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witchy stuff ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

How to Predict Timing with Tarot

When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.


The Fool – Whenever you are ready

The Magician – It has already begun

The High Priestess – You know exactly when

The Empress – During harvest season

The Emperor – It is almost done

The Hierophant – It is finished

The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice

The Chariot – In just a few moments

Strength – The minute you accept it

The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it

The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return

Justice – When you least expect it

The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change

Death – Whenever it is ready

Temperance – After the storm

The Devil – It is happening right now

The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly

The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen

The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment

The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise

Judgement – Soon and inevitably

The World – In divine timing



Ace of Wands – One day

Two of Wands – Two days

Three of Wands – Three days

Four of Wands – Four days

Five of Wands – Five days

Six of Wands – Six days

Seven of Wands – Seven days

Eight of Wands – Eight days

Nine of Wands – Nine days

Ten of Wands – Ten days

Page of Wands – As we speak

Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December

Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April

King of Wands – End of July to most of August


Ace of Cups – One month

Two of Cups – Two months

Three of Cups – Three months

Four of Cups – Four months

Five of Cups – Five months

Six of Cups – Six months

Seven of Cups – Seven months

Eight of Cups – Eight months

Nine of Cups – Nine months

Ten of Cups – Ten months

Page of Cups – Very soon

Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March

Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July

King of Cups – End of October to most of November


Ace of Swords – One week

Two of Swords – Two weeks

Three of Swords – Three weeks

Four of Swords – Four weeks

Five of Swords – Five weeks

Six of Swords – Six weeks

Seven of Swords – Seven weeks

Eight of Swords – Eight weeks

Nine of Swords – Nine weeks

Ten of Swords – Ten weeks

Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes

Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June

Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October

King of Swords – End of January to most of February


Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)

Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)

Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)

Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)

Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)

Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)

Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)

Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)

Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)

Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)

Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while

Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September

Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January

King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May

To Help You Remember:

  1. Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
  2. Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
  3. Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
  4. Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
  5. The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
  6. The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
  • King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
  • Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
  • Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
  • King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
  • Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
  • Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
  • King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
  • Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
  • Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
  • King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
  • Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
  • Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)

Weighing of the Heart Spread

In Ancient Egypt (and now through Kemeticism), it is believed that when the deceased arrived in the Duat, their heart was weighed on a scale against a feather of Ma'at's in order to see if the person was worthy of to live forever in paradise (if not, their heart was devoured by Ammit).

This spread draws from that story, and lays out what you need to know about yourself and what you need to do in order to grow!

1. How do you currently see yourself?

This card touches on your idea of yourself- do you see yourself positively or negatively? What do you think of your current self?

2. What are you really like?

Following up on the first card, this card brings up what you are actually like, not just your self image. How does it vary from what you see?

3. What are you balancing?

What are you able to do in order to see yourself as you truly are? What do you need to do to "balance" those two view points?

4. What does your ideal self look like?

This card touches on what your "perfect" or "ideal" self, and how they would look or act.

5. What can you do to actually grow?

Finally, this card brings up what you need to focus on in order to grow from your current self into your ideal self.


Weekly Reflection Spread

Every Sunday, I like to reflect on my week, and gain insight on the week ahead. I came up with this spread to help!

  1. What can I learn from this past week?
  2. What can I let go of from this past week?
  3. What should I expect from the coming week?
  4. How can I show up for myself this coming week?

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼 Wild Plant Lore 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼

Some notes from my BOS of weeds / local plants that can be used in one's craft. Includes magickal correspondences, traditional uses (medicinal and culinary), and some of their folklore.

Disclaimer at the end !!


Acorns- the nuts of oak trees. They're made of one seed covered by a tough shell with a cap on top. These nuts can be eaten and are turned into flour to make breads and pastas. Much about acorns are unknown as they are mainly unused in everyday life, but we do know that they contain a high fiber content which has been used to treat bloating, diarrhea, stomach pains, and other digestive issues. Because these nuts come from oak trees they’ve been a symbol of great wisdom and longevity in many cultures such as Celtic and Nordic. Many people have worn necklaces with acorn charms on them to bring protection

• Protection, prosperity, growth, wisdom 


Warding Your Electronics

Warding your electronics can be of use, although not all practitioners do it or even deem it necessary. A lot of energy can be received and transmitted via the internet and social media. This is why warding your phone, tablet, or computer can help. Here are some helpful hints to keep yourself energetically protected with your electronics

  • Put a protection sigil on your Wi-Fi router. This can transmit protection to all electronics connected to the Wi-Fi signal being received by your devices. Instant protection for all devices all at once. Cleanse your router every once in a while too, that may make a difference (not in your internet speed though, unfortunately). You could even place protective or intention-based crystals around your router for added protection/intention/magic.
  • Place an anti-gossip sigil in your phone case. This would work for a protection sigil, attraction, or anything else. It is directly in contact with your device so it can influence it and your presence on the apps you use. Make sure to make a copy of the sigil and burn it or energetically charge the single one you draw to activate it before use.
  • Hide runes or sigils in your phone background. I have done this with my tablet and just created a simple sigil for whatever I need and lower the opacity almost all the way down. I resize it and hide it in the image so it's not noticeable. Every time your device is charged, the sigil too will be charged. You can do this with phone backgrounds, laptop wallpapers, even pfp's!!! It's so easy and versatile.
  • For the love of the gods, please cleanse your devices every once in a while. Energy on your devices can get stagnant and affect you. Just a once over with incense or a bell or even your voice can cleanse it easily enough.
  • Make Emoji Spells in your Notes App or Twitter. This is much more of a Technomagic practice, but you can make spells with whatever emojis fit your intention. Set one emoji per word in your spell or even two per word, or whatever you want. Type it in the notes app, press save to enact the spell. Easy peasy done. You can even do this with your IG bio! Put an emoji spell in your IG bio or Tweet it to send the spell out and activate it.
  • Put your screen names in a jar. Not a bad curse jar, a protective jar. Write them on a piece of paper, fold it in towards you, shove it in the jar and put protective herbs and such in your spell jar. It can help keep your online presence protected. You can do this with any intention, obviously, but protection is a big one.

What's really in that witch's cauldron?

Folk names for herbs

Ass' Ear- Comfrey

Bat's Wing- Holly Leaves

Beard Of Monk- Chicory

Bear's Foot- Lady's Mantle

Bird's Eye- Germander or Speedwell

Blind Eyes- Poppy

Blood From a Head- Lupine

Blood Of Ares- Purslane

Blood Of Hestia- Chamomile

Bloody Fingers- Foxglove

Calf's Snout- Snapdragon

Cat's Foot- Ground Ivy

Crow's Foot- Wood Anemone

Devil's Ear- Jack In The Pulpit

Devil's Plaything- Yarrow

Dew Of the Sea- Rosemary

Dog's Mouth- Snapdragon

Dragon's Teeth- Vervain

Elf Leaf- Lavender

Englishman's Foot- Common Plantain

Fairy Eggs- Nutmeg

Flower Of Death- Vinca

Goose Tongue- Lemon Balm

Graveyard Dust- Mullein

Hawk's Heart- Wormwood

Juno's Tears- Vervain

Jupiter's Beard- Sempervivums

Lion's Foot- Lady's Mantle

Little Faces- Viola

Man's Bile- Turnip Sap

Mortification Root- Rose of Sharyn

Nose Of Turtle- Turtlehead, Chelone

Nosebleed- Yarrow

Our Lady's Tears- Lily Of The Valley

Old Man's Flannel- Mullein

Ram's Head- Valerian

Scale Of Dragon- Tarragon

Semen Of Ares- White Clover

Semen Of Hermes- Dill

Serpent's Tongue- Dog's Tooth Violet

Sparrow's Tongue- Knotweed

Tree Of Doom- Elder

Unicorn Root- Boneset

Weasel Snout- Yellow Archangel

Wool Of Bat- Moss

Body Parts as Plants:

Eye- Blossom or Seed

Heart- Bud or Seed

Beak, Bill or Nose- Seed, Bud or Bloom

Tongue or Teeth- Petal or Leaf

Head- Blossom

Tail- Stem

Hair- Dried Herbs or Stringy Parts Of Herbs

Privates, Genitals Or Semen- Seeds Or Sap

Blood- Sap

Guts- Roots or Stalk

Paw, Foot, Leg, Wing or Toe- Leaves

Animals as Plants:

Toad- Sage

Cat- Catmint

Dog- Grasses, Specifically Couchgrass

Frog- Cinquefoil

Eagle- Wild Garlic

Blue Jay- Laurel

Hawk- Hawkweed

Lamb-Wild Lettuce

Nightengale- Hops

Rat- Valerian

Weasel- Rue

Woodpecker- Peony

I borrowed this from:


The Play’s The Thing - Shakespearean Witchcraft

Having issues writing an incantation? Need something to spice up your next spell? Why not try a little Shakespeare?

The Bard’s weighty folio includes numerous references to witches, magic, sorcery, and all kinds of otherwordly goings-on in his plays. We’re all familiar with the good old “Double, double, toil and trouble” scene from Macbeth (Act 4, Scene 1), but there’s much more inspiration to be had.

Lady Macbeth’s Revenge Soliloquy, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 5

“Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts…”

The Witches Curse A Sailor, Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 3

“And like a rat without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do…”

Prospero’s Threat of Confinement, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“If thou more murmur'st, I will rend an oak And peg thee in his knotty entrails till Thou hast howl’d away twelve winters.”

The Exchange Between Caliban and Prospero, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“As wicked dew as e'er my mother brush’d With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen…”

Prospero’s Threat of Disarming, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2

“Put thy sword up, traitor…”

Iris Appeals to the Goddess Ceres, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Ceres, most bounteous lady, thy rich leas Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats and pease…”

Ceres Gives A Blessing of Abundance, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Earth’s increase, foison plenty, Barns and garners never empty…”

Prospero Ends The Revels, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Our revels now are ended…”

Prospero Speaks of Caliban, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“A devil, a born devil…”

Prospero Sets Spirit Hounds On Caliban’s Band, The Tempest, Act 4, Scene 1

“Go charge, my goblins…”

Prospero Summons Nature Spirits, The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1

“Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves…”

Oberon Explains The Love-Herb, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 2, Scene 1

“That very time I saw (but thou couldst not) Flying between the cold moon and the earth, Cupid, all arm’d; a certain aim he took…”
[The love-herb, incidentally, is a pansy blossom.]
“For night’s swift dragons cut the clouds full fast, And yonder shines Aurora’s harbinger…”
“O weary night, O long and tedious night…”

This is FAR from a complete listing; in fact, I’ve only gone through the three plays best known for their association with magic and witchcraft. There are lots more to go through, and even the serious plays have plenty of arguments and insults that would make great fodder for witchery.

Have a go at your own favorite Shakespearean title, and see what you come up with!

Bringing this back for funsies. Enjoy!


Fairy Tale Spells by Bree NicGarran

Fairy tales have always been with us. Apart from teaching moral lessons and practical cautions, they remain a source of wonder and inspiration that persists even in a modern age dominated by technology.

There is magic in these tales as well - spells and charms that aid the worthy and conquer obstacles, heal the ailing and bring wealth to the poor, thwart the wicked and exact terrible revenge, or grant someone their hearts' desire and make their dearest wishes come true.

I have created over a hundred such spells, inspired by the tales recorded by the Brothers Grimm and the folklore collected by Andrew Lang. One volume was published back in 2017 and another is forthcoming. If you're curious (and maybe a little bit daring), here are some previews of the spells to be found in the pages of The Sisters Grimmoire.

After all, who couldn’t use a bit of Happily Ever After?

The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I

The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II (forthcoming)

You can find more spells from The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. I and potion and powder recipes from Pestlework by checking out the mid-month minisodes of Hex Positive, available on your favorite podcast platform.

All of my titles can be found on Amazon or ordered from the Willow Wings Witch Shop. (If you'd like to see them in your local witch shop, feel free to give the proprietor my contact information!)

If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar! 😊


Self Care and Self Love - But, Make It Magical

If you're like me, you may have a very difficult time with very basic self-care activities and practicing witchcraft regularly. Because of depression, I often have a difficult time motivating myself to care for myself simply and cultivate my craft because I deserve it. So, I try to incorporate magic and deities into it to give me a boost of motivation. Here are some of the things I do and feel free to add your own!

Please note that this is all my own unverified personal gnosis.


  • Dedicate your meal prep and cooking to your domestic/agrarian diety. I typically dedicate my meal prep and cooking in general to Hestia and Dionysus. Hestia being the domestic goddess; I associate Dionysus with decadence and pleasure, so I honor him by making delicious, higher quality, more nutritious meals.
  • Make your food a spell. Plan your spices and ingredients accordingly. Food is a medicine; don't underestimate the intentions and power of your food as a spell. I find these "spells" are exceptionally powerful when trying to influence your personality, beauty, and behavior. For example, a glamor or beauty spell made with foods associated with beauty. My favorite is a salad bowl with quinoa, avocado, sweet potato, and tomatoes - ingredients all associated with healthy skin and youthfulness.
  • Drink water. Honestly, it's the stuff of life. How rejuvenating is water? It also has so many magical associations and properties. Various water deities, it's a natural element, it is cleansing, etc. Staying hydrated will make you feel magical.


  • Skincare! Washing, moisturizing, and sunscreen! But, now it's dedicated to the deity of love and beauty. You may also want to say a prayer over your products, or perhaps cast a glamour or other spell on them. I always wash my face immediately after work as I feel the cleansing of the face is very energetically cleansing.
  • Showering/bathing. Easy cleansing. Also, a great time to harness the energy of water, manifest, commune with water deities or spirits, and meditate.
  • Use scented soap, lotion, etc to your advantage. Use scents that have a correspondence that resonates with you. I love doing this and as a rule, I have different scents for times when I'm at work and when I'm at home. While at work, I prefer energizing scents like citrus or mints. While at home, I prefer sultry or soothing scents like sandalwood or lavender. You can also dedicate the use of a certain scent to specific deities, such as sandalwood being associated with Aphrodite.


  • Spend time truly relaxing and doing nothing else. Rest, watch TV, listen to music, anything that is your equivalent of being switched off. For me, this is a time to connect with deities like Hypnos and Pasithea, or even Eriene. You can even watch shows that you think certain deities would like. Don't feel guilty about doing this. Everyone needs rest. Sometimes I envision my figurative battery recharging. I find this time very important for replenishing energy expelled in mundane and magical activities.
  • Work on your hobbies. Whatever your hobby, you will certainly be able to find some diety to dedicate the time to, or perhaps the product. Hobbies can be a great way to make "sacrifices" to your deities. Depending on your hobby, you can also listen to audiobooks and podcasts that help you learn about witchcraft or paganism. Also depending on your hobby, you may infuse it with magic. For example, you can find many spells involving weaving or knotting if you use yarn or fabric in your hobby. Hobbies have sooo many possibilities for magic.
  • Exercise. This one is really difficult for me as I really do not like to exercise on my work days, but I work five days a week. However, exercising can be extremely meditative and euphoric. It is a great time to connect with your body, practice controlling your mind, and learn/increase your limits. I find that, personally, exercise is also a good time for shadowwork and introspection. Furthermore, I'm Hellenic, and events like the Olympics are highly associated with Hellenism. So, I've been trying to really associate caring for my body and pursuing fitness as a divine undertaking.

Mental Health

  • Enjoy the nature around you. Enjoy the natural plants, enjoy trees, birds, the air, storms, etc. Anything that makes you feel connected to the world around you. To me, this is a significant way to replenish and grow my energy. Spending time in nature is really good for our mental health - this will make you a more focused witch. More focus = better casting, manifestation, etc. You can even combine the outdoors with exercise.
  • Harness your emotions. You aren't going to feel good all the time, you aren't going to feel bad all the time. However, every emotion is valid and carries power/energy. If you're mad, do the hex you've been wanting to do - it will be stronger than ever. If you're happy and finding love and humor in the world - abundance spells and manifestation will be enhanced. Don't be afraid of your emotions. Using them in magic is a great way to confront them directly and learn to be comfortable with having a full range of emotions. I've noticed many people are taught that anger, for example, is bad and many of those people grow up to be uncomfortable with negative emotions.
  • Journal, especially gratitude journals. Honestly, life-changing, but for me, very hard to commit to. I try to use this time to also speak with and receive messages from my deities. Also to connect with and understand my subconscious more. You can even incorporate this into your grimoire. I often look for themes in my journal entries that lead me to cast spells or direct my research. I use this space to also track the patterns I've been seeing which helps with discernment; recognizing the difference between my mind grasping at straws, coincidences, and signs.

i really wish more witches and practitioners talked about the different types of energy and how you can use them. yeah sure theres the basic elemental energies and everyone knows about using “light” and “imagine a ball of light” and whatnot. but did you know you can use shadows? did you know you could use atoms specifically? did you know you could use colors? the void? the universe? stars? were you know that anything that has energy, can be used in energy work?? because when i was a novice, i didn’t. and it made me sad/disconnected because the whole “imagine a white light protecting you” didn’t resonate with me well. but what did was the abundant scale of color, and usage of shadows and darkness.


You can also use sounds. Music.

The “white light” idea never quite vibed with me either.

Ring of rainbow colors, wall of fire, and fog of pink smoke, on the other hand, are my jam. 🌈🔥💖

‘white light’ never worked for me either. when it comes to energy , it helped to visualize a color associated with what i was doing it for. like moving it from point a to point b was always a blue-ish reddish-purple that moved like water.

for protection i felt like what is light going to actually do so i definitely second the using sound / music. i used to use it all the time to keep shades at a distance

in my experience , using shadows works wonders if you want to hide something (even in plain sight).

Just to give people some ideas, here’s an incomplete list of the types of energy I’ve used or drawn on in my practice:

  • Solar
  • Lunar
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Life (personal)
  • Life (group)
  • Life (plant)
  • Earth
  • Wind
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Heat
  • Cold
  • Storm
  • Sound (music)
  • Sound (voice)
  • Cosmic (void)
  • Cosmic (gravity)
  • Kinetic (motion)
  • Magnetic (both attracting and repelling)

Point is, you’ve got options!


Small Things To Contact Spirits About

…If you want to flex your communication muscles but don’t want to be cutting deals or making things complicated for now. Just little things to try.

  • Let me hear a love story
  • Show me a song from your people
  • Tell me something you did today that you are proud of
  • Let me draw a portrait of you
  • Tell me a little about your culture
  • Ask me any questions you may have about human culture (and I will answer them, if I can.)
  • Look at this song/story/poem I wrote, tell me what you think.
  • Tell me my local reputation, if I have one.
  • Tell me your story (and if desired, I will record it and pass it on for more to see.)
  • Share a joke.
  • Let me admire your beauty/grace/powerful appearance/plumage/scales/wings/great personality
  • Tell me about your friends
  • What is your one big token of advice?
  • Teach me how to make my home more welcoming for you (while still being safe for me.)
My sigil book

My mother gave me this book on my birthday a few years back. I absolutely fell in love with it. For the longest time I didn't know what to do with it but now that I've gotten into my craft I thought this would be absolutely perfect for my sigils and it has been!


Tea/Coffee Readings

How To

You need to find a cup with a wide brim that’s light in colour, find a wide saucer. Pour in lose tea leaves/coffee (you can buy loose tea leaves or rip open a tea bag) into you cup and add boiling water (Do Not add milk) Drink your tea/coffee while thinking about your question, if you dont like tea/coffee take a few sips. When you are finished drinking take the cup in your dominant hand and place your non-dominant handover the top of your cup. Turn the cup tree times in a clockwise direction. Pour any remaining water down the sink. Place the cup upside down on the saucer or a napkin and turn it clockwise three times, turn the cup over look for the leaves that have taken shapes. When you have finished your reading it is customary to turn your cup over, place your index finger on the base of your cup and make a wish

Meanings  You can twist and turn the cup for new angles to find symbols in your cup, the closer the symbol is to the rim of the cup the sooner it will happen. the further down the longer it will take, tea reading can only predict up to a year. symbols at the bottom of your cup will take almost a whole year to take effect. Common Shapes

Abbey Freedom from worry Ace of Clubs A letter Ace of Diamonds A present Ace of Hearts Happiness Ace of Spades A large Building Acorn Financial Success Aircraft Sudden Journey Alligator An accident Anchor Success in business and romance Angel Good news Ankle Instability  Ant success through perseverance Anvil conscientious effort Apple Business achievement Arc Ill health, accidents Arrow Bad News Axe Difficulties and troubles that will be overcome Bat False Friends Bath Disappointment Bayonet A minor accident Beans Poverty Bear A Journey  Bed Inertia Bee Good news Beehive Prosperity  Beetle Scandal Bell Unexpected news Bellows Setbacks Bird Good news Birdcage Obstacles, quarrels Bird’s Nest Domestic harmony  Bishop Good luck coming Boat Visit from a friend Book Open Expect legal actions, future success Boomerang Envy Boot Achievement Bottle Pleasure Bouquet Love and happiness Bow Scandal, gossip Box Romantic troubles solved Bracelet Marriage Branch With Leaves A birth Bread Avoid waste Broom Small worries disappear Buckle Disappointments ahead Building A move Bull Quarrels Bush New Friends Butterfly Frivolity  Baby Pregnancy, something new Ball Completion  Butterfly Transition  Cab Disappointment Cabbage Jealousy  Cage A Proposal Camel Useful news Candle Help from others Cannon news from a solider  Cap Trouble ahead- be Careful  Car Good fortune  Cart Success in business  Castle Financial gain through marriage  Cat A quarrel Cattle Prosperity  Chain An engagement or wedding Chair An unexpected guest  Cherries A happy love affair Chessmen Difficulties ahead Chimney Hidden risks Church Ceremony Unexpected money Cigar New friends Circle Success, a wedding Claw A hidden enemy  Clock Avoid delay, think of the future  Clouds Trouble ahead Clover Prosperity  Coat A parting, an end of a friendship  Coffin Bad news Coin Repayment of debts Collar Dependence on others for success and happiness Column Promotion Comb Deceit Comet An unexpected visitor  Compass Travel, a change of job Corkscrew Curiosity causing trouble Crab An enemy  Crescent A journey Cross Trouble, ill health  Crown Honour, success Cup Reward for effort Curtain A secret  Cymbal Insincere love China engagement  Chair A guest  Clock Better Health  Daffodil Great Happiness Dagger Danger ahead, enemies  Daisy Happiness in love  Dancer Disappointment Deer A dispute or quarrel Desk Letter containing good news Devil Evil influences  Dish Quarrel at home  Dog good friends  Donkey be patient  Door Strange occurrence Dot money Dove Good fortune  Dragon Unforeseen changes, trouble  Drum Scandal, gossip, a new job, argument Duck money coming in Dustpan Strange news about a friend  Eagle a change for the better Ear unexpected news Earrings misunderstanding Easel artistic success Egg Prosperity  Eggcup Danger is passing  Elephant Wisdom, strength  Engine news is on its way fast  Envelope good news  Eye overcoming difficulties, take care Face setback Fairy joy and enchantment  Fan Flirtation  Feather Instability  Feet An important decision Fence limitation Fern Disloyalty  Fir Artistic success Fire achievement Fireplace Matters related to your home  Fish Good fortune in all things, health, wealth and happiness Fist An argument  Flag Danger ahead Flower Wish coming true Fly Domestic irritations Font A birth Fork A false friend, flattery  Forked line Decision to be made Fountain Future success and happiness Fox A deceitful friend  Frog Success through a change of home or job Fruit Prosperity Gallows Social Failure  Garden roller Difficulties ahead Garland Success, great honour Gate Opportunity, future happiness Geese invitations, unexpected visitors Giraffe Think before you speak Glass Integrity  Glove A challenge Goat enemies Gondola Romance, travel Gramophone Pleasure Grapes Happiness Grasshopper News from a friend  Greyhound Good fortune  Guitar Happiness in love  Gun Trouble, quarrels Hammer Overcoming obstacles Hand Friendship Handcuffs Trouble ahead Hare News of a friend Harp Harmony in love Hat A new occupation  Hawk Sudden Danger, jealousy  Head New opportunities  Heart Love and marriage, a trustworthy friend Heather Good fortune  Hen Domestic Bliss Hill Obstacles, setback Hoe Hard work leading to success Holly An important occurrence in the winter  Horn Abundance  Horse Galloping Good news from a lover Horseshoe Good Luck Hourglass A decision that must be made  House Security  Iceberg Danger initials Usually those of people you known to you  ink pot A letter insect Minor problems soon overcome Ivy leaf Reliable friend Jester Party or social Gathering jewelry A present jug Gaining in importance, good health Kangaroo Domestic Harmony  Kettle Minor Illness Key New opportunities Keyhole Beware of idle curiosity  King A powerful ally Kite Wishes coming true  Knife Broken relationship  Ladder Promotion Lamp Money Leaf Prosperity, good fortune Leopard News of a journey  Letter News Lighthouse Trouble threatening Lines straight and clear Progress, journey  Lines wavy Uncertainty, disappointment  Line slanting Business failure Lion Influential friends Lock Obstacles in your path Loop Impulsive actions could bring trouble  Man A visitor  Map Travel and change  Mask Deception  Medal A reward Mermaid Temptation  Monkey A flattering mischief-maker Monster Terror  Monument Lasting happiness Moon Full A love affair  Mountain Obstacles, high ambition  Mouse Theft Mushroom Growth, setback Music Good fortune Nail Malice Necklace complete Admirers Necklace broken The end of a relationship  Needle Admiration  Net A Trap Numbers Indicate a timescale, the number of days before an event occurs Nun Quarantine Nurse Illness Nutcrackers Difficulty is passing Oak Good fortune Oar A small worry, help in difficulties Octopus danger Opera Glasses A quarrel, loss of a friend Ostrich Travel Owl Gossip  Oyster Courtship, acquired riches Padlock open A surprise Padlock Closed A warning Palm Tree Success, honour, happiness in love Parachute Escape from danger Parasol A new lover Parcel A surprise Parrot A scandal, a journey Peacock Riches Pear Comfort Pentagon Intellectual Balance Pepper A troublesome secret Pig Material success Pigeon sitting An improvement in trade Pigeon Flying Important news Pillar Supportive friends Pipe Thoughts, solution to a problem, keep an open mind Pistol Danger Pitchfork Quarrels Policeman Secret enemy  Pump Generosity Purse Profit Pyramid Success Question Mark Hesitancy, caution  Rabbit Timidity, be brave Railway Long journey Rainbow Happiness, prosperity Rake Be organised Rat Treachery  Raven Bad News Razor Quarrels, partings Reptiles Treacherous friend Rider Hasty news Ring Completion Rocks Difficulties Rose Popularity  Saucepan Anxieties Saw Interfering outsider Scales A lawsuit Scepter Power, authority  Scissors Domestic arguments, separation Scythe Danger Shamrock Good Luck, wish coming true Sheep Good fortune Shell Good news Ship Successful journey  Shoe A change for the better Sickle Disappointment in love Signpost Draws attention to the symbol to which it points to Skeleton Loss of money, ill health Snake Hatred, an enemy  Spade Hard work leads to success Spider Determined and persistent. money coming Spoon Generosity  Square A symbol of protection, comfort, peace Squirrel Prosperity, after a hard time Star Good health Steeple Slight delay, bad luck Steps An improvement in life Sun Happiness, success, power Swallow Decisiveness, unexpected journeys Swan Smooth progress, contented life Sword Disappointment, quarrels Table Social gathering Teapot Committee meeting  Telephone Forgetfulness causes trouble Telescope Adventure Tent Travel Thimble Domestic changes Toad Beware of flattery  Torch A turn fir the better  Tortoise Criticism Tower Opportunity, disappointment  Tree Changes for the better  Triangle Something unexpected  Trunk A long journey, fateful decisions  Umbrella Annoyances  Unicorn A secret wedding  Urn Wealth, happiness Vase A friend in need Vegetables unhappiness followed by contentment  Violin Egotism  Volcano Emotions out of control Vulture Loss, theft, an enemy in authority  Wagon A wedding Walking Stick a visitor  Wasp trouble in love  Waterfall prosperity  Weather Vane a difficulty, indecisiveness Whale business success Wheel  good fortune Wheelbarrow  a meeting with an old friend  Windmill  business success Window open good luck through a friend  Window closed disappointment through a friend  Wings messages Wishbone a wish granted  Wolf Jealousy, selfishness Woman Pleasure Worms Scandal Wreath Happiness ahead Yacht Pleasure Yoke Being dominated  Zebra Overseas adventure Triangles Good Karma  Squares Use caution Circles great success  Letters Usually refer to friends, family, and people you know Numbers indicates time, months and years