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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Small Things To Contact Spirits About


…If you want to flex your communication muscles but don’t want to be cutting deals or making things complicated for now. Just little things to try.

  • Let me hear a love story
  • Show me a song from your people
  • Tell me something you did today that you are proud of
  • Let me draw a portrait of you
  • Tell me a little about your culture
  • Ask me any questions you may have about human culture (and I will answer them, if I can.)
  • Look at this song/story/poem I wrote, tell me what you think.
  • Tell me my local reputation, if I have one.
  • Tell me your story (and if desired, I will record it and pass it on for more to see.)
  • Share a joke.
  • Let me admire your beauty/grace/powerful appearance/plumage/scales/wings/great personality
  • Tell me about your friends
  • What is your one big token of advice?
  • Teach me how to make my home more welcoming for you (while still being safe for me.)

Originally posted by krobelus


I’m not entirely happy with it yet; might take another hour or so with extra fine sandpaper. But I made myself a historical bone needle and have two more rough ones roughed out and drilled. Threaded it with linen thread just to do a couple stitches on linen and see how it works.


Step 1; get deer leg bone. Or cow. Or any mammal, really. Needles made from the bones of your enemies would be pretty cool. 

Step 2; get the dremel, some saw blades, some sandpaper wheels, and some diamond cutting weels. Also get some 1/32nd drill bits for drilling the holes. 

Step 3; Cut a chunk off the deer bone with the saw blade the length you want the needles. Wear respratory protection; this gets dusty. And, of course, eye protection. 

Step 4; switch to diamond cutting wheel for greater delicacy, cut chunk into as many needles as you feel you can get from that bit. 

Step 5; switch to drill bit. Very carefully drill hole for thread in each blank. 

Step 6; switch to sandpaper bit. Start sanding the blank into shape.

Step 7; once you have it smoothed down into shape and just need to do final truing up and smoothing, switch to extra fine sandpaper wrapped around a dowel. Carefully sand away until finished. Still working on this bit tbh. 

And that’s how you make a bone needle because the cheapest on etsy was $40 and you have Chronic Crafting Disease, AKA ‘I bet I could make that’


can the bone be whittled or shaved down with a razor to make a finer point?

I am trying to refrain from experimenting because I do not have the space for another project.

… also this is actually good story research now that I think about it. Oh lord I have another project for the future don’t I?


It could, but TBH this goes through cloth just fine. (Tested on denim, cotton, linen, and wool broadcloth) and a finer point I fear would snap off. 


It’s JUST over an inch and a half long and 2 mm thick at its thickest point. Think I can get that down to 1 mm thick with some more time sanding. Though, should note, this is in line with historical archeological finds for size as-is. 


just a reminder that there’s so much more that we still don’t know about ourselves and that’s what makes life so beautiful. next year you could find your next favorite musician or fall in love with someone you haven’t even met yet. you might see a new shade of green that will become your new favorite color or you could become obsessed with a new food that you thought you once hated. we change as life goes on. we grow as life changes. our experiences shape us into a new person. it’s beautiful.