The Rakes is a musical band that was recently formed in 2003. They were an English Indie Rock band that was originated in London. The band has performed various musical shows. However, they had to call it an end in 2009. Their first-ever album Capture/Release made its way to the market in 2005 and received nine out of ten reviews in the NME. The album gained immense popularity and also was rated as the 13th best album of the year. Let’s find out about the history of the band and their best song albums.

Best Albums by Rakes

In their six years journey, the band released three best albums consisting of many singles among them.

Best Albums by Rakes

  • Capture/Release: It was the first album to hit the market and is a debut almost, released on August 15th in 2005. Like mentioned above, it gained the 32nd number at the NME (New Musical Express) awards of the UK. The album also received great comments from the critics. Three years hence, it was released in the US on April 18th 2006 with the addition of the last track “All Too Human”.
  • Ten New Messsct, ages: It was the second album which was released on March 19th, 2007. This album also managed to reach the 38th position in the list. The album’s first-ever single “We Danced Together” was released on March 12th 2007. The band’s second album “The World is a Mess but His Hair was Perfect“, was released on July 16th, 2007. The lead singer of the album stated that the song was inspired by the TV show 24 and many more. The band also went on the biggest tour and performed to the singles of this album for 13 days in March 2007.
  • Klang: It is sadly the last one among the three, released on March 23rd, 2009. The album was recorded with Chris Zane in Germany as they considered the London music to be dull and felt like wading through a swamp of shit. They wanted to inspire others with their song and hence the name ‘Klang’ which meant ‘Sound’.


The Rakes musical band was formed in 2003, and their first-ever release Capture/Release, with its first singles “22 Grand Job“, “Retreat” and “Work, Work, Work“. Their first-ever album itself gained so much popularity that several singles from their album gained a position in the top 40 UK Singles Chart. The final release of the song “All Too Human” was released three years hence, in 2006 in the United Kingdom, which again reached the top of the best chart at the 22nd position.

Apart from releasing their albums, the Rakes also accompanied Franz Ferdinand on their winter tour named ‘You Could Have it So Much Better’ in 2005. Their biggest UK tour after the release of the second album was the biggest concert headline.

However, on October 22nd 2009, they announced the splitting of the band with immediate effect and all the lead singers and musicians of the band claim that singing the same song for years, got them bored and hence the split.