With more than 600 MySuper funds to chose from, the government has developed a simple tool to help you compare returns and fees.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Who is going to pay for growing aged-care costs? Probably you

Who is going to pay for growing aged-care costs? Probably you

Taxpayers are likely to be left to pick up the tab for more aged care funding for many more people.

  • by Rachel Lane
Growing ratio of dependants to workers signals trouble ahead

Growing ratio of dependants to workers signals trouble ahead

A full review of our tax and welfare system is long overdue, with an overhaul of the GST at the front of the agenda. However, don’t hold your breath.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Options to generate more income in retirement

Options to generate more income in retirement

Centrelink’s Pension Loans Scheme allows you to borrow money against your house and create an income stream to meet living expenses.

  • by George Cochrane
The implications of going guarantor on a mortgage

The implications of going guarantor on a mortgage

If you decide to put up your the title deeds on your home to support a family member buying property, you first need to weigh up the consequences.

  • by Noel Whittaker
Superannuation splitting – a tax gift for couples

Superannuation splitting – a tax gift for couples

A couple who can each grow their super balances could potentially get $3.2 million into tax-free retirement income streams.

  • by Paul Benson
Traditional asset allocation for self-funded retirees may no longer work

Traditional asset allocation for self-funded retirees may no longer work

The long-standing asset allocation used by many self-funded retirees may no longer be appropriate to generate enough income to cover living expenses.

  • by John Collett
One in four workers over 50 don’t believe they’ll ever retire

One in four workers over 50 don’t believe they’ll ever retire

The notion of retirement is changing for wealthier Australians, while those in financial hardship feel retirement is a pipedream.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons