Submit your event options:

1a. Record a 20-second promo for your event on our answering machine.

Call our on-air listener line at 250.740.1017 and leave a 20-25 second long message telling us about your event. This is probably the easiest way for you to get your audio recorded for us to play at CHLY. Your message should include the following:

  • What/Where/When the event is.

  • If applicable, how much the event is, and where to get tickets.

  • If applicable email: background music for the event.

  • IMPORTANT: Write what you want to say, and read it through several times over to make sure it’s easy to read aloud!

See below for an example that we did for Gord Grdina at the White Room.

1b. Record your own promo at the station.

Like the above but recorded at CHLY 101.7FM’s studio. Email or call 250.716.3410 to schedule a time to come into the station to record a higher quality promo. We recommend coming prepared with a readable script that is roughly 20-25 seconds long.

2. Submit a show or event to our Events Calendar!

We’re currently testing sending event updates out to our email subscribers to keep them in the loop for local events. Filling in this form gives us the information we need for our events page and social media updates, as well as on air promo for hosts to mention on their shows.

Please complete the form below

Please include both a description for our events page, as well as for promotion on the air by our hosts. We highly encourage you to offer 1-2 pairs of tickets for your event. These tickets are given away to our supporters and listeners and assist in a big way in keeping CHLY financially sustainable.

In case we need to call you.
Event Tickets for promotion
Please check yes! We give tickets away to our donors to help support what we do.
Date Event Starts
Time Event Starts
Location of Event
We need to know where to point people!
Date Event Ends
Time Event Ends
We like to help!
You agree to let us use this to promote your event.